Source code for GPy.testing.examples_tests

# Copyright (c) 2012, GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt).
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

import unittest
import numpy as np
import GPy
import inspect
import pkgutil
import os
import random
from import nottest
import sys
import itertools

[docs]class ExamplesTests(unittest.TestCase): def _checkgrad(self, Model): self.assertTrue(Model.checkgrad()) def _model_instance(self, Model): self.assertTrue(isinstance(Model, GPy.models))
[docs]def model_checkgrads(model): model.randomize() #NOTE: Step as 1e-4, this should be acceptable for more peaky models return model.checkgrad(step=1e-4)
[docs]def model_instance(model): return isinstance(model, GPy.core.model.Model)
[docs]def flatten_nested(lst): result = [] for element in lst: if hasattr(element, '__iter__'): result.extend(flatten_nested(element)) else: result.append(element) return result
[docs]@nottest def test_models(): optimize=False plot=True examples_path = os.path.dirname(GPy.examples.__file__) # Load modules failing_models = {} for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([examples_path]): # Load examples module_examples = loader.find_module(module_name).load_module(module_name) print("MODULE", module_examples) print("Before") print(inspect.getmembers(module_examples, predicate=inspect.isfunction)) functions = [ func for func in inspect.getmembers(module_examples, predicate=inspect.isfunction) if func[0].startswith('_') is False ][::-1] print("After") print(functions) for example in functions: if example[0] in ['epomeo_gpx']: #These are the edge cases that we might want to handle specially if example[0] == 'epomeo_gpx' and not GPy.util.datasets.gpxpy_available: print("Skipping as gpxpy is not available to parse GPS") continue print("Testing example: ", example[0]) # Generate model try: models = [ example[1](optimize=optimize, plot=plot) ] #If more than one model returned, flatten them models = flatten_nested(models) except Exception as e: failing_models[example[0]] = "Cannot make model: \n{e}".format(e=e) else: print(models) model_checkgrads.description = 'test_checkgrads_%s' % example[0] try: for model in models: if not model_checkgrads(model): failing_models[model_checkgrads.description] = False except Exception as e: failing_models[model_checkgrads.description] = e model_instance.description = 'test_instance_%s' % example[0] try: for model in models: if not model_instance(model): failing_models[model_instance.description] = False except Exception as e: failing_models[model_instance.description] = e #yield model_checkgrads, model #yield model_instance, model print("Finished checking module {m}".format(m=module_name)) if len(failing_models.keys()) > 0: print("Failing models: ") print(failing_models) if len(failing_models.keys()) > 0: print(failing_models) raise Exception(failing_models)
if __name__ == "__main__": print("Running unit tests, please be (very) patient...") # unittest.main() test_models()