Source code for GPy.testing.likelihood_tests

# Copyright (c) 2014, Alan Saul
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)
import numpy as np
import unittest
import GPy
from GPy.models import GradientChecker
import functools
import inspect
from GPy.likelihoods import link_functions
from functools import partial
fixed_seed = 7

[docs]def dparam_partial(inst_func, *args): """ If we have a instance method that needs to be called but that doesn't take the parameter we wish to change to checkgrad, then this function will change the variable using set params. inst_func: should be a instance function of an object that we would like to change param: the param that will be given to set_params args: anything else that needs to be given to the function (for example the f or Y that are being used in the function whilst we tweak the param """ def param_func(param_val, param_name, inst_func, args): #inst_func.__self__._set_params(param) #inst_func.__self__.add_parameter(Param(param_name, param_val)) inst_func.__self__[param_name] = param_val return inst_func(*args) return functools.partial(param_func, inst_func=inst_func, args=args)
[docs]def dparam_checkgrad(func, dfunc, params, params_names, args, constraints=None, randomize=False, verbose=False): """ checkgrad expects a f: R^N -> R^1 and df: R^N -> R^N However if we are holding other parameters fixed and moving something else We need to check the gradient of each of the fixed parameters (f and y for example) seperately, whilst moving another parameter. Otherwise f: gives back R^N and df: gives back R^NxM where M is The number of parameters and N is the number of data Need to take a slice out from f and a slice out of df """ print("\n{} likelihood: {} vs {}".format(func.__self__.__class__.__name__, func.__name__, dfunc.__name__)) partial_f = dparam_partial(func, *args) partial_df = dparam_partial(dfunc, *args) gradchecking = True zipped_params = zip(params, params_names) for param_ind, (param_val, param_name) in enumerate(zipped_params): #Check one parameter at a time, make sure it is 2d (as some gradients only return arrays) then strip out the parameter f_ = partial_f(param_val, param_name) df_ = partial_df(param_val, param_name) #Reshape it such that we have a 3d matrix incase, that is we want it (?, N, D) regardless of whether ? is num_params or not f_ = f_.reshape(-1, f_.shape[0], f_.shape[1]) df_ = df_.reshape(-1, f_.shape[0], f_.shape[1]) #Get the number of f and number of dimensions fnum = f_.shape[-2] fdim = f_.shape[-1] dfnum = df_.shape[-2] for fixed_val in range(dfnum): #dlik and dlik_dvar gives back 1 value for each f_ind = min(fnum, fixed_val+1) - 1 print("fnum: {} dfnum: {} f_ind: {} fixed_val: {}".format(fnum, dfnum, f_ind, fixed_val)) #Make grad checker with this param moving, note that set_params is NOT being called #The parameter is being set directly with __setattr__ #Check only the parameter and function value we wish to check at a time #func = lambda p_val, fnum, fdim, param_ind, f_ind, param_ind: partial_f(p_val, param_name).reshape(-1, fnum, fdim)[param_ind, f_ind, :] #dfunc_dparam = lambda d_val, fnum, fdim, param_ind, fixed_val: partial_df(d_val, param_name).reshape(-1, fnum, fdim)[param_ind, fixed_val, :] #First we reshape the output such that it is (num_params, N, D) then we pull out the relavent parameter-findex and checkgrad just this index at a time func = lambda p_val: partial_f(p_val, param_name).reshape(-1, fnum, fdim)[param_ind, f_ind, :] dfunc_dparam = lambda d_val: partial_df(d_val, param_name).reshape(-1, fnum, fdim)[param_ind, fixed_val, :] grad = GradientChecker(func, dfunc_dparam, param_val, [param_name]) if constraints is not None: for constrain_param, constraint in constraints: if grad.grep_param_names(constrain_param): constraint(constrain_param, grad) else: print("parameter didn't exist") print(constrain_param, " ", constraint) if randomize: grad.randomize() if verbose: print(grad) grad.checkgrad(verbose=1) if not grad.checkgrad(verbose=True): gradchecking = False if not grad.checkgrad(verbose=True): gradchecking = False return gradchecking
from import with_setup
[docs]class TestNoiseModels(object): """ Generic model checker """
[docs] def setUp(self): np.random.seed(fixed_seed) self.N = 15 self.D = 3 self.X = np.random.rand(self.N, self.D)*10 self.real_std = 0.1 noise = np.random.randn(*self.X[:, 0].shape)*self.real_std self.Y = (np.sin(self.X[:, 0]*2*np.pi) + noise)[:, None] self.f = np.random.rand(self.N, 1) self.binary_Y = np.asarray(np.random.rand(self.N) > 0.5,[:, None] self.binary_Y[self.binary_Y == 0.0] = -1.0 self.positive_Y = np.exp(self.Y.copy()) tmp = np.round(self.X[:, 0]*3-3)[:, None] + np.random.randint(0,3, self.X.shape[0])[:, None] self.integer_Y = np.where(tmp > 0, tmp, 0) self.ns = np.random.poisson(50, size=self.N)[:, None] p = np.abs(np.cos(2*np.pi*self.X + np.random.normal(scale=.2, size=(self.N, self.D)))).mean(1) self.binomial_Y = np.array([np.random.binomial(int(self.ns[i]), p[i]) for i in range(p.shape[0])])[:, None] self.var = 0.2 self.deg_free = 4.0 censored = np.zeros_like(self.Y) random_inds = np.random.choice(self.N, int(self.N / 2), replace=True) censored[random_inds] = 1 self.Y_metadata = dict() self.Y_metadata['censored'] = censored self.Y_metadata['output_index'] = np.zeros((self.N,1), dtype=int) self.Y_metadata2 = dict() self.Y_metadata2['censored'] = censored inds = np.zeros((self.N,1), dtype=int) inds[5:10] = 1 inds[10:] = 2 self.Y_metadata2['output_index'] = inds self.combY = self.Y self.combY[10:] = np.where(self.binary_Y[10:] >0, self.binary_Y[10:], 0) print(self.combY) #Make a bigger step as lower bound can be quite curved self.step = 1e-4 """ Dictionary where we nest models we would like to check Name: { "model": model_instance, "grad_params": { "names": [names_of_params_we_want, to_grad_check], "vals": [values_of_params, to_start_at], "constrain": [constraint_wrappers, listed_here] }, "laplace": boolean_of_whether_model_should_work_for_laplace, "ep": boolean_of_whether_model_should_work_for_laplace, "link_f_constraints": [constraint_wrappers, listed_here] } """ self.noise_models = {"Student_t_default": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.StudentT(deg_free=self.deg_free, sigma2=self.var), "grad_params": { "names": [".*t_scale2"], "vals": [self.var], "constraints": [(".*t_scale2", self.constrain_positive), (".*deg_free", self.constrain_fixed)] }, "laplace": True }, #"Student_t_deg_free": { #"model": GPy.likelihoods.StudentT(deg_free=self.deg_free, sigma2=self.var), #"grad_params": { #"names": [".*deg_free"], #"vals": [self.deg_free], #"constraints": [(".*t_scale2", self.constrain_fixed), (".*deg_free", self.constrain_positive)] #}, #"laplace": True #}, "Student_t_1_var": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.StudentT(deg_free=self.deg_free, sigma2=self.var), "grad_params": { "names": [".*t_scale2"], "vals": [1.0], "constraints": [(".*t_scale2", self.constrain_positive), (".*deg_free", self.constrain_fixed)] }, "laplace": True }, # FIXME: This is a known failure point, when the degrees of freedom # are very small, and the variance is relatively small, the # likelihood is log-concave and problems occur # "Student_t_small_deg_free": { # "model": GPy.likelihoods.StudentT(deg_free=1.5, sigma2=self.var), # "grad_params": { # "names": [".*t_scale2"], # "vals": [self.var], # "constraints": [(".*t_scale2", self.constrain_positive), (".*deg_free", self.constrain_fixed)] # }, # "laplace": True # }, "Student_t_small_var": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.StudentT(deg_free=self.deg_free, sigma2=self.var), "grad_params": { "names": [".*t_scale2"], "vals": [0.001], "constraints": [(".*t_scale2", self.constrain_positive), (".*deg_free", self.constrain_fixed)] }, "laplace": True }, "Student_t_large_var": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.StudentT(deg_free=self.deg_free, sigma2=self.var), "grad_params": { "names": [".*t_scale2"], "vals": [10.0], "constraints": [(".*t_scale2", self.constrain_positive), (".*deg_free", self.constrain_fixed)] }, "laplace": True }, "Student_t_approx_gauss": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.StudentT(deg_free=1000, sigma2=self.var), "grad_params": { "names": [".*t_scale2"], "vals": [self.var], "constraints": [(".*t_scale2", self.constrain_positive), (".*deg_free", self.constrain_fixed)] }, "laplace": True }, "Gaussian_default": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.Gaussian(variance=self.var), "grad_params": { "names": [".*variance"], "vals": [self.var], "constraints": [(".*variance", self.constrain_positive)] }, "laplace": True, "ep": False, # FIXME: Should be True when we have it working again "variational_expectations": True, }, "Gaussian_log": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.Gaussian(gp_link=link_functions.Log(), variance=self.var), "grad_params": { "names": [".*variance"], "vals": [self.var], "constraints": [(".*variance", self.constrain_positive)] }, "laplace": True, "variational_expectations": True }, #"Gaussian_probit": { #"model": GPy.likelihoods.gaussian(gp_link=link_functions.Probit(), variance=self.var, D=self.D, N=self.N), #"grad_params": { #"names": ["noise_model_variance"], #"vals": [self.var], #"constraints": [constrain_positive] #}, #"laplace": True #}, #"Gaussian_log_ex": { #"model": GPy.likelihoods.gaussian(gp_link=link_functions.Log_ex_1(), variance=self.var, D=self.D, N=self.N), #"grad_params": { #"names": ["noise_model_variance"], #"vals": [self.var], #"constraints": [constrain_positive] #}, #"laplace": True #}, "Bernoulli_default": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.Bernoulli(), "link_f_constraints": [partial(self.constrain_bounded, lower=0, upper=1)], "laplace": True, "Y": self.binary_Y, "ep": True, # FIXME: Should be True when we have it working again "variational_expectations": True }, "Exponential_default": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.Exponential(), "link_f_constraints": [self.constrain_positive], "Y": self.positive_Y, "laplace": True, }, "Poisson_default": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.Poisson(), "link_f_constraints": [self.constrain_positive], "Y": self.integer_Y, "laplace": True, "ep": False #Should work though... }, "Binomial_default": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.Binomial(), "link_f_constraints": [partial(self.constrain_bounded, lower=0, upper=1)], "Y": self.binomial_Y, "Y_metadata": {'trials': self.ns}, "laplace": True, }, "loglogistic_censored": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.LogLogistic(), "link_f_constraints": [self.constrain_positive], "Y": self.positive_Y, "Y_metadata": self.Y_metadata, "laplace": True }, "weibull_censored": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.Weibull(), "link_f_constraints": [self.constrain_positive], "Y": self.positive_Y, "Y_metadata": self.Y_metadata, "laplace": True }, "multioutput_default": { "model": GPy.likelihoods.MultioutputLikelihood([GPy.likelihoods.Gaussian(), GPy.likelihoods.Poisson(), GPy.likelihoods.Bernoulli()]), "link_f_constraints": [partial(self.constrain_bounded, lower=0, upper=1)], "laplace": True, "Y": self.combY, "Y_metadata": self.Y_metadata2, "ep": True, "variational_expectations": True, } #, #GAMMA needs some work!"Gamma_default": { #"model": GPy.likelihoods.Gamma(), #"link_f_constraints": [constrain_positive], #"Y": self.positive_Y, #"laplace": True #} }
#################################################### # Constraint wrappers so we can just list them off # ####################################################
[docs] def constrain_fixed(self, regex, model): model[regex].constrain_fixed()
[docs] def constrain_negative(self, regex, model): model[regex].constrain_negative()
[docs] def constrain_positive(self, regex, model): model[regex].constrain_positive()
[docs] def constrain_fixed_below(self, regex, model, up_to): model[regex][0:up_to].constrain_fixed()
[docs] def constrain_fixed_above(self, regex, model, above): model[regex][above:].constrain_fixed()
[docs] def constrain_bounded(self, regex, model, lower, upper): """ Used like: partial(constrain_bounded, lower=0, upper=1) """ model[regex].constrain_bounded(lower, upper)
[docs] def tearDown(self): self.Y = None self.f = None self.X = None
[docs] def test_scale2_models(self): self.setUp() for name, attributes in self.noise_models.items(): model = attributes["model"] if "grad_params" in attributes: params = attributes["grad_params"] param_vals = params["vals"] param_names= params["names"] param_constraints = params["constraints"] else: params = [] param_vals = [] param_names = [] constrain_positive = [] param_constraints = [] if "link_f_constraints" in attributes: link_f_constraints = attributes["link_f_constraints"] else: link_f_constraints = [] if "Y" in attributes: Y = attributes["Y"].copy() else: Y = self.Y.copy() if "f" in attributes: f = attributes["f"].copy() else: f = self.f.copy() if "Y_metadata" in attributes: Y_metadata = attributes["Y_metadata"].copy() else: Y_metadata = None if "laplace" in attributes: laplace = attributes["laplace"] else: laplace = False if "ep" in attributes: ep = attributes["ep"] else: ep = False if "variational_expectations" in attributes: var_exp = attributes["variational_expectations"] else: var_exp = False #if len(param_vals) > 1: #raise NotImplementedError("Cannot support multiple params in likelihood yet!") #Required by all #Normal derivatives yield self.t_logpdf, model, Y, f, Y_metadata yield self.t_dlogpdf_df, model, Y, f, Y_metadata yield self.t_d2logpdf_df2, model, Y, f, Y_metadata #Link derivatives yield self.t_dlogpdf_dlink, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, link_f_constraints yield self.t_d2logpdf_dlink2, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, link_f_constraints if laplace: #Laplace only derivatives yield self.t_d3logpdf_df3, model, Y, f, Y_metadata yield self.t_d3logpdf_dlink3, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, link_f_constraints #Params yield self.t_dlogpdf_dparams, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, param_vals, param_names, param_constraints yield self.t_dlogpdf_df_dparams, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, param_vals, param_names, param_constraints yield self.t_d2logpdf2_df2_dparams, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, param_vals, param_names, param_constraints #Link params yield self.t_dlogpdf_link_dparams, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, param_vals, param_names, param_constraints yield self.t_dlogpdf_dlink_dparams, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, param_vals, param_names, param_constraints yield self.t_d2logpdf2_dlink2_dparams, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, param_vals, param_names, param_constraints #laplace likelihood gradcheck yield self.t_laplace_fit_rbf_white, model, self.X, Y, f, Y_metadata, self.step, param_vals, param_names, param_constraints if ep: #ep likelihood gradcheck yield self.t_ep_fit_rbf_white, model, self.X, Y, f, Y_metadata, self.step, param_vals, param_names, param_constraints if var_exp: #Need to specify mu and var! yield self.t_varexp, model, Y, Y_metadata yield self.t_dexp_dmu, model, Y, Y_metadata yield self.t_dexp_dvar, model, Y, Y_metadata self.tearDown()
############# # dpdf_df's # #############
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_logpdf(self, model, Y, f, Y_metadata): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) print(model) #print model._get_params() np.testing.assert_almost_equal( model.pdf(f.copy(), Y.copy(), Y_metadata=Y_metadata).prod(), np.exp(model.logpdf(f.copy(), Y.copy(), Y_metadata=Y_metadata).sum()) )
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_dlogpdf_df(self, model, Y, f, Y_metadata): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) self.description = "\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3]) logpdf = functools.partial(np.sum(model.logpdf), y=Y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) dlogpdf_df = functools.partial(model.dlogpdf_df, y=Y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) grad = GradientChecker(logpdf, dlogpdf_df, f.copy(), 'g') grad.randomize() print(model) assert grad.checkgrad(verbose=1)
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_d2logpdf_df2(self, model, Y, f, Y_metadata): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) dlogpdf_df = functools.partial(model.dlogpdf_df, y=Y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) d2logpdf_df2 = functools.partial(model.d2logpdf_df2, y=Y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) grad = GradientChecker(dlogpdf_df, d2logpdf_df2, f.copy(), 'g') grad.randomize() print(model) assert grad.checkgrad(verbose=1)
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_d3logpdf_df3(self, model, Y, f, Y_metadata): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) d2logpdf_df2 = functools.partial(model.d2logpdf_df2, y=Y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) d3logpdf_df3 = functools.partial(model.d3logpdf_df3, y=Y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) grad = GradientChecker(d2logpdf_df2, d3logpdf_df3, f.copy(), 'g') grad.randomize() print(model) assert grad.checkgrad(verbose=1)
############## # df_dparams # ##############
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_dlogpdf_dparams(self, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, params, params_names, param_constraints): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) print(model) assert ( dparam_checkgrad(model.logpdf, model.dlogpdf_dtheta, params, params_names, args=(f, Y, Y_metadata), constraints=param_constraints, randomize=False, verbose=True) )
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_dlogpdf_df_dparams(self, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, params, params_names, param_constraints): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) print(model) assert ( dparam_checkgrad(model.dlogpdf_df, model.dlogpdf_df_dtheta, params, params_names, args=(f, Y, Y_metadata), constraints=param_constraints, randomize=False, verbose=True) )
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_d2logpdf2_df2_dparams(self, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, params, params_names, param_constraints): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) print(model) assert ( dparam_checkgrad(model.d2logpdf_df2, model.d2logpdf_df2_dtheta, params, params_names, args=(f, Y, Y_metadata), constraints=param_constraints, randomize=False, verbose=True) )
################ # dpdf_dlink's # ################
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_d2logpdf_dlink2(self, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, link_f_constraints): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) dlogpdf_dlink = functools.partial(model.dlogpdf_dlink, y=Y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) d2logpdf_dlink2 = functools.partial(model.d2logpdf_dlink2, y=Y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) grad = GradientChecker(dlogpdf_dlink, d2logpdf_dlink2, f.copy(), 'g') #Apply constraints to link_f values for constraint in link_f_constraints: constraint('g', grad) grad.randomize() print(grad) print(model) assert grad.checkgrad(verbose=1)
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_d3logpdf_dlink3(self, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, link_f_constraints): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) d2logpdf_dlink2 = functools.partial(model.d2logpdf_dlink2, y=Y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) d3logpdf_dlink3 = functools.partial(model.d3logpdf_dlink3, y=Y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) grad = GradientChecker(d2logpdf_dlink2, d3logpdf_dlink3, f.copy(), 'g') #Apply constraints to link_f values for constraint in link_f_constraints: constraint('g', grad) grad.randomize() print(grad) print(model) assert grad.checkgrad(verbose=1)
################# # dlink_dparams # #################
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_d2logpdf2_dlink2_dparams(self, model, Y, f, Y_metadata, params, param_names, param_constraints): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) print(model) assert ( dparam_checkgrad(model.d2logpdf_dlink2, model.d2logpdf_dlink2_dtheta, params, param_names, args=(f, Y, Y_metadata), constraints=param_constraints, randomize=False, verbose=True) )
################ # laplace test # ################
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_laplace_fit_rbf_white(self, model, X, Y, f, Y_metadata, step, param_vals, param_names, constraints): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) np.random.seed(111) #Normalize # Y = Y/Y.max() white_var = 1e-4 kernel = GPy.kern.RBF(X.shape[1]) + GPy.kern.White(X.shape[1]) laplace_likelihood = GPy.inference.latent_function_inference.Laplace() m = GPy.core.GP(X.copy(), Y.copy(), kernel, likelihood=model, Y_metadata=Y_metadata, inference_method=laplace_likelihood) m.kern.white.constrain_fixed(white_var) #Set constraints for constrain_param, constraint in constraints: constraint(constrain_param, m) m.randomize() #Set params for param_num in range(len(param_names)): name = param_names[param_num] m[name] = param_vals[param_num] try: assert m.checkgrad(verbose=0, step=step) except: assert m.checkgrad(verbose=1, step=step)
########### # EP test # ###########
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_ep_fit_rbf_white(self, model, X, Y, f, Y_metadata, step, param_vals, param_names, constraints): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) #Normalize # Y = Y/Y.max() white_var = 1e-4 kernel = GPy.kern.RBF(X.shape[1]) + GPy.kern.White(X.shape[1]) ep_inf = GPy.inference.latent_function_inference.EP(always_reset=True) m = GPy.core.GP(X.copy(), Y.copy(), kernel=kernel, likelihood=model, Y_metadata=Y_metadata, inference_method=ep_inf) m['.*white'].constrain_fixed(white_var) for param_num in range(len(param_names)): name = param_names[param_num] m[name] = param_vals[param_num] constraints[param_num](name, m) m.randomize() print(m) assert m.checkgrad(verbose=1, step=step)
################ # variational expectations # ################
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_varexp(self, model, Y, Y_metadata): #Test that the analytic implementation (if it exists) matches the generic gauss #hermite implementation print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) #Make mu and var (marginal means and variances of q(f)) draws from a GP k = GPy.kern.RBF(1).K(np.linspace(0,1,Y.shape[0])[:, None]) L = GPy.util.linalg.jitchol(k) mu =*Y.shape)) #Variance must be positive var = np.abs(*Y.shape))) + 0.01 expectation = model.variational_expectations(Y=Y, m=mu, v=var, gh_points=None, Y_metadata=Y_metadata)[0] #Implementation of gauss hermite integration shape = mu.shape gh_x, gh_w= np.polynomial.hermite.hermgauss(50) m,v,Y = mu.flatten(), var.flatten(), Y.flatten() #make a grid of points X = gh_x[None,:]*np.sqrt(2.*v[:,None]) + m[:,None] #evaluate the likelhood for the grid. First ax indexes the data (and mu, var) and the second indexes the grid. # broadcast needs to be handled carefully. logp = model.logpdf(X, Y[:,None], Y_metadata=Y_metadata) #average over the gird to get derivatives of the Gaussian's parameters #division by pi comes from fact that for each quadrature we need to scale by 1/sqrt(pi) expectation_gh =, gh_w)/np.sqrt(np.pi) expectation_gh = expectation_gh.reshape(*shape) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expectation, expectation_gh, decimal=5)
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_dexp_dmu(self, model, Y, Y_metadata): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) #Make mu and var (marginal means and variances of q(f)) draws from a GP k = GPy.kern.RBF(1).K(np.linspace(0,1,Y.shape[0])[:, None]) L = GPy.util.linalg.jitchol(k) mu =*Y.shape)) #Variance must be positive var = np.abs(*Y.shape))) + 0.01 expectation = functools.partial(model.variational_expectations, Y=Y, v=var, gh_points=None, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) #Function to get the nth returned value def F(mu): return expectation(m=mu)[0] def dmu(mu): return expectation(m=mu)[1] grad = GradientChecker(F, dmu, mu.copy(), 'm') grad.randomize() print(grad) print(model) assert grad.checkgrad(verbose=1)
[docs] @with_setup(setUp, tearDown) def t_dexp_dvar(self, model, Y, Y_metadata): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) #Make mu and var (marginal means and variances of q(f)) draws from a GP k = GPy.kern.RBF(1).K(np.linspace(0,1,Y.shape[0])[:, None]) L = GPy.util.linalg.jitchol(k) mu =*Y.shape)) #Variance must be positive var = np.abs(*Y.shape))) + 0.01 expectation = functools.partial(model.variational_expectations, Y=Y, m=mu, gh_points=None, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) #Function to get the nth returned value def F(var): return expectation(v=var)[0] def dvar(var): return expectation(v=var)[2] grad = GradientChecker(F, dvar, var.copy(), 'v') self.constrain_positive('v', grad) #grad.randomize() print(grad) print(model) assert grad.checkgrad(verbose=1)
[docs]class LaplaceTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Specific likelihood tests, not general enough for the above tests """
[docs] def setUp(self): np.random.seed(fixed_seed) self.N = 15 self.D = 1 self.X = np.random.rand(self.N, self.D)*10 self.real_std = 0.1 noise = np.random.randn(*self.X[:, 0].shape)*self.real_std self.Y = (np.sin(self.X[:, 0]*2*np.pi) + noise)[:, None] self.f = np.random.rand(self.N, 1) self.var = 0.2 self.var = np.random.rand(1) self.stu_t = GPy.likelihoods.StudentT(deg_free=5, sigma2=self.var) #TODO: gaussians with on Identity link. self.gauss = GPy.likelihoods.Gaussian(gp_link=link_functions.Log(), variance=self.var) self.gauss = GPy.likelihoods.Gaussian(variance=self.var) #Make a bigger step as lower bound can be quite curved self.step = 1e-6
[docs] def tearDown(self): self.stu_t = None self.gauss = None self.Y = None self.f = None self.X = None
[docs] def test_gaussian_d2logpdf_df2_2(self): print("\n{}".format(inspect.stack()[0][3])) self.Y = None self.N = 2 self.D = 1 self.X = np.linspace(0, self.D, self.N)[:, None] self.real_std = 0.2 noise = np.random.randn(*self.X.shape)*self.real_std self.Y = np.sin(self.X*2*np.pi) + noise self.f = np.random.rand(self.N, 1) dlogpdf_df = functools.partial(self.gauss.dlogpdf_df, y=self.Y) d2logpdf_df2 = functools.partial(self.gauss.d2logpdf_df2, y=self.Y) grad = GradientChecker(dlogpdf_df, d2logpdf_df2, self.f.copy(), 'g') grad.randomize() self.assertTrue(grad.checkgrad(verbose=1))
[docs] def test_laplace_log_likelihood(self): debug = False real_std = 0.1 initial_var_guess = 0.5 #Start a function, any function X = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi*2, 100)[:, None] Y = np.sin(X) + np.random.randn(*X.shape)*real_std Y = Y/Y.max() #Yc = Y.copy() #Yc[75:80] += 1 kernel1 = GPy.kern.RBF(X.shape[1]) + GPy.kern.White(X.shape[1]) #FIXME: Make sure you can copy kernels when params is fixed #kernel2 = kernel1.copy() kernel2 = GPy.kern.RBF(X.shape[1]) + GPy.kern.White(X.shape[1]) gauss_distr1 = GPy.likelihoods.Gaussian(variance=initial_var_guess) exact_inf = GPy.inference.latent_function_inference.ExactGaussianInference() m1 = GPy.core.GP(X, Y.copy(), kernel=kernel1, likelihood=gauss_distr1, inference_method=exact_inf) m1['.*white'].constrain_fixed(1e-6) m1['.*Gaussian_noise.variance'].constrain_bounded(1e-4, 10) m1.randomize() gauss_distr2 = GPy.likelihoods.Gaussian(variance=initial_var_guess) laplace_inf = GPy.inference.latent_function_inference.Laplace() m2 = GPy.core.GP(X, Y.copy(), kernel=kernel2, likelihood=gauss_distr2, inference_method=laplace_inf) m2['.*white'].constrain_fixed(1e-6) m2['.*Gaussian_noise.variance'].constrain_bounded(1e-4, 10) m2.randomize() if debug: print(m1) print(m2) optimizer = 'scg' print("Gaussian") m1.optimize(optimizer, messages=debug, ipython_notebook=False) print("Laplace Gaussian") m2.optimize(optimizer, messages=debug, ipython_notebook=False) if debug: print(m1) print(m2) m2[:] = m1[:] #Predict for training points to get posterior mean and variance post_mean, post_var = m1.predict(X) post_mean_approx, post_var_approx, = m2.predict(X) if debug: from matplotlib import pyplot as pb pb.figure(5) pb.title('posterior means') pb.scatter(X, post_mean, c='g') pb.scatter(X, post_mean_approx, c='r', marker='x') pb.figure(6) pb.title('plot_f') m1.plot_f(fignum=6) m2.plot_f(fignum=6) fig, axes = pb.subplots(2, 1) fig.suptitle('Covariance matricies') a1 = pb.subplot(121) a1.matshow(m1.likelihood.covariance_matrix) a2 = pb.subplot(122) a2.matshow(m2.likelihood.covariance_matrix) pb.figure(8) pb.scatter(X, m1.likelihood.Y, c='g') pb.scatter(X, m2.likelihood.Y, c='r', marker='x') #Check Y's are the same np.testing.assert_almost_equal(m1.Y, m2.Y, decimal=5) #Check marginals are the same np.testing.assert_almost_equal(m1.log_likelihood(), m2.log_likelihood(), decimal=2) #Check marginals are the same with random m1.randomize() m2[:] = m1[:] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(m1.log_likelihood(), m2.log_likelihood(), decimal=2) #Check they are checkgradding #m1.checkgrad(verbose=1) #m2.checkgrad(verbose=1) self.assertTrue(m1.checkgrad(verbose=True)) self.assertTrue(m2.checkgrad(verbose=True))
if __name__ == "__main__": print("Running unit tests") unittest.main()