Source code for GPy.likelihoods.gaussian

# Copyright (c) 2012-2014 The GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt)
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)
A lot of this code assumes that the link function is the identity.

I think laplace code is okay, but I'm quite sure that the EP moments will only work if the link is identity.

Furthermore, exact Guassian inference can only be done for the identity link, so we should be asserting so for all calls which relate to that.

James 11/12/13

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats, special
from . import link_functions
from .likelihood import Likelihood
from ..core.parameterization import Param
from paramz.transformations import Logexp
from scipy import stats

[docs]class Gaussian(Likelihood): """ Gaussian likelihood .. math:: \\ln p(y_{i}|\\lambda(f_{i})) = -\\frac{N \\ln 2\\pi}{2} - \\frac{\\ln |K|}{2} - \\frac{(y_{i} - \\lambda(f_{i}))^{T}\\sigma^{-2}(y_{i} - \\lambda(f_{i}))}{2} :param variance: variance value of the Gaussian distribution :param N: Number of data points :type N: int """ def __init__(self, gp_link=None, variance=1., name='Gaussian_noise'): if gp_link is None: gp_link = link_functions.Identity() if not isinstance(gp_link, link_functions.Identity): print("Warning, Exact inference is not implemeted for non-identity link functions,\ if you are not already, ensure Laplace inference_method is used") super(Gaussian, self).__init__(gp_link, name=name) self.variance = Param('variance', variance, Logexp()) self.link_parameter(self.variance) if isinstance(gp_link, link_functions.Identity): self.log_concave = True
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Convert the object into a json serializable dictionary. Note: It uses the private method _save_to_input_dict of the parent. :return dict: json serializable dictionary containing the needed information to instantiate the object """ input_dict = super(Gaussian, self)._save_to_input_dict() input_dict["class"] = "GPy.likelihoods.Gaussian" input_dict["variance"] = self.variance.values.tolist() return input_dict
[docs] def betaY(self,Y,Y_metadata=None): #TODO: ~Ricardo this does not live here raise RuntimeError("Please notify the GPy developers, this should not happen") return Y/self.gaussian_variance(Y_metadata)
[docs] def gaussian_variance(self, Y_metadata=None): return self.variance
[docs] def update_gradients(self, grad): self.variance.gradient = grad
[docs] def ep_gradients(self, Y, cav_tau, cav_v, dL_dKdiag, Y_metadata=None, quad_mode='gk', boost_grad=1.): return self.exact_inference_gradients(dL_dKdiag)
[docs] def exact_inference_gradients(self, dL_dKdiag, Y_metadata=None): return dL_dKdiag.sum()
def _preprocess_values(self, Y): """ Check if the values of the observations correspond to the values assumed by the likelihood function. """ return Y
[docs] def moments_match_ep(self, data_i, tau_i, v_i, Y_metadata_i=None): """ Moments match of the marginal approximation in EP algorithm :param i: number of observation (int) :param tau_i: precision of the cavity distribution (float) :param v_i: mean/variance of the cavity distribution (float) """ sigma2_hat = 1./(1./self.variance + tau_i) mu_hat = sigma2_hat*(data_i/self.variance + v_i) sum_var = self.variance + 1./tau_i Z_hat = 1./np.sqrt(2.*np.pi*sum_var)*np.exp(-.5*(data_i - v_i/tau_i)**2./sum_var) return Z_hat, mu_hat, sigma2_hat
[docs] def predictive_values(self, mu, var, full_cov=False, Y_metadata=None): if full_cov: if var.ndim == 2: var += np.eye(var.shape[0])*self.variance if var.ndim == 3: var += np.atleast_3d(np.eye(var.shape[0])*self.variance) else: var += self.variance return mu, var
[docs] def predictive_mean(self, mu, sigma): return mu
[docs] def predictive_variance(self, mu, sigma, predictive_mean=None): return self.variance + sigma**2
[docs] def predictive_quantiles(self, mu, var, quantiles, Y_metadata=None): return [stats.norm.ppf(q/100.)*np.sqrt(var + self.variance) + mu for q in quantiles]
[docs] def d2logpdf_dlink2(self, link_f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ Hessian at y, given link_f, w.r.t link_f. i.e. second derivative logpdf at y given link(f_i) link(f_j) w.r.t link(f_i) and link(f_j) The hessian will be 0 unless i == j .. math:: \\frac{d^{2} \\ln p(y_{i}|\\lambda(f_{i}))}{d^{2}f} = -\\frac{1}{\\sigma^{2}} :param link_f: latent variables link(f) :type link_f: Nx1 array :param y: data :type y: Nx1 array :param Y_metadata: Y_metadata not used in gaussian :returns: Diagonal of log hessian matrix (second derivative of log likelihood evaluated at points link(f)) :rtype: Nx1 array .. Note:: Will return diagonal of hessian, since every where else it is 0, as the likelihood factorizes over cases (the distribution for y_i depends only on link(f_i) not on link(f_(j!=i)) """ N = y.shape[0] D = link_f.shape[1] hess = -(1.0/self.variance)*np.ones((N, D)) return hess
[docs] def d3logpdf_dlink3(self, link_f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ Third order derivative log-likelihood function at y given link(f) w.r.t link(f) .. math:: \\frac{d^{3} \\ln p(y_{i}|\\lambda(f_{i}))}{d^{3}\\lambda(f)} = 0 :param link_f: latent variables link(f) :type link_f: Nx1 array :param y: data :type y: Nx1 array :param Y_metadata: Y_metadata not used in gaussian :returns: third derivative of log likelihood evaluated at points link(f) :rtype: Nx1 array """ N = y.shape[0] D = link_f.shape[1] d3logpdf_dlink3 = np.zeros((N,D)) return d3logpdf_dlink3
[docs] def d2logpdf_dlink2_dvar(self, link_f, y, Y_metadata=None): """ Gradient of the hessian (d2logpdf_dlink2) w.r.t variance parameter (noise_variance) .. math:: \\frac{d}{d\\sigma^{2}}(\\frac{d^{2} \\ln p(y_{i}|\\lambda(f_{i}))}{d^{2}\\lambda(f)}) = \\frac{1}{\\sigma^{4}} :param link_f: latent variables link(f) :type link_f: Nx1 array :param y: data :type y: Nx1 array :param Y_metadata: Y_metadata not used in gaussian :returns: derivative of log hessian evaluated at points link(f_i) and link(f_j) w.r.t variance parameter :rtype: Nx1 array """ s_4 = 1.0/(self.variance**2) N = y.shape[0] D = link_f.shape[1] d2logpdf_dlink2_dvar = np.ones((N, D))*s_4 return d2logpdf_dlink2_dvar
[docs] def d2logpdf_dlink2_dtheta(self, f, y, Y_metadata=None): d2logpdf_dlink2_dtheta = np.zeros((self.size, f.shape[0], f.shape[1])) d2logpdf_dlink2_dtheta[0, :, :] = self.d2logpdf_dlink2_dvar(f, y, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) return d2logpdf_dlink2_dtheta
def _mean(self, gp): """ Expected value of y under the Mass (or density) function p(y|f) .. math:: E_{p(y|f)}[y] """ return self.gp_link.transf(gp) def _variance(self, gp): """ Variance of y under the Mass (or density) function p(y|f) .. math:: Var_{p(y|f)}[y] """ return self.variance
[docs] def samples(self, gp, Y_metadata=None): """ Returns a set of samples of observations based on a given value of the latent variable. :param gp: latent variable """ orig_shape = gp.shape gp = gp.flatten() #orig_shape = gp.shape gp = gp.flatten() Ysim = np.array([np.random.normal(self.gp_link.transf(gpj), scale=np.sqrt(self.variance), size=1) for gpj in gp]) return Ysim.reshape(orig_shape)
[docs] def log_predictive_density(self, y_test, mu_star, var_star, Y_metadata=None): """ assumes independence """ v = var_star + self.variance return -0.5*np.log(2*np.pi) -0.5*np.log(v) - 0.5*np.square(y_test - mu_star)/v
[docs] def variational_expectations(self, Y, m, v, gh_points=None, Y_metadata=None): if not isinstance(self.gp_link, link_functions.Identity): return super(Gaussian, self).variational_expectations(Y=Y, m=m, v=v, gh_points=gh_points, Y_metadata=Y_metadata) lik_var = float(self.variance) F = -0.5*np.log(2*np.pi) -0.5*np.log(lik_var) - 0.5*(np.square(Y) + np.square(m) + v - 2*m*Y)/lik_var dF_dmu = (Y - m)/lik_var dF_dv = np.ones_like(v)*(-0.5/lik_var) dF_dtheta = -0.5/lik_var + 0.5*(np.square(Y) + np.square(m) + v - 2*m*Y)/(lik_var**2) return F, dF_dmu, dF_dv, dF_dtheta.reshape(1, Y.shape[0], Y.shape[1])
[docs]class HeteroscedasticGaussian(Gaussian): def __init__(self, Y_metadata, gp_link=None, variance=1., name='het_Gauss'): if gp_link is None: gp_link = link_functions.Identity() if not isinstance(gp_link, link_functions.Identity): print("Warning, Exact inference is not implemeted for non-identity link functions,\ if you are not already, ensure Laplace inference_method is used") super(HeteroscedasticGaussian, self).__init__(gp_link, np.ones(Y_metadata['output_index'].shape)*variance, name)
[docs] def exact_inference_gradients(self, dL_dKdiag,Y_metadata=None): return dL_dKdiag[Y_metadata['output_index']]
[docs] def gaussian_variance(self, Y_metadata=None): return self.variance[Y_metadata['output_index'].flatten()]
[docs] def predictive_values(self, mu, var, full_cov=False, Y_metadata=None): _s = self.variance[Y_metadata['output_index'].flatten()] if full_cov: if var.ndim == 2: var += np.eye(var.shape[0])*_s if var.ndim == 3: var += np.atleast_3d(np.eye(var.shape[0])*_s) else: var += _s return mu, var
[docs] def predictive_quantiles(self, mu, var, quantiles, Y_metadata=None): _s = self.variance[Y_metadata['output_index'].flatten()] return [stats.norm.ppf(q/100.)*np.sqrt(var + _s) + mu for q in quantiles]