Source code for GPy.kern.src.sde_matern

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015, Alex Grigorevskiy, Arno Solin
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)
Classes in this module enhance Matern covariance functions with the
Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) functionality.
from .stationary import Matern32
from .stationary import Matern52
import numpy as np

[docs]class sde_Matern32(Matern32): """ Class provide extra functionality to transfer this covariance function into SDE forrm. Matern 3/2 kernel: .. math:: k(r) = \sigma^2 (1 + \sqrt{3} r) \exp(- \sqrt{3} r) \\ \\ \\ \\ \text{ where } r = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{input dim} \frac{(x_i-y_i)^2}{\ell_i^2} } """
[docs] def sde_update_gradient_full(self, gradients): """ Update gradient in the order in which parameters are represented in the kernel """ self.variance.gradient = gradients[0] self.lengthscale.gradient = gradients[1]
[docs] def sde(self): """ Return the state space representation of the covariance. """ variance = float(self.variance.values) lengthscale = float(self.lengthscale.values) foo = np.sqrt(3.)/lengthscale F = np.array(((0, 1.0), (-foo**2, -2*foo))) L = np.array(( (0,), (1.0,) )) Qc = np.array(((12.*np.sqrt(3) / lengthscale**3 * variance,),)) H = np.array(((1.0, 0),)) Pinf = np.array(((variance, 0.0), (0.0, 3.*variance/(lengthscale**2)))) P0 = Pinf.copy() # Allocate space for the derivatives dF = np.empty([F.shape[0],F.shape[1],2]) dQc = np.empty([Qc.shape[0],Qc.shape[1],2]) dPinf = np.empty([Pinf.shape[0],Pinf.shape[1],2]) # The partial derivatives dFvariance = np.zeros((2,2)) dFlengthscale = np.array(((0,0), (6./lengthscale**3,2*np.sqrt(3)/lengthscale**2))) dQcvariance = np.array((12.*np.sqrt(3)/lengthscale**3)) dQclengthscale = np.array((-3*12*np.sqrt(3)/lengthscale**4*variance)) dPinfvariance = np.array(((1,0),(0,3./lengthscale**2))) dPinflengthscale = np.array(((0,0), (0,-6*variance/lengthscale**3))) # Combine the derivatives dF[:,:,0] = dFvariance dF[:,:,1] = dFlengthscale dQc[:,:,0] = dQcvariance dQc[:,:,1] = dQclengthscale dPinf[:,:,0] = dPinfvariance dPinf[:,:,1] = dPinflengthscale dP0 = dPinf.copy() return (F, L, Qc, H, Pinf, P0, dF, dQc, dPinf, dP0)
[docs]class sde_Matern52(Matern52): """ Class provide extra functionality to transfer this covariance function into SDE forrm. Matern 5/2 kernel: .. math:: k(r) = \sigma^2 (1 + \sqrt{5} r + \frac{5}{3}r^2) \exp(- \sqrt{5} r) \\ \\ \\ \\ \text{ where } r = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{input dim} \frac{(x_i-y_i)^2}{\ell_i^2} } """
[docs] def sde_update_gradient_full(self, gradients): """ Update gradient in the order in which parameters are represented in the kernel """ self.variance.gradient = gradients[0] self.lengthscale.gradient = gradients[1]
[docs] def sde(self): """ Return the state space representation of the covariance. """ variance = float(self.variance.values) lengthscale = float(self.lengthscale.values) lamda = np.sqrt(5.0)/lengthscale kappa = 5.0/3.0*variance/lengthscale**2 F = np.array(((0, 1,0), (0, 0, 1), (-lamda**3, -3.0*lamda**2, -3*lamda))) L = np.array(((0,),(0,),(1,))) Qc = np.array((((variance*400.0*np.sqrt(5.0)/3.0/lengthscale**5),),)) H = np.array(((1,0,0),)) Pinf = np.array(((variance,0,-kappa), (0, kappa, 0), (-kappa, 0, 25.0*variance/lengthscale**4))) P0 = Pinf.copy() # Allocate space for the derivatives dF = np.empty((3,3,2)) dQc = np.empty((1,1,2)) dPinf = np.empty((3,3,2)) # The partial derivatives dFvariance = np.zeros((3,3)) dFlengthscale = np.array(((0,0,0),(0,0,0),(15.0*np.sqrt(5.0)/lengthscale**4, 30.0/lengthscale**3, 3*np.sqrt(5.0)/lengthscale**2))) dQcvariance = np.array((((400*np.sqrt(5)/3/lengthscale**5,),))) dQclengthscale = np.array((((-variance*2000*np.sqrt(5)/3/lengthscale**6,),))) dPinf_variance = Pinf/variance kappa2 = -2.0*kappa/lengthscale dPinf_lengthscale = np.array(((0,0,-kappa2),(0,kappa2,0),(-kappa2, 0,-100*variance/lengthscale**5))) # Combine the derivatives dF[:,:,0] = dFvariance dF[:,:,1] = dFlengthscale dQc[:,:,0] = dQcvariance dQc[:,:,1] = dQclengthscale dPinf[:,:,0] = dPinf_variance dPinf[:,:,1] = dPinf_lengthscale dP0 = dPinf.copy() return (F, L, Qc, H, Pinf, P0, dF, dQc, dPinf, dP0)