Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2012, GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt).
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

import numpy as np
from .kern import CombinationKernel
from paramz.caching import Cache_this
import itertools
from functools import reduce

[docs]def numpy_invalid_op_as_exception(func): """ A decorator that allows catching numpy invalid operations as exceptions (the default behaviour is raising warnings). """ def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): np.seterr(invalid='raise') result = func(*args, **kwargs) np.seterr(invalid='warn') return result return func_wrapper
[docs]class Prod(CombinationKernel): """ Computes the product of 2 kernels :param k1, k2: the kernels to multiply :type k1, k2: Kern :rtype: kernel object """ def __init__(self, kernels, name='mul'): _newkerns = [] for kern in kernels: if isinstance(kern, Prod): for part in #kern.unlink_parameter(part) _newkerns.append(part.copy()) else: _newkerns.append(kern.copy()) super(Prod, self).__init__(_newkerns, name)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Convert the object into a json serializable dictionary. Note: It uses the private method _save_to_input_dict of the parent. :return dict: json serializable dictionary containing the needed information to instantiate the object """ input_dict = super(Prod, self)._save_to_input_dict() input_dict["class"] = str("GPy.kern.Prod") return input_dict
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def K(self, X, X2=None, which_parts=None): if which_parts is None: which_parts = elif not isinstance(which_parts, (list, tuple)): # if only one part is given which_parts = [which_parts] return reduce(np.multiply, (p.K(X, X2) for p in which_parts))
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def Kdiag(self, X, which_parts=None): if which_parts is None: which_parts = return reduce(np.multiply, (p.Kdiag(X) for p in which_parts))
[docs] def reset_gradients(self): for part in part.reset_gradients()
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def dK_dX(self, X, X2, dimX, which_parts=None): """ Compute the derivative of K with respect to: dimension dimX of set X. """ if which_parts is None: which_parts = prod_sum = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0])) for combination in itertools.combinations(which_parts, len(which_parts) - 1): if len(combination) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.K(X, X2) for p in combination]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update = list(set(which_parts) - set(combination))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update.dK_dX(X, X2, dimX) return prod_sum
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def dK_dXdiag(self, X, dimX, which_parts=None): """ Compute the derivative of K with respect to: dimension dimX of set X. Returns only diagonal elements. """ if which_parts is None: which_parts = prod_sum = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) for combination in itertools.combinations(which_parts, len(which_parts) - 1): if len(combination) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.Kdiag(X) for p in combination]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update = list(set(which_parts) - set(combination))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update.dK_dXdiag(X, dimX) return prod_sum
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def dK_dX2(self, X, X2, dimX2, which_parts=None): """ Compute the derivative of K with respect to: dimension dimX2 of set X2. """ if which_parts is None: which_parts = prod_sum = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0])) for combination in itertools.combinations(which_parts, len(which_parts) - 1): if len(combination) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.K(X, X2) for p in combination]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update = list(set(which_parts) - set(combination))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update.dK_dX2(X, X2, dimX2) return prod_sum
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def dK2_dXdX2(self, X, X2, dimX, dimX2, which_parts=None): """ Compute the second derivative of K with respect to: dimension dimX of set X, and dimension dimX2 of set X2. """ if which_parts is None: which_parts = prod_sum = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0])) for combination1 in itertools.combinations(which_parts, len(which_parts) - 1): if len(combination1) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.K(X, X2) for p in combination1]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update1 = list(set(which_parts) - set(combination1))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK2_dXdX2(X, X2, dimX, dimX2) if len(which_parts) > 1: for combination2 in itertools.combinations(combination1, len(combination1) - 1): if len(combination2) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.K(X, X2) for p in combination2]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update2 = list(set(combination1) - set(combination2))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK_dX(X, X2, dimX)*to_update2.dK_dX2(X, X2, dimX2) return prod_sum
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def dK2_dXdX2diag(self, X, dimX, dimX2, which_parts=None): """ Compute the second derivative of K with respect to: dimension dimX of set X, and dimension dimX2 of set X2. Returns only diagonal elements. """ if which_parts is None: which_parts = prod_sum = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) for combination1 in itertools.combinations(which_parts, len(which_parts) - 1): if len(combination1) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.Kdiag(X) for p in combination1]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update1 = list(set(which_parts) - set(combination1))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK2_dXdX2diag(X, dimX, dimX2) if len(which_parts) > 1: for combination2 in itertools.combinations(combination1, len(combination1) - 1): if len(combination2) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.Kdiag(X) for p in combination2]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update2 = list(set(combination1) - set(combination2))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK_dXdiag(X, dimX)*to_update2.dK_dX2diag(X, dimX) return prod_sum
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def dK2_dXdX(self, X, X2, dimX_0, dimX_1, which_parts=None): """ Compute the second derivative of K with respect to: dimension dimX_0 of set X, and dimension dimX_1 of set X. """ if which_parts is None: which_parts = prod_sum = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0])) for combination1 in itertools.combinations(which_parts, len(which_parts) - 1): if len(combination1) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.K(X, X2) for p in combination1]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update1 = list(set(which_parts) - set(combination1))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK2_dXdX(X, X2, dimX_0, dimX_1) if len(which_parts) > 1: for combination2 in itertools.combinations(combination1, len(combination1) - 1): if len(combination2) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.K(X, X2) for p in combination2]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update2 = list(set(combination1) - set(combination2))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK_dX(X, X2, dimX_0)*to_update2.dK_dX(X, X2, dimX_1) return prod_sum
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def dK3_dXdXdX2(self, X, X2, dimX_0, dimX_1, dimX2, which_parts=None): """ Compute the third derivative of K with respect to: dimension dimX_0 of set X, dimension dimX_1 of set X, and dimension dimX2 of set X2. """ if which_parts is None: which_parts = prod_sum = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0])) for combination1 in itertools.combinations(which_parts, len(which_parts) - 1): if len(combination1) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.K(X, X2) for p in combination1]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update1 = list(set(which_parts) - set(combination1))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK3_dXdXdX2(X, X2, dimX_0, dimX_1, dimX2) if len(which_parts) > 1: for combination2 in itertools.combinations(combination1, len(combination1) - 1): if len(combination2) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.K(X, X2) for p in combination2]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update2 = list(set(combination1) - set(combination2))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK2_dXdX2(X, X2, dimX_0, dimX2)*to_update2.dK_dX(X, X2, dimX_1) prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK2_dXdX(X, X2, dimX_0, dimX_1)*to_update2.dK_dX2(X, X2, dimX2) prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK_dX(X, X2, dimX_0)*to_update2.dK2_dXdX2(X, X2, dimX_1, dimX2) if len(which_parts) > 2: for combination3 in itertools.combinations(combination2, len(combination2) - 1): if len(combination3) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.K(X, X2) for p in combination3]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update3 = list(set(combination2) - set(combination3))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK_dX(X, X2, dimX_0)*to_update2.dK_dX2(X, X2, dimX2)*to_update3.dK_dX(X, X2, dimX_1) return prod_sum
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def dK3_dXdXdX2diag(self, X, dimX_0, dimX_1, dimX2, which_parts=None): """ Compute the third derivative of K with respect to: dimension dimX_0 of set X, dimension dimX_1 of set X, and dimension dimX2 of set X2. Returns only diagonal elements of the covariance matrix. """ if which_parts is None: which_parts = prod_sum = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) for combination1 in itertools.combinations(which_parts, len(which_parts) - 1): if len(combination1) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.Kdiag(X) for p in combination1]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update1 = list(set(which_parts) - set(combination1))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK3_dXdXdX2diag(X, dimX_0, dimX_1, dimX2) if len(which_parts) > 1: for combination2 in itertools.combinations(combination1, len(combination1) - 1): if len(combination2) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.Kdiag(X) for p in combination2]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update2 = list(set(combination1) - set(combination2))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK2_dXdX2diag(X, dimX_0, dimX2)*to_update2.dK_dXdiag(X, dimX_1) prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK2_dXdXdiag(X, dimX_0, dimX_1)*to_update2.dK_dX2diag(X, dimX2) prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK_dXdiag(X, dimX_0)*to_update2.dK2_dXdX2diag(X, dimX_1, dimX2) if len(which_parts) > 2: for combination3 in itertools.combinations(combination2, len(combination2) - 1): if len(combination3) > 0: prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.Kdiag(X) for p in combination3]) else: prod = np.ones(prod_sum.shape) to_update3 = list(set(combination2) - set(combination3))[0] prod_sum += prod*to_update1.dK_dXdiag(X, dimX_0)*to_update2.dK_dX2diag(X, dimX2)*to_update3.dK_dXdiag(X, dimX_1) return prod_sum
[docs] def update_gradients_direct(self, *args): for i, (g,p) in enumerate(zip(args, p.update_gradients_direct(*g)
[docs] def dgradients_dX(self, X, X2, dimX, parts=None): """ Compute the hyperparameter gradients of: the derivative of K with respect to dimension dimX of set X ("dK_dX"). """ if parts is None: parts = gradients = [] for part in parts: neq_parts = [p for p in parts if p is not part] if len(neq_parts) > 0: K = self.K(X, X2, which_parts=neq_parts) K_dx = self.dK_dX(X, X2, dimX, which_parts=neq_parts) else: K = np.ones((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0])) K_dx = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0])) g = part.dgradients(X, X2) g_dx = part.dgradients_dX(X, X2, dimX) gradients += [[(g_i*K_dx + g_dx_i*K) for (g_i, g_dx_i) in zip(g, g_dx)]] return gradients
[docs] def dgradients_dX2(self, X, X2, dimX2, parts=None): """ Compute the hyperparameter gradients of: the derivative of K with respect to dimension dimX2 of set X2 ("dK_dX2"). """ if parts is None: parts = gradients = [] for part in parts: neq_parts = [p for p in parts if p is not part] if len(neq_parts) > 0: K = self.K(X, X2, which_parts=neq_parts) K_dx2 = self.dK_dX2(X, X2, dimX2, which_parts=neq_parts) else: K = np.ones((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0])) K_dx2 = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0])) g = part.dgradients(X, X2) g_dx2 = part.dgradients_dX2(X, X2, dimX2) gradients += [[(g_i*K_dx2 + g_dx2_i*K) for (g_i, g_dx2_i) in zip(g, g_dx2)]] return gradients
[docs] def dgradients2_dXdX2(self, X, X2, dimX, dimX2, parts=None): """ Compute the hyperparameter gradients of: the second derivative of K with respect to: dimension dimX of set X, and dimension dimX2 of set X2 ("dK2_dXdX2"). """ if parts is None: parts = gradients = [] for part in parts: neq_parts = [p for p in parts if p is not part] K = self.K(X, X2, which_parts=neq_parts) K_dx = self.dK_dX(X, X2, dimX, which_parts=neq_parts) K_dx2 = self.dK_dX2(X, X2, dimX2, which_parts=neq_parts) K_dxdx2 = self.dK2_dXdX2(X, X2, dimX, dimX2, which_parts=neq_parts) g = part.dgradients(X, X2) g_dx = part.dgradients_dX(X, X2, dimX) g_dx2 = part.dgradients_dX2(X, X2, dimX2) g_dxdx2 = part.dgradients2_dXdX2(X, X2, dimX, dimX2) gradients += [[(g_i*K_dxdx2 + g_dx_i*K_dx2 + g_dx2_i*K_dx + g_dxdx2_i*K) for (g_i, g_dx_i, g_dx2_i, g_dxdx2_i) in zip(g, g_dx, g_dx2, g_dxdx2)]] return gradients
[docs] def update_gradients_full(self, dL_dK, X, X2=None): if len([0].update_gradients_full(dL_dK*[1].K(X,X2), X, X2)[1].update_gradients_full(dL_dK*[0].K(X,X2), X, X2) else: for combination in itertools.combinations(, len( - 1): prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.K(X, X2) for p in combination]) to_update = list(set( - set(combination))[0] to_update.update_gradients_full(dL_dK * prod, X, X2)
[docs] def update_gradients_diag(self, dL_dKdiag, X): if len([0].update_gradients_diag(dL_dKdiag*[1].Kdiag(X), X)[1].update_gradients_diag(dL_dKdiag*[0].Kdiag(X), X) else: for combination in itertools.combinations(, len( - 1): prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.Kdiag(X) for p in combination]) to_update = list(set( - set(combination))[0] to_update.update_gradients_diag(dL_dKdiag * prod, X)
[docs] def gradients_X(self, dL_dK, X, X2=None): target = np.zeros(X.shape) if len( target +=[0].gradients_X(dL_dK*[1].K(X, X2), X, X2) target +=[1].gradients_X(dL_dK*[0].K(X, X2), X, X2) else: for combination in itertools.combinations(, len( - 1): prod = reduce(np.multiply, [p.K(X, X2) for p in combination]) to_update = list(set( - set(combination))[0] target += to_update.gradients_X(dL_dK * prod, X, X2) return target
[docs] def gradients_X_diag(self, dL_dKdiag, X): target = np.zeros(X.shape) if len( target +=[0].gradients_X_diag(dL_dKdiag*[1].Kdiag(X), X) target +=[1].gradients_X_diag(dL_dKdiag*[0].Kdiag(X), X) else: k = self.Kdiag(X)*dL_dKdiag for p in target += p.gradients_X_diag(k/p.Kdiag(X),X) return target
[docs] def input_sensitivity(self, summarize=True): if summarize: i_s = np.ones((self.input_dim)) for k in i_s[k._all_dims_active] *= k.input_sensitivity(summarize) return i_s else: return super(Prod, self).input_sensitivity(summarize)
[docs] def sde_update_gradient_full(self, gradients): """ Update gradient in the order in which parameters are represented in the kernel """ part_start_param_index = 0 for p in if not p.is_fixed: part_param_num = len(p.param_array) # number of parameters in the part p.sde_update_gradient_full(gradients[part_start_param_index:(part_start_param_index+part_param_num)]) part_start_param_index += part_param_num
[docs] def sde(self): """ """ F = np.array((0,), ndmin=2) L = np.array((1,), ndmin=2) Qc = np.array((1,), ndmin=2) H = np.array((1,), ndmin=2) Pinf = np.array((1,), ndmin=2) P0 = np.array((1,), ndmin=2) dF = None dQc = None dPinf = None dP0 = None # Assign models for p in (Ft,Lt,Qct,Ht,P_inft, P0t, dFt,dQct,dP_inft,dP0t) = p.sde() # check derivative dimensions -> number_of_parameters = len(p.param_array) assert dFt.shape[2] == number_of_parameters, "Dynamic matrix derivative shape is wrong" assert dQct.shape[2] == number_of_parameters, "Diffusion matrix derivative shape is wrong" assert dP_inft.shape[2] == number_of_parameters, "Infinite covariance matrix derivative shape is wrong" # check derivative dimensions <- # exception for periodic kernel if ( == 'std_periodic'): Qct = P_inft dQct = dP_inft dF = dkron(F,dF,Ft,dFt,'sum') dQc = dkron(Qc,dQc,Qct,dQct,'prod') dPinf = dkron(Pinf,dPinf,P_inft,dP_inft,'prod') dP0 = dkron(P0,dP0,P0t,dP0t,'prod') F = np.kron(F,np.eye(Ft.shape[0])) + np.kron(np.eye(F.shape[0]),Ft) L = np.kron(L,Lt) Qc = np.kron(Qc,Qct) Pinf = np.kron(Pinf,P_inft) P0 = np.kron(P0,P_inft) H = np.kron(H,Ht) return (F,L,Qc,H,Pinf,P0,dF,dQc,dPinf,dP0)
[docs]def dkron(A,dA,B,dB, operation='prod'): """ Function computes the derivative of Kronecker product A*B (or Kronecker sum A+B). Input: ----------------------- A: 2D matrix Some matrix dA: 3D (or 2D matrix) Derivarives of A B: 2D matrix Some matrix dB: 3D (or 2D matrix) Derivarives of B operation: str 'prod' or 'sum' Which operation is considered. If the operation is 'sum' it is assumed that A and are square matrices.s Output: dC: 3D matrix Derivative of Kronecker product A*B (or Kronecker sum A+B) """ if dA is None: dA_param_num = 0 dA = np.zeros((A.shape[0], A.shape[1],1)) else: dA_param_num = dA.shape[2] if dB is None: dB_param_num = 0 dB = np.zeros((B.shape[0], B.shape[1],1)) else: dB_param_num = dB.shape[2] # Space allocation for derivative matrix dC = np.zeros((A.shape[0]*B.shape[0], A.shape[1]*B.shape[1], dA_param_num + dB_param_num)) for k in range(dA_param_num): if operation == 'prod': dC[:,:,k] = np.kron(dA[:,:,k],B); else: dC[:,:,k] = np.kron(dA[:,:,k],np.eye( B.shape[0] )) for k in range(dB_param_num): if operation == 'prod': dC[:,:,dA_param_num+k] = np.kron(A,dB[:,:,k]) else: dC[:,:,dA_param_num+k] = np.kron(np.eye( A.shape[0] ),dB[:,:,k]) return dC