Source code for GPy.models.gradient_checker

# ## Copyright (c) 2012, GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt).
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

import numpy
np = numpy

from ..core.parameterization import Param
from GPy.core.model import Model
from ..util.block_matrices import get_blocks, get_block_shapes, unblock, get_blocks_3d, get_block_shapes_3d

[docs]def get_shape(x): if isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray): return x.shape return ()
[docs]def at_least_one_element(x): if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return x return [x]
[docs]def flatten_if_needed(x): return numpy.atleast_1d(x).flatten()
[docs]class GradientChecker(Model): def __init__(self, f, df, x0, names=None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param f: Function to check gradient for :param df: Gradient of function to check :param x0: Initial guess for inputs x (if it has a shape (a,b) this will be reflected in the parameter names). Can be a list of arrays, if takes a list of arrays. This list will be passed to f and df in the same order as given here. If only one argument, make sure not to pass a list!!! :type x0: [array-like] | array-like | float | int :param names: Names to print, when performing gradcheck. If a list was passed to x0 a list of names with the same length is expected. :param args: Arguments passed as f(x, *args, **kwargs) and df(x, *args, **kwargs) .. rubric:: Examples Initialisation:: from GPy.models import GradientChecker N, M, Q = 10, 5, 3 Sinusoid:: X = numpy.random.rand(N, Q) grad = GradientChecker(numpy.sin,numpy.cos,X,'x') grad.checkgrad(verbose=1) Using GPy:: X, Z = numpy.random.randn(N,Q), numpy.random.randn(M,Q) kern = GPy.kern.linear(Q, ARD=True) + GPy.kern.rbf(Q, ARD=True) grad = GradientChecker(kern.K, lambda x: 2*kern.dK_dX(numpy.ones((1,1)), x), x0 = X.copy(), names='X') grad.checkgrad(verbose=1) grad.randomize() grad.checkgrad(verbose=1) """ super(GradientChecker, self).__init__(name='GradientChecker') if isinstance(x0, (list, tuple)) and names is None: self.shapes = [get_shape(xi) for xi in x0] self.names = ['X{i}'.format(i=i) for i in range(len(x0))] elif isinstance(x0, (list, tuple)) and names is not None: self.shapes = [get_shape(xi) for xi in x0] self.names = names elif names is None: self.names = ['X'] self.shapes = [get_shape(x0)] else: self.names = names self.shapes = [get_shape(x0)] for name, xi in zip(self.names, at_least_one_element(x0)): self.__setattr__(name, Param(name, xi)) self.link_parameter(self.__getattribute__(name)) # self._param_names = [] # for name, shape in zip(self.names, self.shapes): # self._param_names.extend(map(lambda nameshape: ('_'.join(nameshape)).strip('_'), itertools.izip(itertools.repeat(name), itertools.imap(lambda t: '_'.join(map(str, t)), itertools.product(*map(lambda xi: range(xi), shape)))))) self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.f = f self.df = df def _get_x(self): if len(self.names) > 1: return [self.__getattribute__(name) for name in self.names] + list(self.args) return [self.__getattribute__(self.names[0])] + list(self.args)
[docs] def log_likelihood(self): return float(numpy.sum(self.f(*self._get_x(), **self.kwargs)))
def _log_likelihood_gradients(self): return numpy.atleast_1d(self.df(*self._get_x(), **self.kwargs)).flatten()
#def _get_params(self): #return numpy.atleast_1d(numpy.hstack(map(lambda name: flatten_if_needed(self.__getattribute__(name)), self.names))) #def _set_params(self, x): #current_index = 0 #for name, shape in zip(self.names, self.shapes): #current_size = #self.__setattr__(name, x[current_index:current_index + current_size].reshape(shape)) #current_index += current_size #def _get_param_names(self): #_param_names = [] #for name, shape in zip(self.names, self.shapes): #_param_names.extend(map(lambda nameshape: ('_'.join(nameshape)).strip('_'), itertools.izip(itertools.repeat(name), itertools.imap(lambda t: '_'.join(map(str, t)), itertools.product(*map(lambda xi: range(xi), shape)))))) #return _param_names
[docs]class HessianChecker(GradientChecker): def __init__(self, f, df, ddf, x0, names=None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param f: Function (only used for numerical hessian gradient) :param df: Gradient of function to check :param ddf: Analytical gradient function :param x0: Initial guess for inputs x (if it has a shape (a,b) this will be reflected in the parameter names). Can be a list of arrays, if takes a list of arrays. This list will be passed to f and df in the same order as given here. If only one argument, make sure not to pass a list!!! :type x0: [array-like] | array-like | float | int :param names: Names to print, when performing gradcheck. If a list was passed to x0 a list of names with the same length is expected. :param args: Arguments passed as f(x, *args, **kwargs) and df(x, *args, **kwargs) """ super(HessianChecker, self).__init__(df, ddf, x0, names=names, *args, **kwargs) self._f = f self._df = df self._ddf = ddf
[docs] def checkgrad(self, target_param=None, verbose=False, step=1e-6, tolerance=1e-3, block_indices=None, plot=False): """ Overwrite checkgrad method to check whole block instead of looping through Shows diagnostics using matshow instead :param verbose: If True, print a "full" checking of each parameter :type verbose: bool :param step: The size of the step around which to linearise the objective :type step: float (default 1e-6) :param tolerance: the tolerance allowed (see note) :type tolerance: float (default 1e-3) Note:- The gradient is considered correct if the ratio of the analytical and numerical gradients is within <tolerance> of unity. """ try: import numdifftools as nd except: raise ImportError("Don't have numdifftools package installed, it is not a GPy dependency as of yet, it is only used for hessian tests") if target_param: raise NotImplementedError('Only basic functionality is provided with this gradchecker') #Repeat for each parameter, not the nicest but shouldn't be many cases where there are many #variables current_index = 0 for name, shape in zip(self.names, self.shapes): current_size = x = self.optimizer_array.copy() #x = self._get_params_transformed().copy() x = x[current_index:current_index + current_size].reshape(shape) # Check gradients analytic_hess = self._ddf(x) if analytic_hess.shape[1] == 1: analytic_hess = numpy.diagflat(analytic_hess) #From the docs: #x0 : vector location #at which to differentiate fun #If x0 is an N x M array, then fun is assumed to be a function #of N*M variables., thus we must have it flat, not (N,1), but just (N,) #numeric_hess_partial = nd.Hessian(self._f, vectorized=False) numeric_hess_partial = nd.Jacobian(self._df, vectorized=False) #numeric_hess_partial = nd.Derivative(self._df, vectorized=True) numeric_hess = numeric_hess_partial(x) check_passed = self.checkgrad_block(analytic_hess, numeric_hess, verbose=verbose, step=step, tolerance=tolerance, block_indices=block_indices, plot=plot) current_index += current_size return check_passed
[docs] def checkgrad_block(self, analytic_hess, numeric_hess, verbose=False, step=1e-6, tolerance=1e-3, block_indices=None, plot=False): """ Checkgrad a block matrix """ if analytic_hess.dtype is np.dtype('object'): #Make numeric hessian also into a block matrix real_size = get_block_shapes(analytic_hess) num_elements = np.sum(real_size) if (num_elements, num_elements) == numeric_hess.shape: #If the sizes are the same we assume they are the same #(we have not fixed any values so the numeric is the whole hessian) numeric_hess = get_blocks(numeric_hess, real_size) else: #Make a fake empty matrix and fill out the correct block tmp_numeric_hess = get_blocks(np.zeros((num_elements, num_elements)), real_size) tmp_numeric_hess[block_indices] = numeric_hess.copy() numeric_hess = tmp_numeric_hess if block_indices is not None: #Extract the right block analytic_hess = analytic_hess[block_indices] numeric_hess = numeric_hess[block_indices] else: #Unblock them if they are in blocks and you aren't checking a single block (checking whole hessian) if analytic_hess.dtype is np.dtype('object'): analytic_hess = unblock(analytic_hess) numeric_hess = unblock(numeric_hess) ratio = numeric_hess / (numpy.where(analytic_hess==0, 1e-10, analytic_hess)) difference = numpy.abs(analytic_hess - numeric_hess) check_passed = numpy.all((numpy.abs(1 - ratio)) < tolerance) or numpy.allclose(numeric_hess, analytic_hess, atol = tolerance) if verbose: if block_indices: print("\nBlock {}".format(block_indices)) else: print("\nAll blocks") header = ['Checked', 'Max-Ratio', 'Min-Ratio', 'Min-Difference', 'Max-Difference'] header_string = map(lambda x: ' | '.join(header), [header]) separator = '-' * len(header_string[0]) print('\n'.join([header_string[0], separator])) min_r = '%.6f' % float(numpy.min(ratio)) max_r = '%.6f' % float(numpy.max(ratio)) max_d = '%.6f' % float(numpy.max(difference)) min_d = '%.6f' % float(numpy.min(difference)) cols = [max_r, min_r, min_d, max_d] if check_passed: checked = "\033[92m True \033[0m" else: checked = "\033[91m False \033[0m" grad_string = "{} | {} | {} | {} | {} ".format(checked, cols[0], cols[1], cols[2], cols[3]) print(grad_string) if plot: from matplotlib import pyplot as pb fig, axes = pb.subplots(2, 2) max_lim = numpy.max(numpy.vstack((analytic_hess, numeric_hess))) min_lim = numpy.min(numpy.vstack((analytic_hess, numeric_hess))) msa = axes[0,0].matshow(analytic_hess, vmin=min_lim, vmax=max_lim) axes[0,0].set_title('Analytic hessian') axes[0,0].xaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) axes[0,0].yaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) axes[0,0].xaxis.set_ticks([None]) axes[0,0].yaxis.set_ticks([None]) msn = axes[0,1].matshow(numeric_hess, vmin=min_lim, vmax=max_lim) pb.colorbar(msn, ax=axes[0,1]) axes[0,1].set_title('Numeric hessian') axes[0,1].xaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) axes[0,1].yaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) axes[0,1].xaxis.set_ticks([None]) axes[0,1].yaxis.set_ticks([None]) msr = axes[1,0].matshow(ratio) pb.colorbar(msr, ax=axes[1,0]) axes[1,0].set_title('Ratio') axes[1,0].xaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) axes[1,0].yaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) axes[1,0].xaxis.set_ticks([None]) axes[1,0].yaxis.set_ticks([None]) msd = axes[1,1].matshow(difference) pb.colorbar(msd, ax=axes[1,1]) axes[1,1].set_title('difference') axes[1,1].xaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) axes[1,1].yaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) axes[1,1].xaxis.set_ticks([None]) axes[1,1].yaxis.set_ticks([None]) if block_indices: fig.suptitle("Block: {}".format(block_indices)) return check_passed
[docs]class SkewChecker(HessianChecker): def __init__(self, df, ddf, dddf, x0, names=None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param df: gradient of function :param ddf: Gradient of function to check (hessian) :param dddf: Analytical gradient function (third derivative) :param x0: Initial guess for inputs x (if it has a shape (a,b) this will be reflected in the parameter names). Can be a list of arrays, if takes a list of arrays. This list will be passed to f and df in the same order as given here. If only one argument, make sure not to pass a list!!! :type x0: [array-like] | array-like | float | int :param names: Names to print, when performing gradcheck. If a list was passed to x0 a list of names with the same length is expected. :param args: Arguments passed as f(x, *args, **kwargs) and df(x, *args, **kwargs) """ super(SkewChecker, self).__init__(df, ddf, dddf, x0, names=names, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def checkgrad(self, target_param=None, verbose=False, step=1e-6, tolerance=1e-3, block_indices=None, plot=False, super_plot=False): """ Gradient checker that just checks each hessian individually super_plot will plot the hessian wrt every parameter, plot will just do the first one """ try: import numdifftools as nd except: raise ImportError("Don't have numdifftools package installed, it is not a GPy dependency as of yet, it is only used for hessian tests") if target_param: raise NotImplementedError('Only basic functionality is provided with this gradchecker') #Repeat for each parameter, not the nicest but shouldn't be many cases where there are many #variables current_index = 0 for name, n_shape in zip(self.names, self.shapes): current_size = x = self.optimizer_array.copy() #x = self._get_params_transformed().copy() x = x[current_index:current_index + current_size].reshape(n_shape) # Check gradients #Actually the third derivative analytic_hess = self._ddf(x) #Can only calculate jacobian for one variable at a time #From the docs: #x0 : vector location #at which to differentiate fun #If x0 is an N x M array, then fun is assumed to be a function #of N*M variables., thus we must have it flat, not (N,1), but just (N,) #numeric_hess_partial = nd.Hessian(self._f, vectorized=False) #Actually _df is already the hessian numeric_hess_partial = nd.Jacobian(self._df, vectorized=True) numeric_hess = numeric_hess_partial(x) print("Done making numerical hessian") if analytic_hess.dtype is np.dtype('object'): #Blockify numeric_hess aswell blocksizes, pagesizes = get_block_shapes_3d(analytic_hess) #HACK real_block_size = np.sum(blocksizes) numeric_hess = numeric_hess.reshape(real_block_size, real_block_size, pagesizes) #numeric_hess = get_blocks_3d(numeric_hess, blocksizes)#, pagesizes) else: numeric_hess = numeric_hess.reshape(*analytic_hess.shape) #Check every block individually (for ease) check_passed = [False]*numeric_hess.shape[2] for block_ind in range(numeric_hess.shape[2]): #Unless super_plot is set, just plot the first one p = True if (plot and block_ind == numeric_hess.shape[2]-1) or super_plot else False if verbose: print("Checking derivative of hessian wrt parameter number {}".format(block_ind)) check_passed[block_ind] = self.checkgrad_block(analytic_hess[:,:,block_ind], numeric_hess[:,:,block_ind], verbose=verbose, step=step, tolerance=tolerance, block_indices=block_indices, plot=p) current_index += current_size return np.all(check_passed)