Source code for GPy.kern.src.multioutput_kern

# Copyright (c) 2018, GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt).
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

from .kern import Kern, CombinationKernel
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce, partial
from ...util.multioutput import index_to_slices
from paramz.caching import Cache_this

[docs]class ZeroKern(Kern): def __init__(self): super(ZeroKern, self).__init__(1, None, name='ZeroKern',useGPU=False)
[docs] def K(self, X ,X2=None): if X2 is None: X2 = X return np.zeros((X.shape[0],X2.shape[0]))
[docs] def update_gradients_full(self,dL_dK, X, X2=None): return np.zeros(dL_dK.shape)
[docs] def gradients_X(self,dL_dK, X, X2=None): return np.zeros((X.shape[0],X.shape[1]))
@property def gradient(self): return np.empty((1,0)) @gradient.setter def gradient(self, gradient): pass
[docs]class MultioutputKern(CombinationKernel): """ Multioutput kernel is a meta class for combining different kernels for multioutput GPs. As an example let us have inputs x1 for output 1 with covariance k1 and x2 for output 2 with covariance k2. In addition, we need to define the cross covariances k12(x1,x2) and k21(x2,x1). Then the kernel becomes: k([x1,x2],[x1,x2]) = [k1(x1,x1) k12(x1, x2); k21(x2, x1), k2(x2,x2)] For the kernel, the kernels of outputs are given as list in param "kernels" and cross covariances are given in param "cross_covariances" as a dictionary of tuples (i,j) as keys. If no cross covariance is given, it defaults to zero, as in k12(x1,x2)=0. In the cross covariance dictionary, the value needs to be a struct with elements -'kernel': a member of Kernel class that stores the hyper parameters to be updated when optimizing the GP -'K': function defining the cross covariance -'update_gradients_full': a function to be used for updating gradients -'gradients_X': gives a gradient of the cross covariance with respect to the first input """ def __init__(self, kernels, cross_covariances={}, name='MultioutputKern'): #kernels contains a list of kernels as input, if not isinstance(kernels, list): self.single_kern = True self.kern = kernels kernels = [kernels] else: self.single_kern = False self.kern = kernels # The combination kernel ALLWAYS puts the extra dimension last. # Thus, the index dimension of this kernel is always the last dimension # after slicing. This is why the index_dim is just the last column: self.index_dim = -1 super(MultioutputKern, self).__init__(kernels=kernels, extra_dims=[self.index_dim], name=name, link_parameters=False) nl = len(kernels) #build covariance structure covariance = [[None for i in range(nl)] for j in range(nl)] linked = [] for i in range(0,nl): unique=True for j in range(0,nl): if i==j or (kernels[i] is kernels[j]): covariance[i][j] = kernels[i] if i>j: unique=False elif cross_covariances.get((i,j)) is not None: #cross covariance is given covariance[i][j] = cross_covariances.get((i,j)) else: # zero covariance structure covariance[i][j] = ZeroKern() if unique is True: linked.append(i) self.covariance = covariance self.link_parameters(*[kernels[i] for i in linked])
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, ignore_args=()) def K(self, X ,X2=None): if X2 is None: X2 = X slices = index_to_slices(X[:,self.index_dim]) slices2 = index_to_slices(X2[:,self.index_dim]) target = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0])) [[[[ target.__setitem__((slices[i][k],slices2[j][l]), self.covariance[i][j].K(X[slices[i][k],:],X2[slices2[j][l],:])) for k in range( len(slices[i]))] for l in range(len(slices2[j])) ] for i in range(len(slices))] for j in range(len(slices2))] return target
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, ignore_args=()) def Kdiag(self,X): slices = index_to_slices(X[:,self.index_dim]) kerns = itertools.repeat(self.kern) if self.single_kern else self.kern target = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) [[np.copyto(target[s], kern.Kdiag(X[s])) for s in slices_i] for kern, slices_i in zip(kerns, slices)] return target
def _update_gradients_full_wrapper(self, kern, dL_dK, X, X2): gradient = kern.gradient.copy() kern.update_gradients_full(dL_dK, X, X2) kern.gradient += gradient def _update_gradients_diag_wrapper(self, kern, dL_dKdiag, X): gradient = kern.gradient.copy() kern.update_gradients_diag(dL_dKdiag, X) kern.gradient += gradient
[docs] def reset_gradients(self): for kern in self.kern: kern.reset_gradients()
[docs] def update_gradients_full(self,dL_dK, X, X2=None): self.reset_gradients() slices = index_to_slices(X[:,self.index_dim]) if X2 is not None: slices2 = index_to_slices(X2[:,self.index_dim]) [[[[ self._update_gradients_full_wrapper(self.covariance[i][j], dL_dK[slices[i][k],slices2[j][l]], X[slices[i][k],:], X2[slices2[j][l],:]) for k in range(len(slices[i]))] for l in range(len(slices2[j]))] for i in range(len(slices))] for j in range(len(slices2))] else: [[[[ self._update_gradients_full_wrapper(self.covariance[i][j], dL_dK[slices[i][k],slices[j][l]], X[slices[i][k],:], X[slices[j][l],:]) for k in range(len(slices[i]))] for l in range(len(slices[j]))] for i in range(len(slices))] for j in range(len(slices))]
[docs] def update_gradients_diag(self, dL_dKdiag, X): self.reset_gradients() slices = index_to_slices(X[:,self.index_dim]) [[ self._update_gradients_diag_wrapper(self.covariance[i][i], dL_dKdiag[slices[i][k]], X[slices[i][k],:]) for k in range(len(slices[i]))] for i in range(len(slices))]
[docs] def gradients_X(self,dL_dK, X, X2=None): slices = index_to_slices(X[:,self.index_dim]) target = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X.shape[1]) ) if X2 is not None: slices2 = index_to_slices(X2[:,self.index_dim]) [[[[ target.__setitem__((slices[i][k]), target[slices[i][k],:] + self.covariance[i][j].gradients_X(dL_dK[slices[i][k],slices2[j][l]], X[slices[i][k],:], X2[slices2[j][l],:]) ) for k in range(len(slices[i]))] for l in range(len(slices2[j]))] for i in range(len(slices))] for j in range(len(slices2))] else: [[[[ target.__setitem__((slices[i][k]), target[slices[i][k],:] + self.covariance[i][j].gradients_X(dL_dK[slices[i][k],slices[j][l]], X[slices[i][k],:], (None if (i==j and k==l) else X[slices[j][l],:] )) ) for k in range(len(slices[i]))] for l in range(len(slices[j]))] for i in range(len(slices))] for j in range(len(slices))] return target