Source code for GPy.util.warping_functions

# Copyright (c) 2012, GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt).
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

import numpy as np
from ..core.parameterization import Parameterized, Param
from paramz.transformations import Logexp
import sys

[docs]class WarpingFunction(Parameterized): """ abstract function for warping z = f(y) """ def __init__(self, name): super(WarpingFunction, self).__init__(name=name) self.rate = 0.1
[docs] def f(self, y, psi): """function transformation y is a list of values (GP training data) of shape [N, 1] """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fgrad_y(self, y, psi): """gradient of f w.r.t to y""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fgrad_y_psi(self, y, psi): """gradient of f w.r.t to y""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def f_inv(self, z, max_iterations=250, y=None): """ Calculate the numerical inverse of f. This should be overwritten for specific warping functions where the inverse can be found in closed form. :param max_iterations: maximum number of N.R. iterations """ z = z.copy() y = np.ones_like(z) it = 0 update = np.inf while np.abs(update).sum() > 1e-10 and it < max_iterations: fy = self.f(y) fgrady = self.fgrad_y(y) update = (fy - z) / fgrady y -= self.rate * update it += 1 #if it == max_iterations: # print("WARNING!!! Maximum number of iterations reached in f_inv ") # print("Sum of roots: %.4f" % np.sum(fy - z)) return y
[docs] def plot(self, xmin, xmax): y = np.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.01) f_y = self.f(y) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.plot(y, f_y) plt.xlabel('y') plt.ylabel('f(y)') plt.title('warping function')
[docs]class TanhFunction(WarpingFunction): """ This is the function proposed in Snelson et al.: A sum of tanh functions with linear trends outside the range. Notice the term 'd', which scales the linear trend. """ def __init__(self, n_terms=3, initial_y=None): """ n_terms specifies the number of tanh terms to be used """ self.n_terms = n_terms self.num_parameters = 3 * self.n_terms + 1 self.psi = np.ones((self.n_terms, 3)) super(TanhFunction, self).__init__(name='warp_tanh') self.psi = Param('psi', self.psi) self.psi[:, :2].constrain_positive() self.d = Param('%s' % ('d'), 1.0, Logexp()) self.link_parameter(self.psi) self.link_parameter(self.d) self.initial_y = initial_y
[docs] def f(self, y): """ Transform y with f using parameter vector psi psi = [[a,b,c]] :math:`f = (y * d) + \\sum_{terms} a * tanh(b *(y + c))` """ d = self.d mpsi = self.psi z = d * y.copy() for i in range(len(mpsi)): a, b, c = mpsi[i] z += a * np.tanh(b * (y + c)) return z
[docs] def fgrad_y(self, y, return_precalc=False): """ gradient of f w.r.t to y ([N x 1]) :returns: Nx1 vector of derivatives, unless return_precalc is true, then it also returns the precomputed stuff """ d = self.d mpsi = self.psi # vectorized version S = (mpsi[:,1] * (y[:,:,None] + mpsi[:,2])).T R = np.tanh(S) D = 1 - (R ** 2) GRAD = (d + (mpsi[:,0:1][:,:,None] * mpsi[:,1:2][:,:,None] * D).sum(axis=0)).T if return_precalc: return GRAD, S, R, D return GRAD
[docs] def fgrad_y_psi(self, y, return_covar_chain=False): """ gradient of f w.r.t to y and psi :returns: NxIx4 tensor of partial derivatives """ mpsi = self.psi w, s, r, d = self.fgrad_y(y, return_precalc=True) gradients = np.zeros((y.shape[0], y.shape[1], len(mpsi), 4)) for i in range(len(mpsi)): a,b,c = mpsi[i] gradients[:, :, i, 0] = (b * (1.0/np.cosh(s[i])) ** 2).T gradients[:, :, i, 1] = a * (d[i] - 2.0 * s[i] * r[i] * (1.0/np.cosh(s[i])) ** 2).T gradients[:, :, i, 2] = (-2.0 * a * (b ** 2) * r[i] * ((1.0 / np.cosh(s[i])) ** 2)).T gradients[:, :, 0, 3] = 1.0 if return_covar_chain: covar_grad_chain = np.zeros((y.shape[0], y.shape[1], len(mpsi), 4)) for i in range(len(mpsi)): a,b,c = mpsi[i] covar_grad_chain[:, :, i, 0] = (r[i]).T covar_grad_chain[:, :, i, 1] = (a * (y + c) * ((1.0 / np.cosh(s[i])) ** 2).T) covar_grad_chain[:, :, i, 2] = a * b * ((1.0 / np.cosh(s[i])) ** 2).T covar_grad_chain[:, :, 0, 3] = y return gradients, covar_grad_chain return gradients
[docs] def update_grads(self, Y_untransformed, Kiy): grad_y = self.fgrad_y(Y_untransformed) grad_y_psi, grad_psi = self.fgrad_y_psi(Y_untransformed, return_covar_chain=True) djac_dpsi = ((1.0 / grad_y[:, :, None, None]) * grad_y_psi).sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0) dquad_dpsi = (Kiy[:, None, None, None] * grad_psi).sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0) warping_grads = -dquad_dpsi + djac_dpsi self.psi.gradient[:] = warping_grads[:, :-1] self.d.gradient[:] = warping_grads[0, -1]
[docs]class LogFunction(WarpingFunction): """ Easy wrapper for applying a fixed log warping function to positive-only values. The closed_inverse flag should only be set to False for debugging and testing purposes. """ def __init__(self, closed_inverse=True): self.num_parameters = 0 super(LogFunction, self).__init__(name='log') if closed_inverse: self.f_inv = self._f_inv
[docs] def f(self, y): return np.log(y)
[docs] def fgrad_y(self, y): return 1. / y
[docs] def update_grads(self, Y_untransformed, Kiy): pass
[docs] def fgrad_y_psi(self, y, return_covar_chain=False): if return_covar_chain: return 0, 0 return 0
def _f_inv(self, z, y=None): return np.exp(z)
[docs]class IdentityFunction(WarpingFunction): """ Identity warping function. This is for testing and sanity check purposes and should not be used in practice. The closed_inverse flag should only be set to False for debugging and testing purposes. """ def __init__(self, closed_inverse=True): self.num_parameters = 0 super(IdentityFunction, self).__init__(name='identity') if closed_inverse: self.f_inv = self._f_inv
[docs] def f(self, y): return y
[docs] def fgrad_y(self, y): return np.ones(y.shape)
[docs] def update_grads(self, Y_untransformed, Kiy): pass
[docs] def fgrad_y_psi(self, y, return_covar_chain=False): if return_covar_chain: return 0, 0 return 0
def _f_inv(self, z, y=None): return z