Source code for GPy.models.state_space_model

# Copyright (c) 2013, Arno Solin.
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)
# This implementation of converting GPs to state space models is based on the article:
#  @article{Sarkka+Solin+Hartikainen:2013,
#     author = {Simo S\"arkk\"a and Arno Solin and Jouni Hartikainen},
#       year = {2013},
#      title = {Spatiotemporal learning via infinite-dimensional {B}ayesian filtering and smoothing},
#    journal = {IEEE Signal Processing Magazine},
#     volume = {30},
#     number = {4},
#      pages = {51--61}
#  }

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from .. import likelihoods
#from . import state_space_setup as ss_setup
from ..core import Model
from . import state_space_main as ssm
from . import state_space_setup as ss_setup

[docs]class StateSpace(Model): def __init__(self, X, Y, kernel=None, noise_var=1.0, kalman_filter_type = 'regular', use_cython = False, balance=False, name='StateSpace'): """ Inputs: ------------------ balance: bool Whether to balance or not the model as a whole """ super(StateSpace, self).__init__(name=name) if len(X.shape) == 1: X = np.atleast_2d(X).T self.num_data, self.input_dim = X.shape if len(Y.shape) == 1: Y = np.atleast_2d(Y).T assert self.input_dim==1, "State space methods are only for 1D data" if len(Y.shape)==2: num_data_Y, self.output_dim = Y.shape ts_number = None elif len(Y.shape)==3: num_data_Y, self.output_dim, ts_number = Y.shape self.ts_number = ts_number assert num_data_Y == self.num_data, "X and Y data don't match" assert self.output_dim == 1, "State space methods are for single outputs only" self.kalman_filter_type = kalman_filter_type #self.kalman_filter_type = 'svd' # temp test ss_setup.use_cython = use_cython #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() self.balance = balance global ssm #from . import state_space_main as ssm if (ssm.cython_code_available) and (ssm.use_cython != ss_setup.use_cython): reload(ssm) # Make sure the observations are ordered in time sort_index = np.argsort(X[:,0]) self.X = X[sort_index,:] self.Y = Y[sort_index,:] # Noise variance self.likelihood = likelihoods.Gaussian(variance=noise_var) # Default kernel if kernel is None: raise ValueError("State-Space Model: the kernel must be provided.") else: self.kern = kernel self.link_parameter(self.kern) self.link_parameter(self.likelihood) self.posterior = None # Assert that the kernel is supported if not hasattr(self.kern, 'sde'): raise NotImplementedError('SDE must be implemented for the kernel being used') #assert self.kern.sde() not False, "This kernel is not supported for state space estimation"
[docs] def parameters_changed(self): """ Parameters have now changed """ #np.set_printoptions(16) #print(self.param_array) # Get the model matrices from the kernel (F,L,Qc,H,P_inf, P0, dFt,dQct,dP_inft, dP0t) = self.kern.sde() # necessary parameters measurement_dim = self.output_dim grad_params_no = dFt.shape[2]+1 # we also add measurement noise as a parameter # add measurement noise as a parameter and get the gradient matrices dF = np.zeros([dFt.shape[0],dFt.shape[1],grad_params_no]) dQc = np.zeros([dQct.shape[0],dQct.shape[1],grad_params_no]) dP_inf = np.zeros([dP_inft.shape[0],dP_inft.shape[1],grad_params_no]) dP0 = np.zeros([dP0t.shape[0],dP0t.shape[1],grad_params_no]) # Assign the values for the kernel function dF[:,:,:-1] = dFt dQc[:,:,:-1] = dQct dP_inf[:,:,:-1] = dP_inft dP0[:,:,:-1] = dP0t # The sigma2 derivative dR = np.zeros([measurement_dim,measurement_dim,grad_params_no]) dR[:,:,-1] = np.eye(measurement_dim) # Balancing if self.balance: (F,L,Qc,H,P_inf,P0, dF,dQc,dP_inf,dP0) = ssm.balance_ss_model(F,L,Qc,H,P_inf,P0, dF,dQc,dP_inf, dP0) print("SSM parameters_changed balancing!") # Use the Kalman filter to evaluate the likelihood grad_calc_params = {} grad_calc_params['dP_inf'] = dP_inf grad_calc_params['dF'] = dF grad_calc_params['dQc'] = dQc grad_calc_params['dR'] = dR grad_calc_params['dP_init'] = dP0 kalman_filter_type = self.kalman_filter_type # The following code is required because sometimes the shapes of self.Y # becomes 3D even though is must be 2D. The reason is undiscovered. Y = self.Y if self.ts_number is None: Y.shape = (self.num_data,1) else: Y.shape = (self.num_data,1,self.ts_number) (filter_means, filter_covs, log_likelihood, grad_log_likelihood,SmootherMatrObject) = ssm.ContDescrStateSpace.cont_discr_kalman_filter(F,L,Qc,H, float(self.Gaussian_noise.variance),P_inf,self.X,Y,m_init=None, P_init=P0, p_kalman_filter_type = kalman_filter_type, calc_log_likelihood=True, calc_grad_log_likelihood=True, grad_params_no=grad_params_no, grad_calc_params=grad_calc_params) if np.any( np.isfinite(log_likelihood) == False): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() print("State-Space: NaN valkues in the log_likelihood") if np.any( np.isfinite(grad_log_likelihood) == False): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() print("State-Space: NaN values in the grad_log_likelihood") #print(grad_log_likelihood) grad_log_likelihood_sum = np.sum(grad_log_likelihood,axis=1) grad_log_likelihood_sum.shape = (grad_log_likelihood_sum.shape[0],1) self._log_marginal_likelihood = np.sum( log_likelihood,axis=1 ) self.likelihood.update_gradients(grad_log_likelihood_sum[-1,0]) self.kern.sde_update_gradient_full(grad_log_likelihood_sum[:-1,0])
[docs] def log_likelihood(self): return self._log_marginal_likelihood
def _raw_predict(self, Xnew=None, Ynew=None, filteronly=False, p_balance=False, **kw): """ Performs the actual prediction for new X points. Inner function. It is called only from inside this class. Input: --------------------- Xnews: vector or (n_points,1) matrix New time points where to evaluate predictions. Ynews: (n_train_points, ts_no) matrix This matrix can substitude the original training points (in order to use only the parameters of the model). filteronly: bool Use only Kalman Filter for prediction. In this case the output does not coincide with corresponding Gaussian process. balance: bool Whether to balance or not the model as a whole Output: -------------------- m: vector Mean prediction V: vector Variance in every point """ # Set defaults if Ynew is None: Ynew = self.Y # Make a single matrix containing training and testing points if Xnew is not None: X = np.vstack((self.X, Xnew)) Y = np.vstack((Ynew, np.nan*np.zeros(Xnew.shape))) predict_only_training = False else: X = self.X Y = Ynew predict_only_training = True # Sort the matrix (save the order) _, return_index, return_inverse = np.unique(X,True,True) X = X[return_index] # TODO they are not used Y = Y[return_index] # Get the model matrices from the kernel (F,L,Qc,H,P_inf, P0, dF,dQc,dP_inf,dP0) = self.kern.sde() state_dim = F.shape[0] # Balancing if (p_balance==True): (F,L,Qc,H,P_inf,P0, dF,dQc,dP_inf,dP0) = ssm.balance_ss_model(F,L,Qc,H,P_inf,P0, dF,dQc,dP_inf, dP0) print("SSM _raw_predict balancing!") #Y = self.Y[:, 0,0] # Run the Kalman filter #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() kalman_filter_type = self.kalman_filter_type (M, P, log_likelihood, grad_log_likelihood,SmootherMatrObject) = ssm.ContDescrStateSpace.cont_discr_kalman_filter( F,L,Qc,H,float(self.Gaussian_noise.variance),P_inf,X,Y,m_init=None, P_init=P0, p_kalman_filter_type = kalman_filter_type, calc_log_likelihood=False, calc_grad_log_likelihood=False) # (filter_means, filter_covs, log_likelihood, # grad_log_likelihood,SmootherMatrObject) = ssm.ContDescrStateSpace.cont_discr_kalman_filter(F,L,Qc,H, # float(self.Gaussian_noise.variance),P_inf,self.X,self.Y,m_init=None, # P_init=P0, p_kalman_filter_type = kalman_filter_type, calc_log_likelihood=True, # calc_grad_log_likelihood=True, # grad_params_no=grad_params_no, # grad_calc_params=grad_calc_params) # Run the Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother if not filteronly: (M, P) = ssm.ContDescrStateSpace.cont_discr_rts_smoother(state_dim, M, P, p_dynamic_callables=SmootherMatrObject, X=X, F=F,L=L,Qc=Qc) # remove initial values M = M[1:,:,:] P = P[1:,:,:] # Put the data back in the original order M = M[return_inverse,:,:] P = P[return_inverse,:,:] # Only return the values for Xnew if not predict_only_training: M = M[self.num_data:,:,:] P = P[self.num_data:,:,:] # Calculate the mean and variance # after einsum m has dimension in 3D (sample_num, dim_no,time_series_no) m = np.einsum('ijl,kj', M, H)#,H.T) m.shape = (m.shape[0], m.shape[1]) # remove the third dimension V = np.einsum('ij,ajk,kl', H, P, H.T) V.shape = (V.shape[0], V.shape[1]) # remove the third dimension # Return the posterior of the state return (m, V)
[docs] def predict(self, Xnew=None, filteronly=False, include_likelihood=True, balance=None, **kw): """ Inputs: ------------------ balance: bool Whether to balance or not the model as a whole """ if balance is None: p_balance = self.balance else: p_balance = balance # Run the Kalman filter to get the state (m, V) = self._raw_predict(Xnew,filteronly=filteronly, p_balance=p_balance) # Add the noise variance to the state variance if include_likelihood: V += float(self.likelihood.variance) # Lower and upper bounds #lower = m - 2*np.sqrt(V) #upper = m + 2*np.sqrt(V) # Return mean and variance return m, V
[docs] def predict_quantiles(self, Xnew=None, quantiles=(2.5, 97.5), balance=None, **kw): """ Inputs: ------------------ balance: bool Whether to balance or not the model as a whole """ if balance is None: p_balance = self.balance else: p_balance = balance mu, var = self._raw_predict(Xnew, p_balance=p_balance) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return [stats.norm.ppf(q/100.)*np.sqrt(var + float(self.Gaussian_noise.variance)) + mu for q in quantiles]
# def plot(self, plot_limits=None, levels=20, samples=0, fignum=None, # ax=None, resolution=None, plot_raw=False, plot_filter=False, # linecol=Tango.colorsHex['darkBlue'],fillcol=Tango.colorsHex['lightBlue']): # # # Deal with optional parameters # if ax is None: # fig = pb.figure(num=fignum) # ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # # # Define the frame on which to plot # resolution = resolution or 200 # Xgrid, xmin, xmax = x_frame1D(self.X, plot_limits=plot_limits) # # # Make a prediction on the frame and plot it # if plot_raw: # m, v = self.predict_raw(Xgrid,filteronly=plot_filter) # lower = m - 2*np.sqrt(v) # upper = m + 2*np.sqrt(v) # Y = self.Y # else: # m, v, lower, upper = self.predict(Xgrid,filteronly=plot_filter) # Y = self.Y # # # Plot the values # gpplot(Xgrid, m, lower, upper, axes=ax, edgecol=linecol, fillcol=fillcol) # ax.plot(self.X, self.Y, 'kx', mew=1.5) # # # Optionally plot some samples # if samples: # if plot_raw: # Ysim = self.posterior_samples_f(Xgrid, samples) # else: # Ysim = self.posterior_samples(Xgrid, samples) # for yi in Ysim.T: # ax.plot(Xgrid, yi, Tango.colorsHex['darkBlue'], linewidth=0.25) # # # Set the limits of the plot to some sensible values # ymin, ymax = min(np.append(Y.flatten(), lower.flatten())), max(np.append(Y.flatten(), upper.flatten())) # ymin, ymax = ymin - 0.1 * (ymax - ymin), ymax + 0.1 * (ymax - ymin) # ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) # ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) # # def prior_samples_f(self,X,size=10): # # # Sort the matrix (save the order) # (_, return_index, return_inverse) = np.unique(X,True,True) # X = X[return_index] # # # Get the model matrices from the kernel # (F,L,Qc,H,Pinf,dF,dQc,dPinf) = self.kern.sde() # # # Allocate space for results # Y = np.empty((size,X.shape[0])) # # # Simulate random draws # #for j in range(0,size): # # Y[j,:] =,L,Qc,Pinf,X.T)) # Y = self.simulate(F,L,Qc,Pinf,X.T,size) # # # Only observations # Y = np.tensordot(H[0],Y,(0,0)) # # # Reorder simulated values # Y = Y[:,return_inverse] # # # Return trajectory # return Y.T # # def posterior_samples_f(self,X,size=10): # # # Sort the matrix (save the order) # (_, return_index, return_inverse) = np.unique(X,True,True) # X = X[return_index] # # # Get the model matrices from the kernel # (F,L,Qc,H,Pinf,dF,dQc,dPinf) = self.kern.sde() # # # Run smoother on original data # (m,V) = self.predict_raw(X) # # # Simulate random draws from the GP prior # y = self.prior_samples_f(np.vstack((self.X, X)),size) # # # Allocate space for sample trajectories # Y = np.empty((size,X.shape[0])) # # # Run the RTS smoother on each of these values # for j in range(0,size): # yobs = y[0:self.num_data,j:j+1] + np.sqrt(self.sigma2)*np.random.randn(self.num_data,1) # (m2,V2) = self.predict_raw(X,Ynew=yobs) # Y[j,:] = m.T + y[self.num_data:,j].T - m2.T # # # Reorder simulated values # Y = Y[:,return_inverse] # # # Return posterior sample trajectories # return Y.T # # def posterior_samples(self, X, size=10): # # # Make samples of f # Y = self.posterior_samples_f(X,size) # # # Add noise # Y += np.sqrt(self.sigma2)*np.random.randn(Y.shape[0],Y.shape[1]) # # # Return trajectory # return Y # # # def simulate(self,F,L,Qc,Pinf,X,size=1): # # Simulate a trajectory using the state space model # # # Allocate space for results # f = np.zeros((F.shape[0],size,X.shape[1])) # # # Initial state # f[:,:,1] = np.linalg.cholesky(Pinf).dot(np.random.randn(F.shape[0],size)) # # # Time step lengths # dt = np.empty(X.shape) # dt[:,0] = X[:,1]-X[:,0] # dt[:,1:] = np.diff(X) # # # Solve the LTI SDE for these time steps # As, Qs, index = ssm.ContDescrStateSpace.lti_sde_to_descrete(F,L,Qc,dt) # # # Sweep through remaining time points # for k in range(1,X.shape[1]): # # # Form discrete-time model # A = As[:,:,index[1-k]] # Q = Qs[:,:,index[1-k]] # # # Draw the state # f[:,:,k] =[:,:,k-1]) +,np.random.randn(A.shape[0],size)) # # # Return values # return f