Source code for GPy.kern.src.grid_kerns

# Copyright (c) 2012-2014, GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt).
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

# Kurt Cutajar

import numpy as np
from .stationary import Stationary
from paramz.caching import Cache_this

[docs]class GridKern(Stationary): def __init__(self, input_dim, variance, lengthscale, ARD, active_dims, name, originalDimensions, useGPU=False): super(GridKern, self).__init__(input_dim, variance, lengthscale, ARD, active_dims, name, useGPU=useGPU) self.originalDimensions = originalDimensions
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, ignore_args=()) def dKd_dVar(self, X, X2=None): """ Derivative of Kernel function wrt variance applied on inputs X and X2. In the stationary case there is an inner function depending on the distances from X to X2, called r. dKd_dVar(X, X2) = dKdVar_of_r((X-X2)**2) """ r = self._scaled_dist(X, X2) return self.dKdVar_of_r(r)
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, ignore_args=()) def dKd_dLen(self, X, dimension, lengthscale, X2=None): """ Derivate of Kernel function wrt lengthscale applied on inputs X and X2. In the stationary case there is an inner function depending on the distances from X to X2, called r. dKd_dLen(X, X2) = dKdLen_of_r((X-X2)**2) """ r = self._scaled_dist(X, X2) return self.dKdLen_of_r(r, dimension, lengthscale)
[docs]class GridRBF(GridKern): """ Similar to regular RBF but supplemented with methods required for Gaussian grid regression Radial Basis Function kernel, aka squared-exponential, exponentiated quadratic or Gaussian kernel: .. math:: k(r) = \sigma^2 \exp \\bigg(- \\frac{1}{2} r^2 \\bigg) """ _support_GPU = True def __init__(self, input_dim, variance=1., lengthscale=None, ARD=False, active_dims=None, name='gridRBF', originalDimensions=1, useGPU=False): super(GridRBF, self).__init__(input_dim, variance, lengthscale, ARD, active_dims, name, originalDimensions, useGPU=useGPU)
[docs] def K_of_r(self, r): return (self.variance**(float(1)/self.originalDimensions)) * np.exp(-0.5 * r**2)
[docs] def dKdVar_of_r(self, r): """ Compute derivative of kernel wrt variance """ return np.exp(-0.5 * r**2)
[docs] def dKdLen_of_r(self, r, dimCheck, lengthscale): """ Compute derivative of kernel for dimension wrt lengthscale Computation of derivative changes when lengthscale corresponds to the dimension of the kernel whose derivate is being computed. """ if (dimCheck == True): return (self.variance**(float(1)/self.originalDimensions)) * np.exp(-0.5 * r**2) * (r**2) / (lengthscale**(float(1)/self.originalDimensions)) else: return (self.variance**(float(1)/self.originalDimensions)) * np.exp(-0.5 * r**2) / (lengthscale**(float(1)/self.originalDimensions))
[docs] def dK_dr(self, r): return -r*self.K_of_r(r)