Source code for GPy.models.ibp_lfm

# Copyright (c) 2012, GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt).
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

import numpy as np

from ..core.sparse_gp_mpi import SparseGP_MPI
from .. import kern
from ..util.linalg import jitchol, backsub_both_sides, tdot, dtrtrs, dtrtri, pdinv
from ..util import diag
from ..core.parameterization import Param
from ..likelihoods import Gaussian
from ..inference.latent_function_inference.var_dtc_parallel import VarDTC_minibatch
from ..inference.latent_function_inference.posterior import Posterior
from GPy.core.parameterization.variational import VariationalPrior
from ..core.parameterization.parameterized import Parameterized
from paramz.transformations import Logexp, Logistic, __fixed__
log_2_pi = np.log(2*np.pi)

[docs]class VarDTC_minibatch_IBPLFM(VarDTC_minibatch): ''' Modifications of VarDTC_minibatch for IBP LFM ''' def __init__(self, batchsize=None, limit=3, mpi_comm=None): super(VarDTC_minibatch_IBPLFM, self).__init__(batchsize, limit, mpi_comm)
[docs] def gatherPsiStat(self, kern, X, Z, Y, beta, Zp): het_noise = beta.size > 1 assert beta.size == 1 trYYT = self.get_trYYT(Y) if self.Y_speedup and not het_noise: Y = self.get_YYTfactor(Y) num_inducing = Z.shape[0] num_data, output_dim = Y.shape batchsize = num_data if self.batchsize is None else self.batchsize psi2_full = np.zeros((num_inducing, num_inducing)) # MxM psi1Y_full = np.zeros((output_dim, num_inducing)) # DxM psi0_full = 0. YRY_full = 0. for n_start in range(0, num_data, batchsize): n_end = min(batchsize+n_start, num_data) if batchsize == num_data: Y_slice = Y X_slice = X else: Y_slice = Y[n_start:n_end] X_slice = X[n_start:n_end] if het_noise: b = beta[n_start] YRY_full += np.inner(Y_slice, Y_slice)*b else: b = beta psi0 = kern._Kdiag(X_slice) #Kff^q psi1 = kern.K(X_slice, Z) #Kfu indX = X_slice.values indX = np.int_(np.round(indX[:, -1])) Zp = Zp.gamma.values # Extend Zp across columns indZ = Z.values indZ = np.int_(np.round(indZ[:, -1])) - Zp.shape[0] Zpq = Zp[:, indZ] for d in np.unique(indX): indd = indX == d psi1d = psi1[indd, :] Zpd = Zp[d, :] Zp2 = Zpd[:, None]*Zpd[None, :] - np.diag(np.power(Zpd, 2)) + np.diag(Zpd) psi2_full += (, psi1d)*Zp2[np.ix_(indZ, indZ)])*b #Zp2*Kufd*Kfud*beta psi0_full += np.sum(psi0*Zp[indX, :])*b psi1Y_full +=, psi1*Zpq[indX, :])*b if not het_noise: YRY_full = trYYT*beta if self.mpi_comm is not None: from mpi4py import MPI psi0_all = np.array(psi0_full) psi1Y_all = psi1Y_full.copy() psi2_all = psi2_full.copy() YRY_all = np.array(YRY_full) self.mpi_comm.Allreduce([psi0_full, MPI.DOUBLE], [psi0_all, MPI.DOUBLE]) self.mpi_comm.Allreduce([psi1Y_full, MPI.DOUBLE], [psi1Y_all, MPI.DOUBLE]) self.mpi_comm.Allreduce([psi2_full, MPI.DOUBLE], [psi2_all, MPI.DOUBLE]) self.mpi_comm.Allreduce([YRY_full, MPI.DOUBLE], [YRY_all, MPI.DOUBLE]) return psi0_all, psi1Y_all, psi2_all, YRY_all return psi0_full, psi1Y_full, psi2_full, YRY_full
[docs] def inference_likelihood(self, kern, X, Z, likelihood, Y, Zp): """ The first phase of inference: Compute: log-likelihood, dL_dKmm Cached intermediate results: Kmm, KmmInv, """ num_data, output_dim = Y.shape input_dim = Z.shape[0] if self.mpi_comm is not None: from mpi4py import MPI num_data_all = np.array(num_data,dtype=np.int32) self.mpi_comm.Allreduce([np.int32(num_data), MPI.INT], [num_data_all, MPI.INT]) num_data = num_data_all #see whether we've got a different noise variance for each datum beta = 1./np.fmax(likelihood.variance, 1e-6) het_noise = beta.size > 1 if het_noise: self.batchsize = 1 psi0_full, psi1Y_full, psi2_full, YRY_full = self.gatherPsiStat(kern, X, Z, Y, beta, Zp) #====================================================================== # Compute Common Components #====================================================================== Kmm = kern.K(Z).copy() diag.add(Kmm, self.const_jitter) if not np.isfinite(Kmm).all(): print(Kmm) Lm = jitchol(Kmm) LmInv = dtrtri(Lm) LmInvPsi2LmInvT =,, LmInv.T)) Lambda = np.eye(Kmm.shape[0])+LmInvPsi2LmInvT LL = jitchol(Lambda) LLInv = dtrtri(LL) logdet_L = 2.*np.sum(np.log(np.diag(LL))) LmLLInv =, LmInv) b =, LmLLInv.T) bbt = np.sum(np.square(b)) v =, LmLLInv).T LLinvPsi1TYYTPsi1LLinvT = tdot(b.T) tmp =, LLinvPsi1TYYTPsi1LLinvT + output_dim*np.eye(input_dim)), LLInv) dL_dpsi2R = .5*, tmp + output_dim*np.eye(input_dim)), LmInv) # Cache intermediate results self.midRes['dL_dpsi2R'] = dL_dpsi2R self.midRes['v'] = v #====================================================================== # Compute log-likelihood #====================================================================== if het_noise: logL_R = -np.sum(np.log(beta)) else: logL_R = -num_data*np.log(beta) logL = -(output_dim*(num_data*log_2_pi+logL_R+psi0_full-np.trace(LmInvPsi2LmInvT))+YRY_full-bbt)*.5 - output_dim*logdet_L*.5 #====================================================================== # Compute dL_dKmm #====================================================================== dL_dKmm = dL_dpsi2R - .5*output_dim*, LmInvPsi2LmInvT), LmInv) #====================================================================== # Compute the Posterior distribution of inducing points p(u|Y) #====================================================================== if not self.Y_speedup or het_noise: wd_inv = backsub_both_sides(Lm, np.eye(input_dim)- backsub_both_sides(LL, np.identity(input_dim), transpose='left'), transpose='left') post = Posterior(woodbury_inv=wd_inv, woodbury_vector=v, K=Kmm, mean=None, cov=None, K_chol=Lm) else: post = None #====================================================================== # Compute dL_dthetaL for uncertian input and non-heter noise #====================================================================== if not het_noise: dL_dthetaL = .5*(YRY_full*beta + beta*output_dim*psi0_full - num_data*output_dim*beta) - beta*(dL_dpsi2R*psi2_full).sum() - beta*(v.T*psi1Y_full).sum() self.midRes['dL_dthetaL'] = dL_dthetaL return logL, dL_dKmm, post
[docs] def inference_minibatch(self, kern, X, Z, likelihood, Y, Zp): """ The second phase of inference: Computing the derivatives over a minibatch of Y Compute: dL_dpsi0, dL_dpsi1, dL_dpsi2, dL_dthetaL return a flag showing whether it reached the end of Y (isEnd) """ num_data, output_dim = Y.shape #see whether we've got a different noise variance for each datum beta = 1./np.fmax(likelihood.variance, 1e-6) het_noise = beta.size > 1 # VVT_factor is a matrix such that tdot(VVT_factor) = VVT...this is for efficiency! #self.YYTfactor = beta*self.get_YYTfactor(Y) if self.Y_speedup and not het_noise: YYT_factor = self.get_YYTfactor(Y) else: YYT_factor = Y n_start = self.batch_pos batchsize = num_data if self.batchsize is None else self.batchsize n_end = min(batchsize+n_start, num_data) if n_end == num_data: isEnd = True self.batch_pos = 0 else: isEnd = False self.batch_pos = n_end if batchsize == num_data: Y_slice = YYT_factor X_slice = X else: Y_slice = YYT_factor[n_start:n_end] X_slice = X[n_start:n_end] psi0 = kern._Kdiag(X_slice) #Kffdiag psi1 = kern.K(X_slice, Z) #Kfu betapsi1 = np.einsum('n,nm->nm', beta, psi1) X_slice = X_slice.values Z = Z.values Zp = Zp.gamma.values indX = np.int_(X_slice[:, -1]) indZ = np.int_(Z[:, -1]) - Zp.shape[0] betaY = beta*Y_slice #====================================================================== # Load Intermediate Results #====================================================================== dL_dpsi2R = self.midRes['dL_dpsi2R'] v = self.midRes['v'] #====================================================================== # Compute dL_dpsi #====================================================================== dL_dpsi0 = -.5*output_dim*(beta * Zp[indX, :]) #XxQ #TODO: Check this gradient dL_dpsi1 =, v.T) dL_dEZp = psi1*dL_dpsi1 dL_dpsi1 = Zp[np.ix_(indX, indZ)]*dL_dpsi1 dL_dgamma = np.zeros(Zp.shape) for d in np.unique(indX): indd = indX == d betapsi1d = betapsi1[indd, :] psi1d = psi1[indd, :] Zpd = Zp[d, :] Zp2 = Zpd[:, None]*Zpd[None, :] - np.diag(np.power(Zpd, 2)) + np.diag(Zpd) dL_dpsi1[indd, :] +=, Zp2[np.ix_(indZ, indZ)] * dL_dpsi2R)*2. dL_EZp2 = dL_dpsi2R * (, psi1d) * beta)*2. # Zpd*Kufd*Kfud*beta #Gradient of Likelihood wrt gamma is calculated here EZ = Zp[d, indZ] for q in range(Zp.shape[1]): EZt = EZ.copy() indq = indZ == q EZt[indq] = .5 dL_dgamma[d, q] = np.sum(dL_dEZp[np.ix_(indd, indq)]) + np.sum(dL_EZp2[:, indq]*EZt[:, None]) -\ .5*beta*(np.sum(psi0[indd, q])) #====================================================================== # Compute dL_dthetaL #====================================================================== if isEnd: dL_dthetaL = self.midRes['dL_dthetaL'] else: dL_dthetaL = 0. grad_dict = {'dL_dKdiag': dL_dpsi0, 'dL_dKnm': dL_dpsi1, 'dL_dthetaL': dL_dthetaL, 'dL_dgamma': dL_dgamma} return isEnd, (n_start, n_end), grad_dict
[docs]def update_gradients(model, mpi_comm=None): if mpi_comm is None: Y = model.Y X = model.X else: Y = model.Y_local X = model.X[model.N_range[0]:model.N_range[1]] model._log_marginal_likelihood, dL_dKmm, model.posterior = model.inference_method.inference_likelihood(model.kern, X, model.Z, model.likelihood, Y, model.Zp) het_noise = model.likelihood.variance.size > 1 if het_noise: dL_dthetaL = np.empty((model.Y.shape[0],)) else: dL_dthetaL = np.float64(0.) kern_grad = model.kern.gradient.copy() kern_grad[:] = 0. model.Z.gradient = 0. gamma_gradient = model.Zp.gamma.copy() gamma_gradient[:] = 0. isEnd = False while not isEnd: isEnd, n_range, grad_dict = model.inference_method.inference_minibatch(model.kern, X, model.Z, model.likelihood, Y, model.Zp) if (n_range[1]-n_range[0]) == X.shape[0]: X_slice = X elif mpi_comm is None: X_slice = model.X[n_range[0]:n_range[1]] else: X_slice = model.X[model.N_range[0]+n_range[0]:model.N_range[0]+n_range[1]] #gradients w.r.t. kernel model.kern.update_gradients_diag(grad_dict['dL_dKdiag'], X_slice) kern_grad += model.kern.gradient model.kern.update_gradients_full(grad_dict['dL_dKnm'], X_slice, model.Z) kern_grad += model.kern.gradient #gradients w.r.t. Z model.Z.gradient += model.kern.gradients_X(grad_dict['dL_dKnm'].T, model.Z, X_slice) #gradients w.r.t. posterior parameters of Zp gamma_gradient += grad_dict['dL_dgamma'] if het_noise: dL_dthetaL[n_range[0]:n_range[1]] = grad_dict['dL_dthetaL'] else: dL_dthetaL += grad_dict['dL_dthetaL'] # Gather the gradients from multiple MPI nodes if mpi_comm is not None: from mpi4py import MPI if het_noise: raise "het_noise not implemented!" kern_grad_all = kern_grad.copy() Z_grad_all = model.Z.gradient.copy() gamma_grad_all = gamma_gradient.copy() mpi_comm.Allreduce([kern_grad, MPI.DOUBLE], [kern_grad_all, MPI.DOUBLE]) mpi_comm.Allreduce([model.Z.gradient, MPI.DOUBLE], [Z_grad_all, MPI.DOUBLE]) mpi_comm.Allreduce([gamma_gradient, MPI.DOUBLE], [gamma_grad_all, MPI.DOUBLE]) kern_grad = kern_grad_all model.Z.gradient = Z_grad_all gamma_gradient = gamma_grad_all #gradients w.r.t. kernel model.kern.update_gradients_full(dL_dKmm, model.Z, None) model.kern.gradient += kern_grad #gradients w.r.t. Z model.Z.gradient += model.kern.gradients_X(dL_dKmm, model.Z) #gradient w.r.t. gamma model.Zp.gamma.gradient = gamma_gradient # Update Log-likelihood KL_div = model.variational_prior.KL_divergence(model.Zp) # update for the KL divergence model.variational_prior.update_gradients_KL(model.Zp) model._log_marginal_likelihood += KL_div # dL_dthetaL model.likelihood.update_gradients(dL_dthetaL)
[docs]class IBPPosterior(Parameterized): ''' The IBP distribution for variational approximations. ''' def __init__(self, binary_prob, tau=None, name='Sensitivity space', *a, **kw): """ binary_prob : the probability of including a latent function over an output. """ super(IBPPosterior, self).__init__(name=name, *a, **kw) self.gamma = Param("binary_prob", binary_prob, Logistic(1e-10, 1. - 1e-10)) self.link_parameter(self.gamma) if tau is not None: assert tau.size == 2*self.gamma_.shape[1] self.tau = Param("tau", tau, Logexp()) else: self.tau = Param("tau", np.ones((2, self.gamma.shape[1])), Logexp()) self.link_parameter(self.tau)
[docs] def set_gradients(self, grad): self.gamma.gradient, self.tau.gradient = grad
def __getitem__(self, s): pass
# if isinstance(s, (int, slice, tuple, list, np.ndarray)): # import copy # n = self.__new__(self.__class__, # dc = self.__dict__.copy() # dc['binary_prob'] = self.binary_prob[s] # dc['tau'] = self.tau # dc['parameters'] = copy.copy(self.parameters) # n.__dict__.update(dc) # n.parameters[dc['binary_prob']._parent_index_] = dc['binary_prob'] # n.parameters[dc['tau']._parent_index_] = dc['tau'] # n._gradient_array_ = None # oversize = self.size - self.gamma.size - self.tau.size # n.size = n.gamma.size + n.tau.size + oversize # return n # else: # return super(IBPPosterior, self).__getitem__(s)
[docs]class IBPPrior(VariationalPrior): def __init__(self, rank, alpha=2., name='IBPPrior', **kw): super(IBPPrior, self).__init__(name=name, **kw) from paramz.transformations import __fixed__ self.rank = rank self.alpha = Param('alpha', alpha, __fixed__) self.link_parameter(self.alpha)
[docs] def KL_divergence(self, variational_posterior): from scipy.special import gamma, psi eta, tau = variational_posterior.gamma.values, variational_posterior.tau.values sum_eta = np.sum(eta, axis=0) #sum_d gamma(d,q) D_seta = eta.shape[0] - sum_eta ad = self.alpha/eta.shape[1] psitau1 = psi(tau[0, :]) psitau2 = psi(tau[1, :]) sumtau = np.sum(tau, axis=0) psitau = psi(sumtau) # E[log p(z)] part1 = np.sum(sum_eta*psitau1 + D_seta*psitau2 - eta.shape[0]*psitau) # E[log p(pi)] part1 += (ad - 1.)*np.sum(psitau1 - psitau) + eta.shape[1]*np.log(ad) #H(z) part2 = np.sum(-(1.-eta)*np.log(1.-eta) - eta*np.log(eta)) #H(pi) part2 += np.sum(np.log(gamma(tau[0, :])*gamma(tau[1, :])/gamma(sumtau))-(tau[0, :]-1.)*psitau1-(tau[1, :]-1.)*psitau2\ + (sumtau-2.)*psitau) return part1+part2
[docs] def update_gradients_KL(self, variational_posterior): eta, tau = variational_posterior.gamma.values, variational_posterior.tau.values from scipy.special import psi, polygamma dgamma = np.log(1. - eta) - np.log(eta) + psi(tau[0, :]) - psi(tau[1, :]) variational_posterior.gamma.gradient += dgamma ad = self.alpha/self.rank sumeta = np.sum(eta, axis=0) sumtau = np.sum(tau, axis=0) common = (-eta.shape[0] - (ad - 1.) + (sumtau - 2.))*polygamma(1, sumtau) variational_posterior.tau.gradient[0, :] = (sumeta + ad - tau[0, :])*polygamma(1, tau[0, :]) + common variational_posterior.tau.gradient[1, :] = ((eta.shape[0] - sumeta) - (tau[1, :] - 1.))*polygamma(1, tau[1, :])\ + common
[docs]class IBPLFM(SparseGP_MPI): """ Indian Buffet Process for Latent Force Models :param Y: observed data (np.ndarray) or GPy.likelihood :type Y: np.ndarray| GPy.likelihood instance :param X: input data (np.ndarray) [X:values, X:index], index refers to the number of the output :type X: np.ndarray :param input_dim: latent dimensionality :type input_dim: int : param rank: number of latent functions """ def __init__(self, X, Y, input_dim=2, output_dim=1, rank=1, Gamma=None, num_inducing=10, Z=None, kernel=None, inference_method=None, likelihood=None, name='IBP for LFM', alpha=2., beta=2., connM=None, tau=None, mpi_comm=None, normalizer=False, variational_prior=None,**kwargs): if kernel is None: kernel = kern.EQ_ODE2(input_dim, output_dim, rank) if Gamma is None: gamma = np.empty((output_dim, rank)) # The posterior probabilities of the binary variable in the variational approximation gamma[:] = 0.5 + 0.1 * np.random.randn(output_dim, rank) gamma[gamma>1.-1e-9] = 1.-1e-9 gamma[gamma<1e-9] = 1e-9 else: gamma = Gamma.copy() #TODO: create a vector of inducing points if Z is None: Z = np.random.permutation(X.copy())[:num_inducing] assert Z.shape[1] == X.shape[1] if likelihood is None: likelihood = Gaussian() if inference_method is None: inference_method = VarDTC_minibatch_IBPLFM(mpi_comm=mpi_comm) #Definition of variational terms self.variational_prior = IBPPrior(rank=rank, alpha=alpha) if variational_prior is None else variational_prior self.Zp = IBPPosterior(gamma, tau=tau) super(IBPLFM, self).__init__(X, Y, Z, kernel, likelihood, variational_prior=self.variational_prior, inference_method=inference_method, name=name, mpi_comm=mpi_comm, normalizer=normalizer, **kwargs) self.link_parameter(self.Zp, index=0)
[docs] def set_Zp_gradients(self, Zp, Zp_grad): """Set the gradients of the posterior distribution of Zp in its specific form.""" Zp.gamma.gradient = Zp_grad
[docs] def get_Zp_gradients(self, Zp): """Get the gradients of the posterior distribution of Zp in its specific form.""" return Zp.gamma.gradient
def _propogate_Zp_val(self): pass
[docs] def parameters_changed(self): #super(IBPLFM,self).parameters_changed() if isinstance(self.inference_method, VarDTC_minibatch_IBPLFM): update_gradients(self, mpi_comm=self.mpi_comm) return # Add the KL divergence term self._log_marginal_likelihood += self.variational_prior.KL_divergence(self.Zp) #TODO Change the following according to this variational distribution #self.Zp.gamma.gradient = self. # update for the KL divergence self.variational_prior.update_gradients_KL(self.Zp)