Source code for GPy.likelihoods.likelihood

# Copyright (c) 2012-2015 The GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt)
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats,special
import scipy as sp
from . import link_functions
from ..util.misc import chain_1, chain_2, chain_3, blockify_dhess_dtheta, blockify_third, blockify_hessian, safe_exp
from ..util.quad_integrate import quadgk_int
from scipy.integrate import quad
from functools import partial

import warnings

from ..core.parameterization import Parameterized

[docs]class Likelihood(Parameterized): """ Likelihood base class, used to defing p(y|f). All instances use _inverse_ link functions, which can be swapped out. It is expected that inheriting classes define a default inverse link function To use this class, inherit and define missing functionality. Inheriting classes *must* implement: pdf_link : a bound method which turns the output of the link function into the pdf logpdf_link : the logarithm of the above To enable use with EP, inheriting classes *must* define: TODO: a suitable derivative function for any parameters of the class It is also desirable to define: moments_match_ep : a function to compute the EP moments If this isn't defined, the moments will be computed using 1D quadrature. To enable use with Laplace approximation, inheriting classes *must* define: Some derivative functions *AS TODO* For exact Gaussian inference, define *JH TODO* """ def __init__(self, gp_link, name): super(Likelihood, self).__init__(name) assert isinstance(gp_link,link_functions.GPTransformation), "gp_link is not a valid GPTransformation." self.gp_link = gp_link self.log_concave = False self.not_block_really = False = name
[docs] def to_dict(self): raise NotImplementedError
def _save_to_input_dict(self): input_dict = {} input_dict["name"] = input_dict["gp_link_dict"] = self.gp_link.to_dict() return input_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(input_dict): """ Instantiate an object of a derived class using the information in input_dict (built by the to_dict method of the derived class). More specifically, after reading the derived class from input_dict, it calls the method _build_from_input_dict of the derived class. Note: This method should not be overrided in the derived class. In case it is needed, please override _build_from_input_dict instate. :param dict input_dict: Dictionary with all the information needed to instantiate the object. """ import copy input_dict = copy.deepcopy(input_dict) likelihood_class = input_dict.pop('class') input_dict["name"] = str(input_dict["name"]) name = input_dict.pop('name') import GPy likelihood_class = eval(likelihood_class) return likelihood_class._build_from_input_dict(likelihood_class, input_dict)
@staticmethod def _build_from_input_dict(likelihood_class, input_dict): import copy input_dict = copy.deepcopy(input_dict) gp_link_dict = input_dict.pop('gp_link_dict') import GPy gp_link = GPy.likelihoods.link_functions.GPTransformation.from_dict(gp_link_dict) input_dict["gp_link"] = gp_link return likelihood_class(**input_dict)
[docs] def request_num_latent_functions(self, Y): """ The likelihood should infer how many latent functions are needed for the likelihood Default is the number of outputs """ return Y.shape[1]
[docs] def exact_inference_gradients(self, dL_dKdiag,Y_metadata=None): return np.zeros(self.size)
[docs] def update_gradients(self, partial): if self.size > 0: raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented for likelihoods with parameters to be optimized')
def _preprocess_values(self,Y): """ In case it is needed, this function assess the output values or makes any pertinent transformation on them. :param Y: observed output :type Y: Nx1 numpy.darray """ return Y
[docs] def conditional_mean(self, gp): """ The mean of the random variable conditioned on one value of the GP """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def conditional_variance(self, gp): """ The variance of the random variable conditioned on one value of the GP """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def log_predictive_density(self, y_test, mu_star, var_star, Y_metadata=None): """ Calculation of the log predictive density .. math: p(y_{*}|D) = p(y_{*}|f_{*})p(f_{*}|\mu_{*}\\sigma^{2}_{*}) :param y_test: test observations (y_{*}) :type y_test: (Nx1) array :param mu_star: predictive mean of gaussian p(f_{*}|mu_{*}, var_{*}) :type mu_star: (Nx1) array :param var_star: predictive variance of gaussian p(f_{*}|mu_{*}, var_{*}) :type var_star: (Nx1) array """ assert y_test.shape==mu_star.shape assert y_test.shape==var_star.shape assert y_test.shape[1] == 1 flat_y_test = y_test.flatten() flat_mu_star = mu_star.flatten() flat_var_star = var_star.flatten() if Y_metadata is not None: #Need to zip individual elements of Y_metadata aswell Y_metadata_flat = {} if Y_metadata is not None: for key, val in Y_metadata.items(): Y_metadata_flat[key] = np.atleast_1d(val).reshape(-1,1) zipped_values = [] for i in range(y_test.shape[0]): y_m = {} for key, val in Y_metadata_flat.items(): if np.isscalar(val) or val.shape[0] == 1: y_m[key] = val else: #Won't broadcast yet y_m[key] = val[i] zipped_values.append((flat_y_test[i], flat_mu_star[i], flat_var_star[i], y_m)) else: #Otherwise just pass along None's zipped_values = zip(flat_y_test, flat_mu_star, flat_var_star, [None]*y_test.shape[0]) def integral_generator(yi, mi, vi, yi_m): """Generate a function which can be integrated to give p(Y*|Y) = int p(Y*|f*)p(f*|Y) df*""" def f(fi_star): #exponent = np.exp(-(1./(2*vi))*np.square(mi-fi_star)) #from GPy.util.misc import safe_exp #exponent = safe_exp(exponent) #res = safe_exp(self.logpdf(fi_star, yi, yi_m))*exponent #More stable in the log space res = np.exp(self.logpdf(fi_star, yi, yi_m) - 0.5*np.log(2*np.pi*vi) - 0.5*np.square(fi_star-mi)/vi) if not np.isfinite(res): import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # XXX BREAKPOINT return res return f p_ystar, _ = zip(*[quad(integral_generator(yi, mi, vi, yi_m), -np.inf, np.inf) for yi, mi, vi, yi_m in zipped_values]) p_ystar = np.array(p_ystar).reshape(*y_test.shape) return np.log(p_ystar)
[docs] def log_predictive_density_sampling(self, y_test, mu_star, var_star, Y_metadata=None, num_samples=1000): """ Calculation of the log predictive density via sampling .. math: log p(y_{*}|D) = log 1/num_samples prod^{S}_{s=1} p(y_{*}|f_{*s}) f_{*s} ~ p(f_{*}|\mu_{*}\\sigma^{2}_{*}) :param y_test: test observations (y_{*}) :type y_test: (Nx1) array :param mu_star: predictive mean of gaussian p(f_{*}|mu_{*}, var_{*}) :type mu_star: (Nx1) array :param var_star: predictive variance of gaussian p(f_{*}|mu_{*}, var_{*}) :type var_star: (Nx1) array :param num_samples: num samples of p(f_{*}|mu_{*}, var_{*}) to take :type num_samples: int """ assert y_test.shape==mu_star.shape assert y_test.shape==var_star.shape assert y_test.shape[1] == 1 #Take samples of p(f*|y) #fi_samples = np.random.randn(num_samples)*np.sqrt(var_star) + mu_star fi_samples = np.random.normal(mu_star, np.sqrt(var_star), size=(mu_star.shape[0], num_samples)) from scipy.special import logsumexp log_p_ystar = -np.log(num_samples) + logsumexp(self.logpdf(fi_samples, y_test, Y_metadata=Y_metadata), axis=1) log_p_ystar = np.array(log_p_ystar).reshape(*y_test.shape) return log_p_ystar
[docs] def moments_match_ep(self,obs,tau,v,Y_metadata_i=None): """ Calculation of moments using quadrature :param obs: observed output :param tau: cavity distribution 1st natural parameter (precision) :param v: cavity distribution 2nd natural paramenter (mu*precision) """ #Compute first integral for zeroth moment. #NOTE constant np.sqrt(2*pi/tau) added at the end of the function mu = v/tau sigma2 = 1./tau #Lets do these for now based on the same idea as Gaussian quadrature # i.e. multiply anything by close to zero, and its zero. f_min = mu - 20*np.sqrt(sigma2) f_max = mu + 20*np.sqrt(sigma2) def int_1(f): return self.pdf(f, obs, Y_metadata=Y_metadata_i)*np.exp(-0.5*tau*np.square(mu-f)) z_scaled, accuracy = quad(int_1, f_min, f_max) #Compute second integral for first moment def int_2(f): return f*self.pdf(f, obs, Y_metadata=Y_metadata_i)*np.exp(-0.5*tau*np.square(mu-f)) mean, accuracy = quad(int_2, f_min, f_max) mean /= z_scaled #Compute integral for variance def int_3(f): return (f**2)*self.pdf(f, obs, Y_metadata=Y_metadata_i)*np.exp(-0.5*tau*np.square(mu-f)) Ef2, accuracy = quad(int_3, f_min, f_max) Ef2 /= z_scaled variance = Ef2 - mean**2 #Add constant to the zeroth moment #NOTE: this constant is not needed in the other moments because it cancells out. z = z_scaled/np.sqrt(2*np.pi/tau) return z, mean, variance
#only compute gh points if required __gh_points = None def _gh_points(self, T=20): if self.__gh_points is None: self.__gh_points = np.polynomial.hermite.hermgauss(T) return self.__gh_points
[docs] def ep_gradients(self, Y, cav_tau, cav_v, dL_dKdiag, Y_metadata=None, quad_mode='gk', boost_grad=1.): if self.size > 0: shape = Y.shape tau,v,Y = cav_tau.flatten(), cav_v.flatten(),Y.flatten() mu = v/tau sigma2 = 1./tau # assert Y.shape == v.shape dlik_dtheta = np.empty((self.size, Y.shape[0])) # for j in range(self.size): Y_metadata_list = [] for index in range(len(Y)): Y_metadata_i = {} if Y_metadata is not None: for key in Y_metadata.keys(): Y_metadata_i[key] = Y_metadata[key][index,:] Y_metadata_list.append(Y_metadata_i) if quad_mode == 'gk': f = partial(self.integrate_gk) quads = zip(*map(f, Y.flatten(), mu.flatten(), np.sqrt(sigma2.flatten()), Y_metadata_list)) quads = np.vstack(quads) quads.reshape(self.size, shape[0], shape[1]) elif quad_mode == 'gh': f = partial(self.integrate_gh) quads = zip(*map(f, Y.flatten(), mu.flatten(), np.sqrt(sigma2.flatten()))) quads = np.hstack(list(quads)) quads = quads.T else: raise Exception("no other quadrature mode available") # do a gaussian-hermite integration dL_dtheta_avg = boost_grad * np.nanmean(quads, axis=1) dL_dtheta = boost_grad * np.nansum(quads, axis=1) # dL_dtheta = boost_grad * np.nansum(dlik_dtheta, axis=1) else: dL_dtheta = np.zeros(self.num_params) return dL_dtheta
[docs] def integrate_gk(self, Y, mu, sigma, Y_metadata_i=None): # gaussian-kronrod integration. fmin = -np.inf fmax = np.inf SQRT_2PI = np.sqrt(2.*np.pi) def generate_integral(f): a = np.exp(self.logpdf_link(f, Y, Y_metadata_i)) * np.exp(-0.5 * np.square((f - mu) / sigma)) / ( SQRT_2PI * sigma) fn1 = a * self.dlogpdf_dtheta(f, Y, Y_metadata_i) fn = fn1 return fn dF_dtheta_i = quadgk_int(generate_integral, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax) return dF_dtheta_i
[docs] def integrate_gh(self, Y, mu, sigma, Y_metadata_i=None, gh_points=None): # gaussian-hermite quadrature. # "calculate site derivatives E_f{d logp(y_i|f_i)/da} where a is a likelihood parameter # and the expectation is over the exact marginal posterior, which is not gaussian- and is # unnormalised product of the cavity distribution(a Gaussian) and the exact likelihood term. # # calculate the expectation wrt the approximate marginal posterior, which should be approximately the same. # . This term is needed for evaluating the # gradients of the marginal likelihood estimate Z_EP wrt likelihood parameters." # "writing it explicitly " # use them for gaussian-hermite quadrature SQRT_2PI = np.sqrt(2.*np.pi) if gh_points is None: gh_x, gh_w = self._gh_points(32) else: gh_x, gh_w = gh_points X = gh_x[None,:]*np.sqrt(2.)*sigma + mu # Here X is a grid vector of possible fi values, while Y is just a single value which will be broadcasted. a = np.exp(self.logpdf_link(X, Y, Y_metadata_i)) a = a.repeat(self.num_params,0) b = self.dlogpdf_dtheta(X, Y, Y_metadata_i) old_shape = b.shape fn = np.array([i*j for i,j in zip(a.flatten(), b.flatten())]) fn = fn.reshape(old_shape) dF_dtheta_i =, gh_w)/np.sqrt(np.pi) return dF_dtheta_i
[docs] def variational_expectations(self, Y, m, v, gh_points=None, Y_metadata=None): """ Use Gauss-Hermite Quadrature to compute E_p(f) [ log p(y|f) ] d/dm E_p(f) [ log p(y|f) ] d/dv E_p(f) [ log p(y|f) ] where p(f) is a Gaussian with mean m and variance v. The shapes of Y, m and v should match. if no gh_points are passed, we construct them using defualt options """ if gh_points is None: gh_x, gh_w = self._gh_points() else: gh_x, gh_w = gh_points shape = m.shape m,v,Y = m.flatten(), v.flatten(), Y.flatten() #make a grid of points X = gh_x[None,:]*np.sqrt(2.*v[:,None]) + m[:,None] #evaluate the likelhood for the grid. First ax indexes the data (and mu, var) and the second indexes the grid. # broadcast needs to be handled carefully. logp = self.logpdf(X,Y[:,None], Y_metadata=Y_metadata) dlogp_dx = self.dlogpdf_df(X, Y[:,None], Y_metadata=Y_metadata) d2logp_dx2 = self.d2logpdf_df2(X, Y[:,None], Y_metadata=Y_metadata) #clipping for numerical stability #logp = np.clip(logp,-1e9,1e9) #dlogp_dx = np.clip(dlogp_dx,-1e9,1e9) #d2logp_dx2 = np.clip(d2logp_dx2,-1e9,1e9) #average over the gird to get derivatives of the Gaussian's parameters #division by pi comes from fact that for each quadrature we need to scale by 1/sqrt(pi) F =, gh_w)/np.sqrt(np.pi) dF_dm =, gh_w)/np.sqrt(np.pi) dF_dv =, gh_w)/np.sqrt(np.pi) dF_dv /= 2. if np.any(np.isnan(dF_dv)) or np.any(np.isinf(dF_dv)): stop if np.any(np.isnan(dF_dm)) or np.any(np.isinf(dF_dm)): stop if self.size: dF_dtheta = self.dlogpdf_dtheta(X, Y[:,None], Y_metadata=Y_metadata) # Ntheta x (orig size) x N_{quad_points} dF_dtheta =, gh_w)/np.sqrt(np.pi) dF_dtheta = dF_dtheta.reshape(self.size, shape[0], shape[1]) else: dF_dtheta = None # Not yet implemented return F.reshape(*shape), dF_dm.reshape(*shape), dF_dv.reshape(*shape), dF_dtheta
[docs] def predictive_mean(self, mu, variance, Y_metadata=None): """ Quadrature calculation of the predictive mean: E(Y_star|Y) = E( E(Y_star|f_star, Y) ) :param mu: mean of posterior :param sigma: standard deviation of posterior """ #conditional_mean: the edpected value of y given some f, under this likelihood fmin = -np.inf fmax = np.inf def int_mean(f,m,v): exponent = -(0.5/v)*np.square(f - m) #If exponent is under -30 then exp(exponent) will be very small, so don't exp it!) #If p is zero then conditional_mean will overflow assert v.all() > 0 p = safe_exp(exponent) #If p is zero then conditional_variance will overflow if p < 1e-10: return 0. else: return self.conditional_mean(f)*p scaled_mean = [quad(int_mean, fmin, fmax,args=(mj,s2j))[0] for mj,s2j in zip(mu,variance)] mean = np.array(scaled_mean)[:,None] / np.sqrt(2*np.pi*(variance)) return mean
[docs] def predictive_variance(self, mu,variance, predictive_mean=None, Y_metadata=None): """ Approximation to the predictive variance: V(Y_star) The following variance decomposition is used: V(Y_star) = E( V(Y_star|f_star)**2 ) + V( E(Y_star|f_star) )**2 :param mu: mean of posterior :param sigma: standard deviation of posterior :predictive_mean: output's predictive mean, if None _predictive_mean function will be called. """ #sigma2 = sigma**2 normalizer = np.sqrt(2*np.pi*variance) fmin_v = -np.inf fmin_m = np.inf fmin = -np.inf fmax = np.inf from ..util.misc import safe_exp # E( V(Y_star|f_star) ) def int_var(f,m,v): exponent = -(0.5/v)*np.square(f - m) p = safe_exp(exponent) #If p is zero then conditional_variance will overflow if p < 1e-10: return 0. else: return self.conditional_variance(f)*p scaled_exp_variance = [quad(int_var, fmin_v, fmax,args=(mj,s2j))[0] for mj,s2j in zip(mu,variance)] exp_var = np.array(scaled_exp_variance)[:,None] / normalizer #V( E(Y_star|f_star) ) = E( E(Y_star|f_star)**2 ) - E( E(Y_star|f_star) )**2 #E( E(Y_star|f_star) )**2 if predictive_mean is None: predictive_mean = self.predictive_mean(mu,variance) predictive_mean_sq = predictive_mean**2 #E( E(Y_star|f_star)**2 ) def int_pred_mean_sq(f,m,v,predictive_mean_sq): exponent = -(0.5/v)*np.square(f - m) p = np.exp(exponent) #If p is zero then conditional_mean**2 will overflow if p < 1e-10: return 0. else: return self.conditional_mean(f)**2*p scaled_exp_exp2 = [quad(int_pred_mean_sq, fmin_m, fmax,args=(mj,s2j,pm2j))[0] for mj,s2j,pm2j in zip(mu,variance,predictive_mean_sq)] exp_exp2 = np.array(scaled_exp_exp2)[:,None] / normalizer var_exp = exp_exp2 - predictive_mean_sq # V(Y_star) = E[ V(Y_star|f_star) ] + V[ E(Y_star|f_star) ] # V(Y_star) = E[ V(Y_star|f_star) ] + E(Y_star**2|f_star) - E[Y_star|f_star]**2 return exp_var + var_exp
[docs] def d2logpdf_dlink2(self, inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def d3logpdf_dlink3(self, inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def d2logpdf_dlink2_dtheta(self, inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pdf(self, f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ Evaluates the link function link(f) then computes the likelihood (pdf) using it .. math: p(y|\\lambda(f)) :param f: latent variables f :type f: Nx1 array :param y: data :type y: Nx1 array :param Y_metadata: Y_metadata which is not used in student t distribution - not used :returns: likelihood evaluated for this point :rtype: float """ if isinstance(self.gp_link, link_functions.Identity): return self.pdf_link(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) else: inv_link_f = self.gp_link.transf(f) return self.pdf_link(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata)
[docs] def logpdf_sum(self, f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ Convenience function that can overridden for functions where this could be computed more efficiently """ return np.sum(self.logpdf(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata))
[docs] def logpdf(self, f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ Evaluates the link function link(f) then computes the log likelihood (log pdf) using it .. math: \\log p(y|\\lambda(f)) :param f: latent variables f :type f: Nx1 array :param y: data :type y: Nx1 array :param Y_metadata: Y_metadata which is not used in student t distribution - not used :returns: log likelihood evaluated for this point :rtype: float """ if isinstance(self.gp_link, link_functions.Identity): return self.logpdf_link(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) else: inv_link_f = self.gp_link.transf(f) return self.logpdf_link(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata)
[docs] def dlogpdf_df(self, f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ Evaluates the link function link(f) then computes the derivative of log likelihood using it Uses the Faa di Bruno's formula for the chain rule .. math:: \\frac{d\\log p(y|\\lambda(f))}{df} = \\frac{d\\log p(y|\\lambda(f))}{d\\lambda(f)}\\frac{d\\lambda(f)}{df} :param f: latent variables f :type f: Nx1 array :param y: data :type y: Nx1 array :param Y_metadata: Y_metadata which is not used in student t distribution - not used :returns: derivative of log likelihood evaluated for this point :rtype: 1xN array """ if isinstance(self.gp_link, link_functions.Identity): return self.dlogpdf_dlink(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) else: inv_link_f = self.gp_link.transf(f) dlogpdf_dlink = self.dlogpdf_dlink(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) dlink_df = self.gp_link.dtransf_df(f) return chain_1(dlogpdf_dlink, dlink_df)
@blockify_hessian def d2logpdf_df2(self, f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ Evaluates the link function link(f) then computes the second derivative of log likelihood using it Uses the Faa di Bruno's formula for the chain rule .. math:: \\frac{d^{2}\\log p(y|\\lambda(f))}{df^{2}} = \\frac{d^{2}\\log p(y|\\lambda(f))}{d^{2}\\lambda(f)}\\left(\\frac{d\\lambda(f)}{df}\\right)^{2} + \\frac{d\\log p(y|\\lambda(f))}{d\\lambda(f)}\\frac{d^{2}\\lambda(f)}{df^{2}} :param f: latent variables f :type f: Nx1 array :param y: data :type y: Nx1 array :param Y_metadata: Y_metadata which is not used in student t distribution - not used :returns: second derivative of log likelihood evaluated for this point (diagonal only) :rtype: 1xN array """ if isinstance(self.gp_link, link_functions.Identity): d2logpdf_df2 = self.d2logpdf_dlink2(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) else: inv_link_f = self.gp_link.transf(f) d2logpdf_dlink2 = self.d2logpdf_dlink2(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) dlink_df = self.gp_link.dtransf_df(f) dlogpdf_dlink = self.dlogpdf_dlink(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) d2link_df2 = self.gp_link.d2transf_df2(f) d2logpdf_df2 = chain_2(d2logpdf_dlink2, dlink_df, dlogpdf_dlink, d2link_df2) return d2logpdf_df2 @blockify_third def d3logpdf_df3(self, f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ Evaluates the link function link(f) then computes the third derivative of log likelihood using it Uses the Faa di Bruno's formula for the chain rule .. math:: \\frac{d^{3}\\log p(y|\\lambda(f))}{df^{3}} = \\frac{d^{3}\\log p(y|\\lambda(f)}{d\\lambda(f)^{3}}\\left(\\frac{d\\lambda(f)}{df}\\right)^{3} + 3\\frac{d^{2}\\log p(y|\\lambda(f)}{d\\lambda(f)^{2}}\\frac{d\\lambda(f)}{df}\\frac{d^{2}\\lambda(f)}{df^{2}} + \\frac{d\\log p(y|\\lambda(f)}{d\\lambda(f)}\\frac{d^{3}\\lambda(f)}{df^{3}} :param f: latent variables f :type f: Nx1 array :param y: data :type y: Nx1 array :param Y_metadata: Y_metadata which is not used in student t distribution - not used :returns: third derivative of log likelihood evaluated for this point :rtype: float """ if isinstance(self.gp_link, link_functions.Identity): d3logpdf_df3 = self.d3logpdf_dlink3(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) else: inv_link_f = self.gp_link.transf(f) d3logpdf_dlink3 = self.d3logpdf_dlink3(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) dlink_df = self.gp_link.dtransf_df(f) d2logpdf_dlink2 = self.d2logpdf_dlink2(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) d2link_df2 = self.gp_link.d2transf_df2(f) dlogpdf_dlink = self.dlogpdf_dlink(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) d3link_df3 = self.gp_link.d3transf_df3(f) d3logpdf_df3 = chain_3(d3logpdf_dlink3, dlink_df, d2logpdf_dlink2, d2link_df2, dlogpdf_dlink, d3link_df3) return d3logpdf_df3
[docs] def dlogpdf_dtheta(self, f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ TODO: Doc strings """ if self.size > 0: if self.not_block_really: raise NotImplementedError("Need to make a decorator for this!") if isinstance(self.gp_link, link_functions.Identity): return self.dlogpdf_link_dtheta(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) else: inv_link_f = self.gp_link.transf(f) return self.dlogpdf_link_dtheta(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) else: # There are no parameters so return an empty array for derivatives return np.zeros((0, f.shape[0], f.shape[1]))
[docs] def dlogpdf_df_dtheta(self, f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ TODO: Doc strings """ if self.size > 0: if self.not_block_really: raise NotImplementedError("Need to make a decorator for this!") if isinstance(self.gp_link, link_functions.Identity): return self.dlogpdf_dlink_dtheta(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) else: inv_link_f = self.gp_link.transf(f) dlink_df = self.gp_link.dtransf_df(f) dlogpdf_dlink_dtheta = self.dlogpdf_dlink_dtheta(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) dlogpdf_df_dtheta = np.zeros((self.size, f.shape[0], f.shape[1])) #Chain each parameter of hte likelihood seperately for p in range(self.size): dlogpdf_df_dtheta[p, :, :] = chain_1(dlogpdf_dlink_dtheta[p,:,:], dlink_df) return dlogpdf_df_dtheta #return chain_1(dlogpdf_dlink_dtheta, dlink_df) else: # There are no parameters so return an empty array for derivatives return np.zeros((0, f.shape[0], f.shape[1]))
[docs] def d2logpdf_df2_dtheta(self, f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ TODO: Doc strings """ if self.size > 0: if self.not_block_really: raise NotImplementedError("Need to make a decorator for this!") if isinstance(self.gp_link, link_functions.Identity): return self.d2logpdf_dlink2_dtheta(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) else: inv_link_f = self.gp_link.transf(f) dlink_df = self.gp_link.dtransf_df(f) d2link_df2 = self.gp_link.d2transf_df2(f) d2logpdf_dlink2_dtheta = self.d2logpdf_dlink2_dtheta(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) dlogpdf_dlink_dtheta = self.dlogpdf_dlink_dtheta(inv_link_f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) d2logpdf_df2_dtheta = np.zeros((self.size, f.shape[0], f.shape[1])) #Chain each parameter of hte likelihood seperately for p in range(self.size): d2logpdf_df2_dtheta[p, :, :] = chain_2(d2logpdf_dlink2_dtheta[p,:,:], dlink_df, dlogpdf_dlink_dtheta[p,:,:], d2link_df2) return d2logpdf_df2_dtheta #return chain_2(d2logpdf_dlink2_dtheta, dlink_df, dlogpdf_dlink_dtheta, d2link_df2) else: # There are no parameters so return an empty array for derivatives return np.zeros((0, f.shape[0], f.shape[1]))
def _laplace_gradients(self, f, y, Y_metadata=None): dlogpdf_dtheta = self.dlogpdf_dtheta(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) dlogpdf_df_dtheta = self.dlogpdf_df_dtheta(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) d2logpdf_df2_dtheta = self.d2logpdf_df2_dtheta(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) #Parameters are stacked vertically. Must be listed in same order as 'get_param_names' # ensure we have gradients for every parameter we want to optimize assert dlogpdf_dtheta.shape[0] == self.size #num_param array x f, d assert dlogpdf_df_dtheta.shape[0] == self.size #num_param x f x d x matrix or just num_param x f assert d2logpdf_df2_dtheta.shape[0] == self.size #num_param x f matrix or num_param x f x d x matrix, num_param x f x f or num_param x f x f x d return dlogpdf_dtheta, dlogpdf_df_dtheta, d2logpdf_df2_dtheta
[docs] def predictive_values(self, mu, var, full_cov=False, Y_metadata=None): """ Compute mean, variance of the predictive distibution. :param mu: mean of the latent variable, f, of posterior :param var: variance of the latent variable, f, of posterior :param full_cov: whether to use the full covariance or just the diagonal :type full_cov: Boolean """ try: pred_mean = self.predictive_mean(mu, var, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) pred_var = self.predictive_variance(mu, var, pred_mean, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) except NotImplementedError: print("Finding predictive mean and variance via sampling rather than quadrature") Nf_samp = 300 Ny_samp = 1 s = np.random.randn(mu.shape[0], Nf_samp)*np.sqrt(var) + mu ss_y = self.samples(s, Y_metadata, samples=Ny_samp) pred_mean = np.mean(ss_y, axis=1)[:, None] pred_var = np.var(ss_y, axis=1)[:, None] return pred_mean, pred_var
[docs] def predictive_quantiles(self, mu, var, quantiles, Y_metadata=None): #compute the quantiles by sampling!!! Nf_samp = 300 Ny_samp = 1 s = np.random.randn(mu.shape[0], Nf_samp)*np.sqrt(var) + mu ss_y = self.samples(s, Y_metadata)#, samples=Ny_samp) #ss_y = ss_y.reshape(mu.shape[0], mu.shape[1], Nf_samp*Ny_samp) pred_quantiles = [np.percentile(ss_y, q, axis=1)[:,None] for q in quantiles] return pred_quantiles
[docs] def samples(self, gp, Y_metadata=None, samples=1): """ Returns a set of samples of observations based on a given value of the latent variable. :param gp: latent variable :param samples: number of samples to take for each f location """ raise NotImplementedError("""May be possible to use MCMC with user-tuning, see MCMC_pdf_samples in and write samples function using this, beware this is a simple implementation of Metropolis and will not work well for all likelihoods""")
[docs] def MCMC_pdf_samples(self, fNew, num_samples=1000, starting_loc=None, stepsize=0.1, burn_in=1000, Y_metadata=None): """ Simple implementation of Metropolis sampling algorithm Will run a parallel chain for each input dimension (treats each f independently) Thus assumes f*_1 independant of f*_2 etc. :param num_samples: Number of samples to take :param fNew: f at which to sample around :param starting_loc: Starting locations of the independant chains (usually will be conditional_mean of likelihood), often link_f :param stepsize: Stepsize for the normal proposal distribution (will need modifying) :param burnin: number of samples to use for burnin (will need modifying) :param Y_metadata: Y_metadata for pdf """ print("Warning, using MCMC for sampling y*, needs to be tuned!") if starting_loc is None: starting_loc = fNew from functools import partial logpdf = partial(self.logpdf, f=fNew, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) pdf = lambda y_star: np.exp(logpdf(y=y_star[:, None])) #Should be the link function of f is a good starting point #(i.e. the point before you corrupt it with the likelihood) par_chains = starting_loc.shape[0] chain_values = np.zeros((par_chains, num_samples)) chain_values[:, 0][:,None] = starting_loc #Use same stepsize for all par_chains stepsize = np.ones(par_chains)*stepsize accepted = np.zeros((par_chains, num_samples+burn_in)) accept_ratio = np.zeros(num_samples+burn_in) #Whilst burning in, only need to keep the previous lot burnin_cache = np.zeros(par_chains) burnin_cache[:] = starting_loc.flatten() burning_in = True for i in range(burn_in+num_samples): next_ind = i-burn_in if burning_in: old_y = burnin_cache else: old_y = chain_values[:,next_ind-1] old_lik = pdf(old_y) #Propose new y from Gaussian proposal new_y = np.random.normal(loc=old_y, scale=stepsize) new_lik = pdf(new_y) #Accept using Metropolis (not hastings) acceptance #Always accepts if new_lik > old_lik accept_probability = np.minimum(1, new_lik/old_lik) u = np.random.uniform(0,1,par_chains) #print "Accept prob: ", accept_probability accepts = u < accept_probability if burning_in: burnin_cache[accepts] = new_y[accepts] burnin_cache[~accepts] = old_y[~accepts] if i == burn_in: burning_in = False chain_values[:,0] = burnin_cache else: #If it was accepted then new_y becomes the latest sample chain_values[accepts, next_ind] = new_y[accepts] #Otherwise use old y as the sample chain_values[~accepts, next_ind] = old_y[~accepts] accepted[~accepts, i] = 0 accepted[accepts, i] = 1 accept_ratio[i] = np.sum(accepted[:,i])/float(par_chains) #Show progress if i % int((burn_in+num_samples)*0.1) == 0: print("{}% of samples taken ({})".format((i/int((burn_in+num_samples)*0.1)*10), i)) print("Last run accept ratio: ", accept_ratio[i]) print("Average accept ratio: ", np.mean(accept_ratio)) return chain_values