Source code for GPy.kern.src.eq_ode2

# Copyright (c) 2014, Cristian Guarnizo.
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import wofz
from .kern import Kern
from ...core.parameterization import Param
from paramz.transformations import Logexp
from paramz.caching import Cache_this

[docs]class EQ_ODE2(Kern): """ Covariance function for second order differential equation driven by an exponentiated quadratic covariance. This outputs of this kernel have the form .. math:: \frac{\text{d}^2y_j(t)}{\text{d}^2t} + C_j\frac{\text{d}y_j(t)}{\text{d}t} + B_jy_j(t) = \sum_{i=1}^R w_{j,i} u_i(t) where :math:`R` is the rank of the system, :math:`w_{j,i}` is the sensitivity of the :math:`j`th output to the :math:`i`th latent function, :math:`d_j` is the decay rate of the :math:`j`th output and :math:`f_i(t)` and :math:`g_i(t)` are independent latent Gaussian processes goverened by an exponentiated quadratic covariance. :param output_dim: number of outputs driven by latent function. :type output_dim: int :param W: sensitivities of each output to the latent driving function. :type W: ndarray (output_dim x rank). :param rank: If rank is greater than 1 then there are assumed to be a total of rank latent forces independently driving the system, each with identical covariance. :type rank: int :param C: damper constant for the second order system. :type C: array of length output_dim. :param B: spring constant for the second order system. :type B: array of length output_dim. """ #This code will only work for the sparseGP model, due to limitations in models for this kernel def __init__(self, input_dim=2, output_dim=1, rank=1, W=None, lengthscale=None, C=None, B=None, active_dims=None, name='eq_ode2'): #input_dim should be 1, but kern._slice_X is not returning index information required to evaluate kernels assert input_dim == 2, "only defined for 1 input dims" super(EQ_ODE2, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, active_dims=active_dims, name=name) self.rank = rank self.output_dim = output_dim if lengthscale is None: lengthscale = .5+np.random.rand(self.rank) else: lengthscale = np.asarray(lengthscale) assert lengthscale.size in [1, self.rank], "Bad number of lengthscales" if lengthscale.size != self.rank: lengthscale = np.ones(self.rank)*lengthscale if W is None: #W = 0.5*np.random.randn(self.output_dim, self.rank)/np.sqrt(self.rank) W = np.ones((self.output_dim, self.rank)) else: assert W.shape == (self.output_dim, self.rank) if C is None: C = np.ones(self.output_dim) if B is None: B = np.ones(self.output_dim) self.C = Param('C', C, Logexp()) self.B = Param('B', B, Logexp()) self.lengthscale = Param('lengthscale', lengthscale, Logexp()) self.W = Param('W', W) self.link_parameters(self.lengthscale, self.C, self.B, self.W)
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3) def K(self, X, X2=None): #This way is not working, indexes are lost after using k._slice_X #index = np.asarray(X, #index = index.reshape(index.size,) if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = X.values index = np.int_(np.round(X[:, 1])) index = index.reshape(index.size,) X_flag = index[0] >= self.output_dim if X2 is None: if X_flag: #Calculate covariance function for the latent functions index -= self.output_dim return self._Kuu(X, index) else: #Kff full raise NotImplementedError else: #This way is not working, indexes are lost after using k._slice_X #index2 = np.asarray(X2, #index2 = index2.reshape(index2.size,) if hasattr(X2, 'values'): X2 = X2.values index2 = np.int_(np.round(X2[:, 1])) index2 = index2.reshape(index2.size,) X2_flag = index2[0] >= self.output_dim #Calculate cross-covariance function if not X_flag and X2_flag: index2 -= self.output_dim return self._Kfu(X, index, X2, index2) #Kfu elif X_flag and not X2_flag: index -= self.output_dim return self._Kfu(X2, index2, X, index).T #Kuf elif X_flag and X2_flag: index -= self.output_dim index2 -= self.output_dim return self._Kusu(X, index, X2, index2) #Ku_s u else: raise NotImplementedError #Kf_s f
#Calculate the covariance function for diag(Kff(X,X))
[docs] def Kdiag(self, X): if hasattr(X, 'values'): index = np.int_(np.round(X[:, 1].values)) else: index = np.int_(np.round(X[:, 1])) index = index.reshape(index.size,) X_flag = index[0] >= self.output_dim if X_flag: #Kuudiag return np.ones(X[:,0].shape) else: #Kffdiag kdiag = self._Kdiag(X) return np.sum(kdiag, axis=1)
#Calculate the covariance function for diag(Kff(X,X)) def _Kdiag(self, X): #This way is not working, indexes are lost after using k._slice_X #index = np.asarray(X, #index = index.reshape(index.size,) if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = X.values index = np.int_(X[:, 1]) index = index.reshape(index.size,) #terms that move along t t = X[:, 0].reshape(X.shape[0], 1) d = np.unique(index) #Output Indexes B = self.B.values[d] C = self.C.values[d] S = self.W.values[d, :] #Index transformation indd = np.arange(self.output_dim) indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) index = indd[index] #Check where wd becomes complex wbool = C*C >= 4.*B B = B.reshape(B.size, 1) C = C.reshape(C.size, 1) alpha = .5*C C2 = C*C wbool2 = wbool[index] ind2t = np.where(wbool2) ind3t = np.where(np.logical_not(wbool2)) #Terms that move along q lq = self.lengthscale.values.reshape(1, self.lengthscale.size) S2 = S*S kdiag = np.empty((t.size, lq.size)) indD = np.arange(B.size) #(1) When wd is real if np.any(np.logical_not(wbool)): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind3t] ind = index[ind3t] d = np.asarray(np.where(np.logical_not(wbool))[0]) #Selection of outputs indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms S2lq = S2[d]*(.5*lq) c0 = S2lq*np.sqrt(np.pi) w = .5*np.sqrt(4.*B[d] - C2[d]) alphad = alpha[d] w2 = w*w gam = alphad + 1j*w gamc = alphad - 1j*w c1 = .5/(alphad*w2) c2 = .5/(gam*w2) c = c1 - c2 #DxQ terms nu = lq*(gam*.5) K01 = c0*c #Nx1 terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 egamt = np.exp(gamt) ec = egamt*c2[ind] - np.exp(gamct)*c1[ind] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq # Upsilon Calculations # Using wofz wnu = wofz(1j*nu) lwnu = np.log(wnu) t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq upm = wnu[ind] - np.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt + np.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nu[ind])))) upm[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. nu2 = nu*nu z1 = nu[ind] - t_lq indv1 = np.where(z1.real >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1.real < 0.) upv = -np.exp(lwnu[ind] + gamt) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upv[indv1] += np.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]))) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upv[indv2] += np.exp(nu2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamt[indv2[0], 0] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(t2_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]))) upv[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. #Covariance calculation kdiag[ind3t] = np.real(K01[ind]*upm) kdiag[ind3t] += np.real((c0[ind]*ec)*upv) #(2) When w_d is complex if np.any(wbool): t1 = t[ind2t] ind = index[ind2t] #Index transformation d = np.asarray(np.where(wbool)[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms S2lq = S2[d]*(lq*.25) c0 = S2lq*np.sqrt(np.pi) w = .5*np.sqrt(C2[d] - 4.*B[d]) alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - w gamc = alphad + w w2 = -w*w c1 = .5/(alphad*w2) c21 = .5/(gam*w2) c22 = .5/(gamc*w2) c = c1 - c21 c2 = c1 - c22 #DxQ terms K011 = c0*c K012 = c0*c2 nu = lq*(.5*gam) nuc = lq*(.5*gamc) #Nx1 terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 egamt = np.exp(gamt) egamct = np.exp(gamct) ec = egamt*c21[ind] - egamct*c1[ind] ec2 = egamct*c22[ind] - egamt*c1[ind] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq #Upsilon Calculations using wofz t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq #Required when using wofz wnu = wofz(1j*nu).real lwnu = np.log(wnu) upm = wnu[ind] - np.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt + np.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nu[ind])).real)) upm[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. nu2 = nu*nu z1 = nu[ind] - t_lq indv1 = np.where(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1 < 0.) upv = -np.exp(lwnu[ind] + gamt) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upv[indv1] += np.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).real)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upv[indv2] += np.exp(nu2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamt[indv2[0], 0] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(t2_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).real)) upv[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. wnuc = wofz(1j*nuc).real lwnuc = np.log(wnuc) upmc = wnuc[ind] - np.exp(t2_lq2 + gamct + np.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nuc[ind])).real)) upmc[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. nuc2 = nuc*nuc z1 = nuc[ind] - t_lq indv1 = np.where(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1 < 0.) upvc = - np.exp(lwnuc[ind] + gamct) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upvc[indv1] += np.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).real)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upvc[indv2] += np.exp(nuc2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamct[indv2[0], 0] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(t2_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).real)) upvc[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. #Covariance calculation kdiag[ind2t] = K011[ind]*upm + K012[ind]*upmc + (c0[ind]*ec)*upv + (c0[ind]*ec2)*upvc return kdiag
[docs] def update_gradients_full(self, dL_dK, X, X2 = None): #index = np.asarray(X, #index = index.reshape(index.size,) if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = X.values self.B.gradient = np.zeros(self.B.shape) self.C.gradient = np.zeros(self.C.shape) self.W.gradient = np.zeros(self.W.shape) self.lengthscale.gradient = np.zeros(self.lengthscale.shape) index = np.int_(X[:, 1]) index = index.reshape(index.size,) X_flag = index[0] >= self.output_dim if X2 is None: if X_flag: #Kuu or Kmm index -= self.output_dim tmp = dL_dK*self._gkuu_lq(X, index) for q in np.unique(index): ind = np.where(index == q) self.lengthscale.gradient[q] = tmp[np.ix_(ind[0], ind[0])].sum() else: raise NotImplementedError else: #Kfu or Knm #index2 = np.asarray(X2, #index2 = index2.reshape(index2.size,) if hasattr(X2, 'values'): X2 = X2.values index2 = np.int_(X2[:, 1]) index2 = index2.reshape(index2.size,) X2_flag = index2[0] >= self.output_dim if not X_flag and X2_flag: index2 -= self.output_dim else: dL_dK = dL_dK.T #so we obtaing dL_Kfu indtemp = index - self.output_dim Xtemp = X X = X2 X2 = Xtemp index = index2 index2 = indtemp glq, gSdq, gB, gC = self._gkfu(X, index, X2, index2) tmp = dL_dK*glq for q in np.unique(index2): ind = np.where(index2 == q) self.lengthscale.gradient[q] = tmp[:, ind].sum() tmpB = dL_dK*gB tmpC = dL_dK*gC tmp = dL_dK*gSdq for d in np.unique(index): ind = np.where(index == d) self.B.gradient[d] = tmpB[ind, :].sum() self.C.gradient[d] = tmpC[ind, :].sum() for q in np.unique(index2): ind2 = np.where(index2 == q) self.W.gradient[d, q] = tmp[np.ix_(ind[0], ind2[0])].sum()
[docs] def update_gradients_diag(self, dL_dKdiag, X): #index = np.asarray(X, #index = index.reshape(index.size,) if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = X.values self.B.gradient = np.zeros(self.B.shape) self.C.gradient = np.zeros(self.C.shape) self.W.gradient = np.zeros(self.W.shape) self.lengthscale.gradient = np.zeros(self.lengthscale.shape) index = np.int_(X[:, 1]) index = index.reshape(index.size,) glq, gS, gB, gC = self._gkdiag(X, index) if dL_dKdiag.size == X.shape[0]: dL_dKdiag = np.reshape(dL_dKdiag, (index.size, 1)) tmp = dL_dKdiag*glq self.lengthscale.gradient = tmp.sum(0) tmpB = dL_dKdiag*gB tmpC = dL_dKdiag*gC tmp = dL_dKdiag*gS for d in np.unique(index): ind = np.where(index == d) self.B.gradient[d] = tmpB[ind, :].sum() self.C.gradient[d] = tmpC[ind, :].sum() self.W.gradient[d, :] = tmp[ind].sum(0)
[docs] def gradients_X(self, dL_dK, X, X2=None): #index = np.asarray(X, #index = index.reshape(index.size,) if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = X.values index = np.int_(X[:, 1]) index = index.reshape(index.size,) X_flag = index[0] >= self.output_dim #If input_dim == 1, use this #gX = np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)) #Cheat to allow gradient for input_dim==2 gX = np.zeros(X.shape) if X2 is None: #Kuu or Kmm if X_flag: index -= self.output_dim gX[:, 0] = 2.*(dL_dK*self._gkuu_X(X, index)).sum(0) return gX else: raise NotImplementedError else: #Kuf or Kmn #index2 = np.asarray(X2, #index2 = index2.reshape(index2.size,) if hasattr(X2, 'values'): X2 = X2.values index2 = np.int_(X2[:, 1]) index2 = index2.reshape(index2.size,) X2_flag = index2[0] >= self.output_dim if X_flag and not X2_flag: #gradient of Kuf(Z, X) wrt Z index -= self.output_dim gX[:, 0] = (dL_dK*self._gkfu_z(X2, index2, X, index).T).sum(1) return gX else: raise NotImplementedError
#---------------------------------------# # Helper functions # #---------------------------------------# #Evaluation of squared exponential for LFM def _Kuu(self, X, index): index = index.reshape(index.size,) t = X[:, 0].reshape(X.shape[0],) lq = self.lengthscale.values.reshape(self.rank,) lq2 = lq*lq #Covariance matrix initialization kuu = np.zeros((t.size, t.size)) #Assign 1. to diagonal terms kuu[np.diag_indices(t.size)] = 1. #Upper triangular indices indtri1, indtri2 = np.triu_indices(t.size, 1) #Block Diagonal indices among Upper Triangular indices ind = np.where(index[indtri1] == index[indtri2]) indr = indtri1[ind] indc = indtri2[ind] r = t[indr] - t[indc] r2 = r*r #Calculation of covariance function kuu[indr, indc] = np.exp(-r2/lq2[index[indr]]) #Completation of lower triangular part kuu[indc, indr] = kuu[indr, indc] return kuu def _Kusu(self, X, index, X2, index2): index = index.reshape(index.size,) index2 = index2.reshape(index2.size,) t = X[:, 0].reshape(X.shape[0],1) t2 = X2[:, 0].reshape(1,X2.shape[0]) lq = self.lengthscale.values.reshape(self.rank,) #Covariance matrix initialization kuu = np.zeros((t.size, t2.size)) for q in range(self.rank): ind1 = index == q ind2 = index2 == q r = t[ind1]/lq[q] - t2[0,ind2]/lq[q] r2 = r*r #Calculation of covariance function kuu[np.ix_(ind1, ind2)] = np.exp(-r2) return kuu #Evaluation of cross-covariance function def _Kfu(self, X, index, X2, index2): #terms that move along t t = X[:, 0].reshape(X.shape[0], 1) d = np.unique(index) #Output Indexes B = self.B.values[d] C = self.C.values[d] S = self.W.values[d, :] #Index transformation indd = np.arange(self.output_dim) indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) index = indd[index] #Check where wd becomes complex wbool = C*C >= 4.*B #Output related variables must be column-wise C = C.reshape(C.size, 1) B = B.reshape(B.size, 1) C2 = C*C #Input related variables must be row-wise z = X2[:, 0].reshape(1, X2.shape[0]) lq = self.lengthscale.values.reshape((1, self.rank)) #print np.max(z), np.max(z/lq[0, index2]) alpha = .5*C wbool2 = wbool[index] ind2t = np.where(wbool2) ind3t = np.where(np.logical_not(wbool2)) kfu = np.empty((t.size, z.size)) indD = np.arange(B.size) #(1) when wd is real if np.any(np.logical_not(wbool)): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind3t] ind = index[ind3t] #Index transformation d = np.asarray(np.where(np.logical_not(wbool))[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms w = .5*np.sqrt(4.*B[d] - C2[d]) alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - 1j*w #DxQ terms Slq = (S[d]/w)*(.5*lq) c0 = Slq*np.sqrt(np.pi) nu = gam*(.5*lq) #1xM terms z_lq = z/lq[0, index2] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq #NxM terms zt_lq = z_lq - t_lq[:, index2] # Upsilon Calculations #Using wofz tz = t1-z fullind = np.ix_(ind, index2) zt_lq2 = -zt_lq*zt_lq z_lq2 = -z_lq*z_lq gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 upsi = - np.exp(z_lq2 + gamt + np.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nu[fullind])))) z1 = zt_lq + nu[fullind] indv1 = np.where(z1.real >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1.real < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi[indv1] += np.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]))) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nua2 = nu[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi[indv2] += np.exp(nua2 - gam[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]))) upsi[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. #Covariance calculation kfu[ind3t] = c0[fullind]*upsi.imag #(2) when wd is complex if np.any(wbool): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind2t] ind = index[ind2t] #Index transformation d = np.asarray(np.where(wbool)[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms w = .5*np.sqrt(C2[d] - 4.*B[d]) alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - w gamc = alphad + w #DxQ terms Slq = S[d]*(lq*.25) c0 = -Slq*(np.sqrt(np.pi)/w) nu = gam*(lq*.5) nuc = gamc*(lq*.5) #1xM terms z_lq = z/lq[0, index2] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq[0, index2] #NxM terms zt_lq = z_lq - t_lq # Upsilon Calculations tz = t1-z z_lq2 = -z_lq*z_lq zt_lq2 = -zt_lq*zt_lq gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 fullind = np.ix_(ind, index2) upsi = np.exp(z_lq2 + gamt + np.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nu[fullind])).real))\ - np.exp(z_lq2 + gamct + np.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nuc[fullind])).real)) z1 = zt_lq + nu[fullind] indv1 = np.where(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1 < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi[indv1] -= np.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).real)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nua2 = nu[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi[indv2] -= np.exp(nua2 - gam[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).real)) z1 = zt_lq + nuc[fullind] indv1 = np.where(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1 < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi[indv1] += np.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).real)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nuac2 = nuc[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi[indv2] += np.exp(nuac2 - gamc[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).real)) upsi[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. kfu[ind2t] = c0[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi return kfu #Gradient of Kuu wrt lengthscale def _gkuu_lq(self, X, index): t = X[:, 0].reshape(X.shape[0],) index = index.reshape(X.shape[0],) lq = self.lengthscale.values.reshape(self.rank,) lq2 = lq*lq #Covariance matrix initialization glq = np.zeros((t.size, t.size)) #Upper triangular indices indtri1, indtri2 = np.triu_indices(t.size, 1) #Block Diagonal indices among Upper Triangular indices ind = np.where(index[indtri1] == index[indtri2]) indr = indtri1[ind] indc = indtri2[ind] r = t[indr] - t[indc] r2 = r*r r2_lq2 = r2/lq2[index[indr]] #Calculation of covariance function er2_lq2 = np.exp(-r2_lq2) #Gradient wrt lq c = 2.*r2_lq2/lq[index[indr]] glq[indr, indc] = er2_lq2*c #Complete the lower triangular glq[indc, indr] = glq[indr, indc] return glq #Be careful this derivative should be transpose it def _gkuu_X(self, X, index): #Diagonal terms are always zero t = X[:, 0].reshape(X.shape[0],) index = index.reshape(index.size,) lq = self.lengthscale.values.reshape(self.rank,) lq2 = lq*lq #Covariance matrix initialization gt = np.zeros((t.size, t.size)) #Upper triangular indices indtri1, indtri2 = np.triu_indices(t.size, 1) #Offset of 1 from the diagonal #Block Diagonal indices among Upper Triangular indices ind = np.where(index[indtri1] == index[indtri2]) indr = indtri1[ind] indc = indtri2[ind] r = t[indr] - t[indc] r2 = r*r r2_lq2 = r2/(-lq2[index[indr]]) #Calculation of covariance function er2_lq2 = np.exp(r2_lq2) #Gradient wrt t c = 2.*r/lq2[index[indr]] gt[indr, indc] = er2_lq2*c #Complete the lower triangular gt[indc, indr] = -gt[indr, indc] return gt #Gradients for Diagonal Kff def _gkdiag(self, X, index): index = index.reshape(index.size,) #terms that move along t d = np.unique(index) B = self.B[d].values C = self.C[d].values S = self.W[d, :].values #Index transformation indd = np.arange(self.output_dim) indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) index = indd[index] #Check where wd becomes complex wbool = C*C >= 4.*B #Output related variables must be column-wise t = X[:, 0].reshape(X.shape[0], 1) B = B.reshape(B.size, 1) C = C.reshape(C.size, 1) alpha = .5*C C2 = C*C S2 = S*S wbool2 = wbool[index] ind2t = np.where(wbool2) ind3t = np.where(np.logical_not(wbool2)) #Input related variables must be row-wise lq = self.lengthscale.values.reshape(1, self.rank) lq2 = lq*lq gB = np.empty((t.size, lq.size)) gC = np.empty((t.size, lq.size)) glq = np.empty((t.size, lq.size)) gS = np.empty((t.size, lq.size)) indD = np.arange(B.size) #(1) When wd is real if np.any(np.logical_not(wbool)): #Indexes of index and t related to (1) t1 = t[ind3t] ind = index[ind3t] #Index transformation d = np.asarray(np.where(np.logical_not(wbool))[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms S2lq = S2[d]*(.5*lq) c0 = S2lq*np.sqrt(np.pi) w = .5*np.sqrt(4.*B[d] - C2[d]) alphad = alpha[d] alpha2 = alphad*alphad w2 = w*w gam = alphad + 1j*w gam2 = gam*gam gamc = alphad - 1j*w c1 = 0.5/alphad c2 = 0.5/gam c = c1 - c2 #DxQ terms c0 = c0/w2 nu = (.5*lq)*gam #Nx1 terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 egamt = np.exp(gamt) egamct = np.exp(gamct) ec = egamt*c2[ind] - egamct*c1[ind] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq t_lq2 = t_lq/lq et2_lq2 = np.exp(t2_lq2) etlq2gamt = np.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt) ##Upsilon calculations #Using wofz wnu = wofz(1j*nu) lwnu = np.log(wnu) t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq upm = wnu[ind] - np.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt + np.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nu[ind])))) upm[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. nu2 = nu*nu z1 = nu[ind] - t_lq indv1 = np.where(z1.real >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1.real < 0.) upv = -np.exp(lwnu[ind] + gamt) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upv[indv1] += np.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]))) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upv[indv2] += np.exp(nu2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamt[indv2[0], 0] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(t2_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]))) upv[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. #Gradient wrt S Slq = S[d]*lq #For grad wrt S c0_S = Slq*np.sqrt(np.pi)/w2 K01 = c0_S*c gS[ind3t] = np.real(K01[ind]*upm) + np.real((c0_S[ind]*ec)*upv) #For B and C upmd = etlq2gamt - 1. upvd = egamt - et2_lq2 # gradient wrt B dw_dB = 0.5/w dgam_dB = 1j*dw_dB Ba1 = c0*(0.5*dgam_dB/gam2 + (0.5*lq2*gam*dgam_dB - 2.*dw_dB/w)*c) Ba2_1 = c0*(dgam_dB*(0.5/gam2 - 0.25*lq2) + dw_dB/(w*gam)) Ba2_2 = c0*dgam_dB/gam Ba3 = c0*(-0.25*lq2*gam*dgam_dB/alphad + dw_dB/(w*alphad)) Ba4_1 = (S2lq*lq)*dgam_dB/w2 Ba4 = Ba4_1*c gB[ind3t] = np.real(Ba1[ind]*upm) - np.real(((Ba2_1[ind] + Ba2_2[ind]*t1)*egamt - Ba3[ind]*egamct)*upv)\ + np.real(Ba4[ind]*upmd) + np.real((Ba4_1[ind]*ec)*upvd) # gradient wrt C dw_dC = - alphad*dw_dB dgam_dC = 0.5 + 1j*dw_dC Ca1 = c0*(-0.25/alpha2 + 0.5*dgam_dC/gam2 + (0.5*lq2*gam*dgam_dC - 2.*dw_dC/w)*c) Ca2_1 = c0*(dgam_dC*(0.5/gam2 - 0.25*lq2) + dw_dC/(w*gam)) Ca2_2 = c0*dgam_dC/gam Ca3_1 = c0*(0.25/alpha2 - 0.25*lq2*gam*dgam_dC/alphad + dw_dC/(w*alphad)) Ca3_2 = 0.5*c0/alphad Ca4_1 = (S2lq*lq)*dgam_dC/w2 Ca4 = Ca4_1*c gC[ind3t] = np.real(Ca1[ind]*upm) - np.real(((Ca2_1[ind] + Ca2_2[ind]*t1)*egamt - (Ca3_1[ind] + Ca3_2[ind]*t1)*egamct)*upv)\ + np.real(Ca4[ind]*upmd) + np.real((Ca4_1[ind]*ec)*upvd) #Gradient wrt lengthscale #DxQ terms la = (1./lq + nu*gam)*c0 la1 = la*c c0l = (S2[d]/w2)*lq la3 = c0l*c gam_2 = .5*gam glq[ind3t] = (la1[ind]*upm).real + ((la[ind]*ec)*upv).real\ + (la3[ind]*(-gam_2[ind] + etlq2gamt*(-t_lq2 + gam_2[ind]))).real\ + ((c0l[ind]*ec)*(-et2_lq2*(t_lq2 + gam_2[ind]) + egamt*gam_2[ind])).real #(2) When w_d is complex if np.any(wbool): t1 = t[ind2t] ind = index[ind2t] #Index transformation d = np.asarray(np.where(wbool)[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms S2lq = S2[d]*(.25*lq) c0 = S2lq*np.sqrt(np.pi) w = .5*np.sqrt(C2[d]-4.*B[d]) w2 = -w*w alphad = alpha[d] alpha2 = alphad*alphad gam = alphad - w gamc = alphad + w gam2 = gam*gam gamc2 = gamc*gamc c1 = .5/alphad c21 = .5/gam c22 = .5/gamc c = c1 - c21 c2 = c1 - c22 #DxQ terms c0 = c0/w2 nu = .5*lq*gam nuc = .5*lq*gamc #Nx1 terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 egamt = np.exp(gamt) egamct = np.exp(gamct) ec = egamt*c21[ind] - egamct*c1[ind] ec2 = egamct*c22[ind] - egamt*c1[ind] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq et2_lq2 = np.exp(t2_lq2) etlq2gamct = np.exp(t2_lq2 + gamct) etlq2gamt = np.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt) #Upsilon Calculations using wofz t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq #Required when using wofz wnu = np.real(wofz(1j*nu)) lwnu = np.log(wnu) upm = wnu[ind] - np.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt + np.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nu[ind])).real)) upm[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. nu2 = nu*nu z1 = nu[ind] - t_lq indv1 = np.where(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1 < 0.) upv = -np.exp(lwnu[ind] + gamt) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upv[indv1] += np.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).real)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upv[indv2] += np.exp(nu2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamt[indv2[0], 0] + np.log(2.)) - np.exp(t2_lq2[indv2]\ + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).real)) upv[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. wnuc = wofz(1j*nuc).real upmc = wnuc[ind] - np.exp(t2_lq2 + gamct + np.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nuc[ind])).real)) upmc[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. lwnuc = np.log(wnuc) nuc2 = nuc*nuc z1 = nuc[ind] - t_lq indv1 = np.where(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1 < 0.) upvc = -np.exp(lwnuc[ind] + gamct) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upvc[indv1] += np.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).real)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upvc[indv2] += np.exp(nuc2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamct[indv2[0], 0] + np.log(2.)) - np.exp(t2_lq2[indv2]\ + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).real)) upvc[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. #Gradient wrt S #NxQ terms c0_S = (S[d]/w2)*(lq*(np.sqrt(np.pi)*.5)) K011 = c0_S*c K012 = c0_S*c2 gS[ind2t] = K011[ind]*upm + K012[ind]*upmc + (c0_S[ind]*ec)*upv + (c0_S[ind]*ec2)*upvc #Is required to cache this, C gradient also required them upmd = -1. + etlq2gamt upvd = -et2_lq2 + egamt upmdc = -1. + etlq2gamct upvdc = -et2_lq2 + egamct # Gradient wrt B dgam_dB = 0.5/w dgamc_dB = -dgam_dB Ba1 = c0*(0.5*dgam_dB/gam2 + (0.5*lq2*gam*dgam_dB - 1./w2)*c) Ba3 = c0*(-0.25*lq2*gam*dgam_dB/alphad + 0.5/(w2*alphad)) Ba4_1 = (S2lq*lq)*dgam_dB/w2 Ba4 = Ba4_1*c Ba2_1 = c0*(dgam_dB*(0.5/gam2 - 0.25*lq2) + 0.5/(w2*gam)) Ba2_2 = c0*dgam_dB/gam Ba1c = c0*(0.5*dgamc_dB/gamc2 + (0.5*lq2*gamc*dgamc_dB - 1./w2)*c2) Ba3c = c0*(-0.25*lq2*gamc*dgamc_dB/alphad + 0.5/(w2*alphad)) Ba4_1c = (S2lq*lq)*dgamc_dB/w2 Ba4c = Ba4_1c*c2 Ba2_1c = c0*(dgamc_dB*(0.5/gamc2 - 0.25*lq2) + 0.5/(w2*gamc)) Ba2_2c = c0*dgamc_dB/gamc gB[ind2t] = Ba1[ind]*upm - ((Ba2_1[ind] + Ba2_2[ind]*t1)*egamt - Ba3[ind]*egamct)*upv\ + Ba4[ind]*upmd + (Ba4_1[ind]*ec)*upvd\ + Ba1c[ind]*upmc - ((Ba2_1c[ind] + Ba2_2c[ind]*t1)*egamct - Ba3c[ind]*egamt)*upvc\ + Ba4c[ind]*upmdc + (Ba4_1c[ind]*ec2)*upvdc ##Gradient wrt C dw_dC = 0.5*alphad/w dgam_dC = 0.5 - dw_dC dgamc_dC = 0.5 + dw_dC S2lq2 = S2lq*lq Ca1 = c0*(-0.25/alpha2 + 0.5*dgam_dC/gam2 + (0.5*lq2*gam*dgam_dC + alphad/w2)*c) Ca2_1 = c0*(dgam_dC*(0.5/gam2 - 0.25*lq2) - 0.5*alphad/(w2*gam)) Ca2_2 = c0*dgam_dC/gam Ca3_1 = c0*(0.25/alpha2 - 0.25*lq2*gam*dgam_dC/alphad - 0.5/w2) Ca3_2 = 0.5*c0/alphad Ca4_1 = S2lq2*(dgam_dC/w2) Ca4 = Ca4_1*c Ca1c = c0*(-0.25/alpha2 + 0.5*dgamc_dC/gamc2 + (0.5*lq2*gamc*dgamc_dC + alphad/w2)*c2) Ca2_1c = c0*(dgamc_dC*(0.5/gamc2 - 0.25*lq2) - 0.5*alphad/(w2*gamc)) Ca2_2c = c0*dgamc_dC/gamc Ca3_1c = c0*(0.25/alpha2 - 0.25*lq2*gamc*dgamc_dC/alphad - 0.5/w2) Ca3_2c = 0.5*c0/alphad Ca4_1c = S2lq2*(dgamc_dC/w2) Ca4c = Ca4_1c*c2 gC[ind2t] = Ca1[ind]*upm - ((Ca2_1[ind] + Ca2_2[ind]*t1)*egamt - (Ca3_1[ind] + Ca3_2[ind]*t1)*egamct)*upv\ + Ca4[ind]*upmd + (Ca4_1[ind]*ec)*upvd\ + Ca1c[ind]*upmc - ((Ca2_1c[ind] + Ca2_2c[ind]*t1)*egamct - (Ca3_1c[ind] + Ca3_2c[ind]*t1)*egamt)*upvc\ + Ca4c[ind]*upmdc + (Ca4_1c[ind]*ec2)*upvdc #Gradient wrt lengthscale #DxQ terms la = (1./lq + nu*gam)*c0 lac = (1./lq + nuc*gamc)*c0 la1 = la*c la1c = lac*c2 t_lq2 = t_lq/lq c0l = (S2[d]/w2)*(.5*lq) la3 = c0l*c la3c = c0l*c2 gam_2 = .5*gam gamc_2 = .5*gamc glq[ind2t] = la1c[ind]*upmc + (lac[ind]*ec2)*upvc\ + la3c[ind]*(-gamc_2[ind] + etlq2gamct*(-t_lq2 + gamc_2[ind]))\ + (c0l[ind]*ec2)*(-et2_lq2*(t_lq2 + gamc_2[ind]) + egamct*gamc_2[ind])\ + la1[ind]*upm + (la[ind]*ec)*upv\ + la3[ind]*(-gam_2[ind] + etlq2gamt*(-t_lq2 + gam_2[ind]))\ + (c0l[ind]*ec)*(-et2_lq2*(t_lq2 + gam_2[ind]) + egamt*gam_2[ind]) return glq, gS, gB, gC def _gkfu(self, X, index, Z, index2): index = index.reshape(index.size,) #TODO: reduce memory usage #terms that move along t d = np.unique(index) B = self.B[d].values C = self.C[d].values S = self.W[d, :].values #Index transformation indd = np.arange(self.output_dim) indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) index = indd[index] #Check where wd becomes complex wbool = C*C >= 4.*B #t column t = X[:, 0].reshape(X.shape[0], 1) C = C.reshape(C.size, 1) B = B.reshape(B.size, 1) C2 = C*C #z row z = Z[:, 0].reshape(1, Z.shape[0]) index2 = index2.reshape(index2.size,) lq = self.lengthscale.values.reshape((1, self.rank)) lq2 = lq*lq alpha = .5*C wbool2 = wbool[index] ind2t = np.where(wbool2) ind3t = np.where(np.logical_not(wbool2)) #kfu = np.empty((t.size, z.size)) glq = np.empty((t.size, z.size)) gSdq = np.empty((t.size, z.size)) gB = np.empty((t.size, z.size)) gC = np.empty((t.size, z.size)) indD = np.arange(B.size) #(1) when wd is real if np.any(np.logical_not(wbool)): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind3t] ind = index[ind3t] #Index transformation d = np.asarray(np.where(np.logical_not(wbool))[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms w = .5*np.sqrt(4.*B[d] - C2[d]) alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - 1j*w gam_2 = .5*gam S_w = S[d]/w S_wpi = S_w*(.5*np.sqrt(np.pi)) #DxQ terms c0 = S_wpi*lq #lq*Sdq*sqrt(pi)/(2w) nu = gam*lq nu2 = 1.+.5*(nu*nu) nu *= .5 #1xM terms z_lq = z/lq[0, index2] z_lq2 = -z_lq*z_lq #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq #DxM terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 #NxM terms zt_lq = z_lq - t_lq[:, index2] zt_lq2 = -zt_lq*zt_lq ezt_lq2 = -np.exp(zt_lq2) ezgamt = np.exp(z_lq2 + gamt) # Upsilon calculations fullind = np.ix_(ind, index2) upsi = - np.exp(z_lq2 + gamt + np.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nu[fullind])))) tz = t1-z z1 = zt_lq + nu[fullind] indv1 = np.where(z1.real >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1.real < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi[indv1] += np.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]))) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nua2 = nu[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi[indv2] += np.exp(nua2 - gam[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]))) upsi[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. #Gradient wrt S #DxQ term Sa1 = lq*(.5*np.sqrt(np.pi))/w gSdq[ind3t] = Sa1[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi.imag #Gradient wrt lq la1 = S_wpi*nu2 la2 = S_w*lq uplq = ezt_lq2*(gam_2[ind]) uplq += ezgamt*(-z_lq/lq[0, index2] + gam_2[ind]) glq[ind3t] = (la1[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi).imag glq[ind3t] += la2[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*uplq.imag #Gradient wrt B #Dx1 terms dw_dB = .5/w dgam_dB = -1j*dw_dB #DxQ terms Ba1 = -c0*dw_dB/w #DXQ Ba2 = c0*dgam_dB #DxQ Ba3 = lq2*gam_2 #DxQ Ba4 = (dgam_dB*S_w)*(.5*lq2) #DxQ gB[ind3t] = ((Ba1[np.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ba2[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3[np.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi).imag\ + (Ba4[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamt)).imag #Gradient wrt C (it uses some calculations performed in B) #Dx1 terms dw_dC = -.5*alphad/w dgam_dC = 0.5 - 1j*dw_dC #DxQ terms Ca1 = -c0*dw_dC/w #DXQ Ca2 = c0*dgam_dC #DxQ Ca4 = (dgam_dC*S_w)*(.5*lq2) #DxQ gC[ind3t] = ((Ca1[np.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ca2[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3[np.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi).imag\ + (Ca4[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamt)).imag #(2) when wd is complex if np.any(wbool): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind2t] ind = index[ind2t] #Index transformation d = np.asarray(np.where(wbool)[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms w = .5*np.sqrt(C2[d] - 4.*B[d]) w2 = w*w alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - w gamc = alphad + w #DxQ terms S_w= -S[d]/w #minus is given by j*j S_wpi = S_w*(.25*np.sqrt(np.pi)) c0 = S_wpi*lq gam_2 = .5*gam gamc_2 = .5*gamc nu = gam*lq nuc = gamc*lq nu2 = 1.+.5*(nu*nu) nuc2 = 1.+.5*(nuc*nuc) nu *= .5 nuc *= .5 #1xM terms z_lq = z/lq[0, index2] z_lq2 = -z_lq*z_lq #Nx1 gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq[0, index2] #NxM terms zt_lq = z_lq - t_lq zt_lq2 = -zt_lq*zt_lq ezt_lq2 = -np.exp(zt_lq2) ezgamt = np.exp(z_lq2 + gamt) ezgamct = np.exp(z_lq2 + gamct) # Upsilon calculations fullind = np.ix_(ind, index2) upsi1 = - np.exp(z_lq2 + gamct + np.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nuc[fullind])).real)) tz = t1-z z1 = zt_lq + nuc[fullind] indv1 = np.where(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1 < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi1[indv1] += np.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).real)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nuac2 = nuc[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi1[indv2] += np.exp(nuac2 - gamc[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).real)) upsi1[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. upsi2 = - np.exp(z_lq2 + gamt + np.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nu[fullind])).real)) z1 = zt_lq + nu[fullind] indv1 = np.where(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1 < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi2[indv1] += np.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).real)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nua2 = nu[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi2[indv2] += np.exp(nua2 - gam[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).real)) upsi2[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. #Gradient wrt lq la1 = S_wpi*nu2 la1c = S_wpi*nuc2 la2 = S_w*(.5*lq) uplq = ezt_lq2*(gamc_2[ind]) + ezgamct*(-z_lq/lq[0, index2] + gamc_2[ind])\ - ezt_lq2*(gam_2[ind]) - ezgamt*(-z_lq/lq[0, index2] + gam_2[ind]) glq[ind2t] = la1c[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi1 - la1[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi2\ + la2[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*uplq #Gradient wrt S Sa1 = (lq*(-.25*np.sqrt(np.pi)))/w gSdq[ind2t] = Sa1[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(upsi1 - upsi2) #Gradient wrt B #Dx1 terms dgam_dB = .5/w dgamc_dB = -dgam_dB #DxQ terms Ba1 = .5*(c0/w2) Ba2 = c0*dgam_dB Ba3 = lq2*gam_2 Ba4 = (dgam_dB*S_w)*(.25*lq2) Ba2c = c0*dgamc_dB Ba3c = lq2*gamc_2 Ba4c = (dgamc_dB*S_w)*(.25*lq2) gB[ind2t] = (Ba1[np.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ba2c[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3c[np.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi1\ + Ba4c[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamct)\ - (Ba1[np.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ba2[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3[np.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi2\ - Ba4[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamt) #Gradient wrt C #Dx1 terms dgam_dC = 0.5 - .5*(alphad/w) dgamc_dC = 0.5 + .5*(alphad/w) #DxQ terms Ca1 = -c0*(.5*alphad/w2) Ca2 = c0*dgam_dC Ca4 = (dgam_dC*S_w)*(.25*lq2) Ca2c = c0*dgamc_dC Ca4c = (dgamc_dC*S_w)*(.25*lq2) gC[ind2t] = (Ca1[np.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ca2c[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3c[np.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi1\ + Ca4c[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamct)\ - (Ca1[np.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ca2[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3[np.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi2\ - Ca4[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamt) return glq, gSdq, gB, gC #TODO: reduce memory usage def _gkfu_z(self, X, index, Z, index2): #Kfu(t,z) index = index.reshape(index.size,) #terms that move along t d = np.unique(index) B = self.B[d].values C = self.C[d].values S = self.W[d, :].values #Index transformation indd = np.arange(self.output_dim) indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) index = indd[index] #Check where wd becomes complex wbool = C*C >= 4.*B wbool2 = wbool[index] ind2t = np.where(wbool2) ind3t = np.where(np.logical_not(wbool2)) #t column t = X[:, 0].reshape(X.shape[0], 1) C = C.reshape(C.size, 1) B = B.reshape(B.size, 1) C2 = C*C alpha = .5*C #z row z = Z[:, 0].reshape(1, Z.shape[0]) index2 = index2.reshape(index2.size,) lq = self.lengthscale.values.reshape((1, self.rank)) #kfu = np.empty((t.size, z.size)) gz = np.empty((t.size, z.size)) indD = np.arange(B.size) #(1) when wd is real if np.any(np.logical_not(wbool)): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind3t] ind = index[ind3t] #TODO: Find a better way of doing this #Index transformation d = np.asarray(np.where(np.logical_not(wbool))[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms w = .5*np.sqrt(4.*B[d] - C2[d]) alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - 1j*w S_w = S[d]/w S_wpi =S_w*(.5*np.sqrt(np.pi)) #DxQ terms c0 = S_wpi*lq #lq*Sdq*sqrt(pi)/(2w) nu = (.5*gam)*lq #1xM terms z_lq = z/lq[0, index2] z_lq2 = -z_lq*z_lq #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq #DxM terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 #NxM terms zt_lq = z_lq - t_lq[:, index2] zt_lq2 = -zt_lq*zt_lq #ezt_lq2 = -np.exp(zt_lq2) ezgamt = np.exp(z_lq2 + gamt) # Upsilon calculations fullind = np.ix_(ind, index2) upsi = - np.exp(z_lq2 + gamt + np.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nu[fullind])))) tz = t1-z z1 = zt_lq + nu[fullind] indv1 = np.where(z1.real >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1.real < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi[indv1] += np.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]))) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nua2 = nu[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi[indv2] += np.exp(nua2 - gam[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]))) upsi[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. #Gradient wrt z za1 = c0*gam #za2 = S_w gz[ind3t] = (za1[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi).imag + S_w[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*ezgamt.imag #(2) when wd is complex if np.any(wbool): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind2t] ind = index[ind2t] #Index transformation d = np.asarray(np.where(wbool)[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = np.arange(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms w = .5*np.sqrt(C2[d] - 4.*B[d]) alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - w gamc = alphad + w #DxQ terms S_w = -S[d]/w #minus is given by j*j S_wpi = S_w*(.25*np.sqrt(np.pi)) c0 = S_wpi*lq nu = .5*gam*lq nuc = .5*gamc*lq #1xM terms z_lq = z/lq[0, index2] z_lq2 = -z_lq*z_lq #Nx1 gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq #NxM terms zt_lq = z_lq - t_lq[:, index2] ezgamt = np.exp(z_lq2 + gamt) ezgamct = np.exp(z_lq2 + gamct) # Upsilon calculations zt_lq2 = -zt_lq*zt_lq fullind = np.ix_(ind, index2) upsi1 = - np.exp(z_lq2 + gamct + np.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nuc[fullind])).real)) tz = t1-z z1 = zt_lq + nuc[fullind] indv1 = np.where(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1 < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi1[indv1] += np.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).real)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nuac2 = nuc[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi1[indv2] += np.exp(nuac2 - gamc[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).real)) upsi1[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. upsi2 = - np.exp(z_lq2 + gamt + np.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nu[fullind])).real)) z1 = zt_lq + nu[fullind] indv1 = np.where(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = np.where(z1 < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi2[indv1] += np.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + np.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).real)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nua2 = nu[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi2[indv2] += np.exp(nua2 - gam[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + np.log(2.))\ - np.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + np.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).real)) upsi2[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. #Gradient wrt z za1 = c0*gam za1c = c0*gamc za2 = .5*S_w gz[ind2t] = za1c[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi1 - za1[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi2\ + za2[np.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezgamct - ezgamt) return gz