Source code for GPy.kern.src.add

# Copyright (c) 2012, GPy authors (see AUTHORS.txt).
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)

import numpy as np
import itertools
from paramz.caching import Cache_this
from .kern import CombinationKernel, Kern
from functools import reduce

[docs]class Add(CombinationKernel): """ Add given list of kernels together. propagates gradients through. This kernel will take over the active dims of it's subkernels passed in. NOTE: The subkernels will be copies of the original kernels, to prevent unexpected behavior. """ def __init__(self, subkerns, name='sum'): _newkerns = [] for kern in subkerns: if isinstance(kern, Add): for part in #kern.unlink_parameter(part) _newkerns.append(part.copy()) else: _newkerns.append(kern.copy()) super(Add, self).__init__(_newkerns, name) self._exact_psicomp = self._check_exact_psicomp() def _check_exact_psicomp(self): from .. import RBF,Linear,Bias,White n_kerns = len( n_rbf = len([k for k in if isinstance(k,RBF)]) n_linear = len([k for k in if isinstance(k,Linear)]) n_bias = len([k for k in if isinstance(k,Bias)]) n_white = len([k for k in if isinstance(k,White)]) n_others = n_kerns - n_rbf - n_linear - n_bias - n_white if n_rbf+n_linear<=1 and n_bias<=1 and n_white<=1 and n_others==0: return True else: return False
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Convert the object into a json serializable dictionary. Note: It uses the private method _save_to_input_dict of the parent. :return dict: json serializable dictionary containing the needed information to instantiate the object """ input_dict = super(Add, self)._save_to_input_dict() input_dict["class"] = str("GPy.kern.Add") return input_dict
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def K(self, X, X2=None, which_parts=None): """ Add all kernels together. If a list of parts (of this kernel!) `which_parts` is given, only the parts of the list are taken to compute the covariance. """ if which_parts is None: which_parts = elif not isinstance(which_parts, (list, tuple)): # if only one part is given which_parts = [which_parts] return reduce(np.add, (p.K(X, X2) for p in which_parts))
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def Kdiag(self, X, which_parts=None): if which_parts is None: which_parts = elif not isinstance(which_parts, (list, tuple)): # if only one part is given which_parts = [which_parts] return reduce(np.add, (p.Kdiag(X) for p in which_parts))
[docs] def update_gradients_full(self, dL_dK, X, X2=None): [p.update_gradients_full(dL_dK, X, X2) for p in if not p.is_fixed]
[docs] def update_gradients_diag(self, dL_dK, X): [p.update_gradients_diag(dL_dK, X) for p in]
[docs] def gradients_X(self, dL_dK, X, X2=None): """Compute the gradient of the objective function with respect to X. :param dL_dK: An array of gradients of the objective function with respect to the covariance function. :type dL_dK: np.ndarray (num_samples x num_inducing) :param X: Observed data inputs :type X: np.ndarray (num_samples x input_dim) :param X2: Observed data inputs (optional, defaults to X) :type X2: np.ndarray (num_inducing x input_dim)""" target = np.zeros(X.shape) [target.__iadd__(p.gradients_X(dL_dK, X, X2)) for p in] return target
[docs] def gradients_X_diag(self, dL_dKdiag, X): target = np.zeros(X.shape) [target.__iadd__(p.gradients_X_diag(dL_dKdiag, X)) for p in] return target
[docs] def gradients_XX(self, dL_dK, X, X2): if X2 is None: target = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X.shape[0], X.shape[1], X.shape[1])) else: target = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0], X.shape[1], X.shape[1])) #else: # diagonal covariance # if X2 is None: # target = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X.shape[0], X.shape[1])) # else: # target = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X2.shape[0], X.shape[1])) [target.__iadd__(p.gradients_XX(dL_dK, X, X2)) for p in] return target
[docs] def gradients_XX_diag(self, dL_dKdiag, X): target = np.zeros(X.shape+(X.shape[1],)) [target.__iadd__(p.gradients_XX_diag(dL_dKdiag, X)) for p in] return target
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def psi0(self, Z, variational_posterior): if not self._exact_psicomp: return Kern.psi0(self,Z,variational_posterior) return reduce(np.add, (p.psi0(Z, variational_posterior) for p in
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def psi1(self, Z, variational_posterior): if not self._exact_psicomp: return Kern.psi1(self,Z,variational_posterior) return reduce(np.add, (p.psi1(Z, variational_posterior) for p in
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def psi2(self, Z, variational_posterior): if not self._exact_psicomp: return Kern.psi2(self,Z,variational_posterior) psi2 = reduce(np.add, (p.psi2(Z, variational_posterior) for p in #return psi2 # compute the "cross" terms from .static import White, Bias from .rbf import RBF #from rbf_inv import RBFInv from .linear import Linear #ffrom fixed import Fixed for p1, p2 in itertools.combinations(, 2): # i1, i2 = p1._all_dims_active, p2._all_dims_active # white doesn;t combine with anything if isinstance(p1, White) or isinstance(p2, White): pass # rbf X bias #elif isinstance(p1, (Bias, Fixed)) and isinstance(p2, (RBF, RBFInv)): elif isinstance(p1, Bias) and isinstance(p2, (RBF, Linear)): tmp = p2.psi1(Z, variational_posterior).sum(axis=0) psi2 += p1.variance * (tmp[:,None]+tmp[None,:]) #(tmp[:, :, None] + tmp[:, None, :]) #elif isinstance(p2, (Bias, Fixed)) and isinstance(p1, (RBF, RBFInv)): elif isinstance(p2, Bias) and isinstance(p1, (RBF, Linear)): tmp = p1.psi1(Z, variational_posterior).sum(axis=0) psi2 += p2.variance * (tmp[:,None]+tmp[None,:]) #(tmp[:, :, None] + tmp[:, None, :]) elif isinstance(p2, (RBF, Linear)) and isinstance(p1, (RBF, Linear)): assert np.intersect1d(p1._all_dims_active, p2._all_dims_active).size == 0, "only non overlapping kernel dimensions allowed so far" tmp1 = p1.psi1(Z, variational_posterior) tmp2 = p2.psi1(Z, variational_posterior) psi2 += np.einsum('nm,no->mo',tmp1,tmp2)+np.einsum('nm,no->mo',tmp2,tmp1) #(tmp1[:, :, None] * tmp2[:, None, :]) + (tmp2[:, :, None] * tmp1[:, None, :]) else: raise NotImplementedError("psi2 cannot be computed for this kernel") return psi2
[docs] @Cache_this(limit=3, force_kwargs=['which_parts']) def psi2n(self, Z, variational_posterior): if not self._exact_psicomp: return Kern.psi2n(self, Z, variational_posterior) psi2 = reduce(np.add, (p.psi2n(Z, variational_posterior) for p in #return psi2 # compute the "cross" terms from .static import White, Bias from .rbf import RBF #from rbf_inv import RBFInv from .linear import Linear #ffrom fixed import Fixed for p1, p2 in itertools.combinations(, 2): # i1, i2 = p1._all_dims_active, p2._all_dims_active # white doesn;t combine with anything if isinstance(p1, White) or isinstance(p2, White): pass # rbf X bias #elif isinstance(p1, (Bias, Fixed)) and isinstance(p2, (RBF, RBFInv)): elif isinstance(p1, Bias) and isinstance(p2, (RBF, Linear)): tmp = p2.psi1(Z, variational_posterior) psi2 += p1.variance * (tmp[:, :, None] + tmp[:, None, :]) #elif isinstance(p2, (Bias, Fixed)) and isinstance(p1, (RBF, RBFInv)): elif isinstance(p2, Bias) and isinstance(p1, (RBF, Linear)): tmp = p1.psi1(Z, variational_posterior) psi2 += p2.variance * (tmp[:, :, None] + tmp[:, None, :]) elif isinstance(p2, (RBF, Linear)) and isinstance(p1, (RBF, Linear)): assert np.intersect1d(p1._all_dims_active, p2._all_dims_active).size == 0, "only non overlapping kernel dimensions allowed so far" tmp1 = p1.psi1(Z, variational_posterior) tmp2 = p2.psi1(Z, variational_posterior) psi2 += np.einsum('nm,no->nmo',tmp1,tmp2)+np.einsum('nm,no->nmo',tmp2,tmp1) #(tmp1[:, :, None] * tmp2[:, None, :]) + (tmp2[:, :, None] * tmp1[:, None, :]) else: raise NotImplementedError("psi2 cannot be computed for this kernel") return psi2
[docs] def update_gradients_expectations(self, dL_dpsi0, dL_dpsi1, dL_dpsi2, Z, variational_posterior): tmp = dL_dpsi2.sum(0)+ dL_dpsi2.sum(1) if len(dL_dpsi2.shape)==2 else dL_dpsi2.sum(2)+ dL_dpsi2.sum(1) if not self._exact_psicomp: return Kern.update_gradients_expectations(self, dL_dpsi0, dL_dpsi1, dL_dpsi2, Z, variational_posterior) from .static import White, Bias for p1 in #compute the effective dL_dpsi1. Extra terms appear becaue of the cross terms in psi2! eff_dL_dpsi1 = dL_dpsi1.copy() for p2 in if p2 is p1: continue if isinstance(p2, White): continue elif isinstance(p2, Bias): eff_dL_dpsi1 += tmp * p2.variance else:# np.setdiff1d(p1._all_dims_active, ar2, assume_unique): # TODO: Careful, not correct for overlapping _all_dims_active eff_dL_dpsi1 += tmp * p2.psi1(Z, variational_posterior) p1.update_gradients_expectations(dL_dpsi0, eff_dL_dpsi1, dL_dpsi2, Z, variational_posterior)
[docs] def gradients_Z_expectations(self, dL_psi0, dL_dpsi1, dL_dpsi2, Z, variational_posterior): tmp = dL_dpsi2.sum(0)+ dL_dpsi2.sum(1) if len(dL_dpsi2.shape)==2 else dL_dpsi2.sum(2)+ dL_dpsi2.sum(1) if not self._exact_psicomp: return Kern.gradients_Z_expectations(self, dL_psi0, dL_dpsi1, dL_dpsi2, Z, variational_posterior) from .static import White, Bias target = np.zeros(Z.shape) for p1 in #compute the effective dL_dpsi1. extra terms appear becaue of the cross terms in psi2! eff_dL_dpsi1 = dL_dpsi1.copy() for p2 in if p2 is p1: continue if isinstance(p2, White): continue elif isinstance(p2, Bias): eff_dL_dpsi1 += tmp * p2.variance else: eff_dL_dpsi1 += tmp * p2.psi1(Z, variational_posterior) target += p1.gradients_Z_expectations(dL_psi0, eff_dL_dpsi1, dL_dpsi2, Z, variational_posterior) return target
[docs] def gradients_qX_expectations(self, dL_dpsi0, dL_dpsi1, dL_dpsi2, Z, variational_posterior): tmp = dL_dpsi2.sum(0)+ dL_dpsi2.sum(1) if len(dL_dpsi2.shape)==2 else dL_dpsi2.sum(2)+ dL_dpsi2.sum(1) if not self._exact_psicomp: return Kern.gradients_qX_expectations(self, dL_dpsi0, dL_dpsi1, dL_dpsi2, Z, variational_posterior) from .static import White, Bias target_grads = [np.zeros(v.shape) for v in variational_posterior.parameters] for p1 in self.parameters: #compute the effective dL_dpsi1. extra terms appear becaue of the cross terms in psi2! eff_dL_dpsi1 = dL_dpsi1.copy() for p2 in self.parameters: if p2 is p1: continue if isinstance(p2, White): continue elif isinstance(p2, Bias): eff_dL_dpsi1 += tmp * p2.variance else: eff_dL_dpsi1 += tmp * p2.psi1(Z, variational_posterior) grads = p1.gradients_qX_expectations(dL_dpsi0, eff_dL_dpsi1, dL_dpsi2, Z, variational_posterior) [np.add(target_grads[i],grads[i],target_grads[i]) for i in range(len(grads))] return target_grads
#def add(self, other): # parts = # if 0:#isinstance(other, Add): # #other_params = other.parameters[:] # for p in[:]: # other.unlink_parameter(p) # parts.extend( # #self.link_parameters(*other_params) # # else: # #self.link_parameter(other) # parts.append(other) # #self.input_dim, self._all_dims_active = self.get_input_dim_active_dims(parts) # return Add([p for p in parts],
[docs] def input_sensitivity(self, summarize=True): if summarize: i_s = np.zeros((self.input_dim)) for k in i_s[k._all_dims_active] += k.input_sensitivity(summarize) return i_s else: return super(Add, self).input_sensitivity(summarize)
[docs] def sde_update_gradient_full(self, gradients): """ Update gradient in the order in which parameters are represented in the kernel """ part_start_param_index = 0 for p in if not p.is_fixed: part_param_num = len(p.param_array) # number of parameters in the part p.sde_update_gradient_full(gradients[part_start_param_index:(part_start_param_index+part_param_num)]) part_start_param_index += part_param_num
[docs] def sde(self): """ Support adding kernels for sde representation """ import scipy.linalg as la F = None L = None Qc = None H = None Pinf = None P0 = None dF = None dQc = None dPinf = None dP0 = None n = 0 nq = 0 nd = 0 # Assign models for p in (Ft,Lt,Qct,Ht,Pinft,P0t,dFt,dQct,dPinft,dP0t) = p.sde() F = la.block_diag(F,Ft) if (F is not None) else Ft L = la.block_diag(L,Lt) if (L is not None) else Lt Qc = la.block_diag(Qc,Qct) if (Qc is not None) else Qct H = np.hstack((H,Ht)) if (H is not None) else Ht Pinf = la.block_diag(Pinf,Pinft) if (Pinf is not None) else Pinft P0 = la.block_diag(P0,P0t) if (P0 is not None) else P0t if dF is not None: dF = np.pad(dF,((0,dFt.shape[0]),(0,dFt.shape[1]),(0,dFt.shape[2])), 'constant', constant_values=0) dF[-dFt.shape[0]:,-dFt.shape[1]:,-dFt.shape[2]:] = dFt else: dF = dFt if dQc is not None: dQc = np.pad(dQc,((0,dQct.shape[0]),(0,dQct.shape[1]),(0,dQct.shape[2])), 'constant', constant_values=0) dQc[-dQct.shape[0]:,-dQct.shape[1]:,-dQct.shape[2]:] = dQct else: dQc = dQct if dPinf is not None: dPinf = np.pad(dPinf,((0,dPinft.shape[0]),(0,dPinft.shape[1]),(0,dPinft.shape[2])), 'constant', constant_values=0) dPinf[-dPinft.shape[0]:,-dPinft.shape[1]:,-dPinft.shape[2]:] = dPinft else: dPinf = dPinft if dP0 is not None: dP0 = np.pad(dP0,((0,dP0t.shape[0]),(0,dP0t.shape[1]),(0,dP0t.shape[2])), 'constant', constant_values=0) dP0[-dP0t.shape[0]:,-dP0t.shape[1]:,-dP0t.shape[2]:] = dP0t else: dP0 = dP0t n += Ft.shape[0] nq += Qct.shape[0] nd += dFt.shape[2] assert (F.shape[0] == n and F.shape[1]==n), "SDE add: Check of F Dimensions failed" assert (L.shape[0] == n and L.shape[1]==nq), "SDE add: Check of L Dimensions failed" assert (Qc.shape[0] == nq and Qc.shape[1]==nq), "SDE add: Check of Qc Dimensions failed" assert (H.shape[0] == 1 and H.shape[1]==n), "SDE add: Check of H Dimensions failed" assert (Pinf.shape[0] == n and Pinf.shape[1]==n), "SDE add: Check of Pinf Dimensions failed" assert (P0.shape[0] == n and P0.shape[1]==n), "SDE add: Check of P0 Dimensions failed" assert (dF.shape[0] == n and dF.shape[1]==n and dF.shape[2]==nd), "SDE add: Check of dF Dimensions failed" assert (dQc.shape[0] == nq and dQc.shape[1]==nq and dQc.shape[2]==nd), "SDE add: Check of dQc Dimensions failed" assert (dPinf.shape[0] == n and dPinf.shape[1]==n and dPinf.shape[2]==nd), "SDE add: Check of dPinf Dimensions failed" assert (dP0.shape[0] == n and dP0.shape[1]==n and dP0.shape[2]==nd), "SDE add: Check of dP0 Dimensions failed" return (F,L,Qc,H,Pinf,P0,dF,dQc,dPinf,dP0)