Source code for GPy.testing.linalg_test

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from ..util.linalg import jitchol,trace_dot, ijk_jlk_to_il, ijk_ljk_to_ilk

[docs]class LinalgTests(np.testing.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): #Create PD matrix A = np.random.randn(20,100) self.A = #compute Eigdecomp vals, vectors = np.linalg.eig(self.A) #Set smallest eigenval to be negative with 5 rounds worth of jitter vals[vals.argmin()] = 0 default_jitter = 1e-6*np.mean(vals) vals[vals.argmin()] = -default_jitter*(10**3.5) self.A_corrupt = (vectors * vals).dot(vectors.T)
[docs] def test_jitchol_success(self): """ Expect 5 rounds of jitter to be added and for the recovered matrix to be identical to the corrupted matrix apart from the jitter added to the diagonal """ L = jitchol(self.A_corrupt, maxtries=5) A_new = diff = A_new - self.A_corrupt np.testing.assert_allclose(diff, np.eye(A_new.shape[0])*np.diag(diff).mean(), atol=1e-13)
[docs] def test_jitchol_failure(self): try: """ Expecting an exception to be thrown as we expect it to require 5 rounds of jitter to be added to enforce PDness """ jitchol(self.A_corrupt, maxtries=4) return False except sp.linalg.LinAlgError: return True
[docs] def test_trace_dot(self): N = 5 A = np.random.rand(N,N) B = np.random.rand(N,N) trace = np.trace( test_trace = trace_dot(A,B) np.testing.assert_allclose(trace,test_trace,atol=1e-13)
[docs] def test_einsum_ij_jlk_to_ilk(self): A = np.random.randn(15, 150, 5) B = np.random.randn(150, 50, 5) pure = np.einsum('ijk,jlk->il', A, B) quick = ijk_jlk_to_il(A,B) np.testing.assert_allclose(pure, quick)
[docs] def test_einsum_ijk_ljk_to_ilk(self): A = np.random.randn(150, 20, 5) B = np.random.randn(150, 20, 5) #B = A.copy() pure = np.einsum('ijk,ljk->ilk', A, B) quick = ijk_ljk_to_ilk(A,B) np.testing.assert_allclose(pure, quick)