Source code for GPy.util.misc

# Copyright (c) 2012, GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt).
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import cbrt
from .config import *

_lim_val = np.finfo(np.float64).max
_lim_val_exp = np.log(_lim_val)
_lim_val_square = np.sqrt(_lim_val)
#_lim_val_cube = cbrt(_lim_val)
_lim_val_cube = np.nextafter(_lim_val**(1/3.0), -np.inf)
_lim_val_quad = np.nextafter(_lim_val**(1/4.0), -np.inf)
_lim_val_three_times = np.nextafter(_lim_val/3.0, -np.inf)

[docs]def safe_exp(f): clip_f = np.clip(f, -np.inf, _lim_val_exp) return np.exp(clip_f)
[docs]def safe_square(f): f = np.clip(f, -np.inf, _lim_val_square) return f**2
[docs]def safe_cube(f): f = np.clip(f, -np.inf, _lim_val_cube) return f**3
[docs]def safe_quad(f): f = np.clip(f, -np.inf, _lim_val_quad) return f**4
[docs]def safe_three_times(f): f = np.clip(f, -np.inf, _lim_val_three_times) return 3*f
[docs]def chain_1(df_dg, dg_dx): """ Generic chaining function for first derivative .. math:: \\frac{d(f . g)}{dx} = \\frac{df}{dg} \\frac{dg}{dx} """ if np.all(dg_dx==1.): return df_dg return df_dg * dg_dx
[docs]def chain_2(d2f_dg2, dg_dx, df_dg, d2g_dx2): """ Generic chaining function for second derivative .. math:: \\frac{d^{2}(f . g)}{dx^{2}} = \\frac{d^{2}f}{dg^{2}}(\\frac{dg}{dx})^{2} + \\frac{df}{dg}\\frac{d^{2}g}{dx^{2}} """ if np.all(dg_dx==1.) and np.all(d2g_dx2 == 0): return d2f_dg2 dg_dx_2 = np.clip(dg_dx, -np.inf, _lim_val_square)**2 #dg_dx_2 = dg_dx**2 return d2f_dg2*(dg_dx_2) + df_dg*d2g_dx2
[docs]def chain_3(d3f_dg3, dg_dx, d2f_dg2, d2g_dx2, df_dg, d3g_dx3): """ Generic chaining function for third derivative .. math:: \\frac{d^{3}(f . g)}{dx^{3}} = \\frac{d^{3}f}{dg^{3}}(\\frac{dg}{dx})^{3} + 3\\frac{d^{2}f}{dg^{2}}\\frac{dg}{dx}\\frac{d^{2}g}{dx^{2}} + \\frac{df}{dg}\\frac{d^{3}g}{dx^{3}} """ if np.all(dg_dx==1.) and np.all(d2g_dx2==0) and np.all(d3g_dx3==0): return d3f_dg3 dg_dx_3 = np.clip(dg_dx, -np.inf, _lim_val_cube)**3 return d3f_dg3*(dg_dx_3) + 3*d2f_dg2*dg_dx*d2g_dx2 + df_dg*d3g_dx3
[docs]def opt_wrapper(m, **kwargs): """ Thit function just wraps the optimization procedure of a GPy object so that optimize() pickleable (necessary for multiprocessing). """ m.optimize(**kwargs) return m.optimization_runs[-1]
[docs]def linear_grid(D, n = 100, min_max = (-100, 100)): """ Creates a D-dimensional grid of n linearly spaced points :param D: dimension of the grid :param n: number of points :param min_max: (min, max) list """ g = np.linspace(min_max[0], min_max[1], n) G = np.ones((n, D)) return G*g[:,None]
[docs]def kmm_init(X, m = 10): """ This is the same initialization algorithm that is used in Kmeans++. It's quite simple and very useful to initialize the locations of the inducing points in sparse GPs. :param X: data :param m: number of inducing points """ # compute the distances XXT =, X.T) D = (-2.*XXT + np.diag(XXT)[:,np.newaxis] + np.diag(XXT)[np.newaxis,:]) # select the first point s = np.random.permutation(X.shape[0])[0] inducing = [s] prob = D[s]/D[s].sum() for z in range(m-1): s = np.random.multinomial(1, prob.flatten()).argmax() inducing.append(s) prob = D[s]/D[s].sum() inducing = np.array(inducing) return X[inducing]
### make a parameter to its corresponding array:
[docs]def param_to_array(*param): """ Convert an arbitrary number of parameters to :class:ndarray class objects. This is for converting parameter objects to numpy arrays, when using scipy.weave.inline routine. In scipy.weave.blitz there is no automatic array detection (even when the array inherits from :class:ndarray) """ import warnings warnings.warn("Please use param.values, as this function will be deprecated in the next release.", DeprecationWarning) assert len(param) > 0, "At least one parameter needed" if len(param) == 1: return param[0].view(np.ndarray) return [x.view(np.ndarray) for x in param]
[docs]def blockify_hessian(func): def wrapper_func(self, *args, **kwargs): # Invoke the wrapped function first retval = func(self, *args, **kwargs) # Now do something here with retval and/or action if self.not_block_really and (retval.shape[0] != retval.shape[1]): return np.diagflat(retval) else: return retval return wrapper_func
[docs]def blockify_third(func): def wrapper_func(self, *args, **kwargs): # Invoke the wrapped function first retval = func(self, *args, **kwargs) # Now do something here with retval and/or action if self.not_block_really and (len(retval.shape) < 3): num_data = retval.shape[0] d3_block_cache = np.zeros((num_data, num_data, num_data)) diag_slice = range(num_data) d3_block_cache[diag_slice, diag_slice, diag_slice] = np.squeeze(retval) return d3_block_cache else: return retval return wrapper_func
[docs]def blockify_dhess_dtheta(func): def wrapper_func(self, *args, **kwargs): # Invoke the wrapped function first retval = func(self, *args, **kwargs) # Now do something here with retval and/or action if self.not_block_really and (len(retval.shape) < 3): num_data = retval.shape[0] num_params = retval.shape[-1] dhess_dtheta = np.zeros((num_data, num_data, num_params)) diag_slice = range(num_data) for param_ind in range(num_params): dhess_dtheta[diag_slice, diag_slice, param_ind] = np.squeeze(retval[:,param_ind]) return dhess_dtheta else: return retval return wrapper_func