Source code for GPy.inference.latent_function_inference.exact_studentt_inference

# Copyright (c) 2017, GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt).
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

from . import LatentFunctionInference
from .posterior import StudentTPosterior
from ...util.linalg import pdinv, dpotrs, tdot
from ...util import diag

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gammaln, digamma

[docs]class ExactStudentTInference(LatentFunctionInference): """ An object for inference of student-t processes (not for GP with student-t likelihood!). The function self.inference returns a StudentTPosterior object, which summarizes the posterior. """
[docs] def inference(self, kern, X, Y, nu, mean_function=None, K=None): m = 0 if mean_function is None else mean_function.f(X) K = kern.K(X) if K is None else K YYT_factor = Y - m Ky = K.copy() diag.add(Ky, 1e-8) # Posterior representation Wi, LW, LWi, W_logdet = pdinv(Ky) alpha, _ = dpotrs(LW, YYT_factor, lower=1) beta = np.sum(alpha * YYT_factor) posterior = StudentTPosterior(nu, woodbury_chol=LW, woodbury_vector=alpha, K=K) # Log marginal N = Y.shape[0] D = Y.shape[1] log_marginal = 0.5 * (-N * np.log((nu - 2) * np.pi) - W_logdet - (nu + N) * np.log(1 + beta / (nu - 2))) log_marginal += gammaln((nu + N) / 2) - gammaln(nu / 2) # Gradients dL_dK = 0.5 * ((nu + N) / (nu + beta - 2) * tdot(alpha) - D * Wi) dL_dnu = -N / (nu - 2.) + digamma(0.5 * (nu + N)) - digamma(0.5 * nu) dL_dnu -= np.log(1 + beta / (nu - 2.)) dL_dnu += ((nu + N) * beta) / ((nu - 2) * (beta + nu - 2)) dL_dnu *= 0.5 gradients = {'dL_dK': dL_dK, 'dL_dnu': dL_dnu, 'dL_dm': alpha} return posterior, log_marginal, gradients