Source code for GPy.plotting.matplot_dep.variational_plots

from matplotlib import pyplot as pb, numpy as np

[docs]def plot(parameterized, fignum=None, ax=None, colors=None, figsize=(12, 6)): """ Plot latent space X in 1D: - if fig is given, create input_dim subplots in fig and plot in these - if ax is given plot input_dim 1D latent space plots of X into each `axis` - if neither fig nor ax is given create a figure with fignum and plot in there colors: colors of different latent space dimensions input_dim """ if ax is None: fig = pb.figure(num=fignum, figsize=figsize) if colors is None: from ..Tango import mediumList from itertools import cycle colors = cycle(mediumList) pb.clf() else: colors = iter(colors) lines = [] fills = [] bg_lines = [] means, variances = parameterized.mean.values, parameterized.variance.values x = np.arange(means.shape[0]) for i in range(means.shape[1]): if ax is None: a = fig.add_subplot(means.shape[1], 1, i + 1) elif isinstance(ax, (tuple, list)): a = ax[i] else: raise ValueError("Need one ax per latent dimension input_dim") bg_lines.append(a.plot(means, c='k', alpha=.3)) lines.extend(a.plot(x, means.T[i], c=next(colors), label=r"$\mathbf{{X_{{{}}}}}$".format(i))) fills.append(a.fill_between(x, means.T[i] - 2 * np.sqrt(variances.T[i]), means.T[i] + 2 * np.sqrt(variances.T[i]), facecolor=lines[-1].get_color(), alpha=.3)) a.legend(borderaxespad=0.) a.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) if i < means.shape[1] - 1: a.set_xticklabels('') pb.draw() a.figure.tight_layout(h_pad=.01) # , rect=(0, 0, 1, .95)) return dict(lines=lines, fills=fills, bg_lines=bg_lines)
[docs]def plot_SpikeSlab(parameterized, fignum=None, ax=None, colors=None, side_by_side=True): """ Plot latent space X in 1D: - if fig is given, create input_dim subplots in fig and plot in these - if ax is given plot input_dim 1D latent space plots of X into each `axis` - if neither fig nor ax is given create a figure with fignum and plot in there colors: colors of different latent space dimensions input_dim """ if ax is None: if side_by_side: fig = pb.figure(num=fignum, figsize=(16, min(12, (2 * parameterized.mean.shape[1])))) else: fig = pb.figure(num=fignum, figsize=(8, min(12, (2 * parameterized.mean.shape[1])))) if colors is None: from ..Tango import mediumList from itertools import cycle colors = cycle(mediumList) pb.clf() else: colors = iter(colors) plots = [] means, variances, gamma = parameterized.mean, parameterized.variance, parameterized.binary_prob x = np.arange(means.shape[0]) for i in range(means.shape[1]): if side_by_side: sub1 = (means.shape[1],2,2*i+1) sub2 = (means.shape[1],2,2*i+2) else: sub1 = (means.shape[1]*2,1,2*i+1) sub2 = (means.shape[1]*2,1,2*i+2) # mean and variance plot a = fig.add_subplot(*sub1) a.plot(means, c='k', alpha=.3) plots.extend(a.plot(x, means.T[i], c=next(colors), label=r"$\mathbf{{X_{{{}}}}}$".format(i))) a.fill_between(x, means.T[i] - 2 * np.sqrt(variances.T[i]), means.T[i] + 2 * np.sqrt(variances.T[i]), facecolor=plots[-1].get_color(), alpha=.3) a.legend(borderaxespad=0.) a.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) if i < means.shape[1] - 1: a.set_xticklabels('') # binary prob plot a = fig.add_subplot(*sub2),gamma[:,i],bottom=0.,linewidth=1.,width=1.0,align='center') a.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) a.set_ylim([0.,1.]) pb.draw() fig.tight_layout(h_pad=.01) # , rect=(0, 0, 1, .95)) return fig